Suggested Time: 60 minutes

Responses are marked on the basis of the arguments presented, the specific references to works

(content), the organization of the ideas as well as conventions, voice, sentence fluency, and word

choice. Students should use the provided space for written responses only as a rough guideline

for the length.

August 2007Using two prescribed texts from the list below, write a multi-paragraph essay to

show how a major character is developed through his/her interaction with others.

June 2007“Characters often encounter difficulties when their desires come into conflict with

their responsibilities.” With reference to one longer play and one prescribed text

from the list below, explain this statement in a well-developed multi-paragraph


August 2006Works of literature frequently use objects and characters as symbols to aid in

theme development. Using two prescribed texts from the list below, show how

authors use symbols to develop a theme in each selection. Use specific references

from both works.

June 2006A character’s goals and ambitions often come into conflict with those around him/her. With reference to one longer play and one novel from the prescribed list below, show how a major character from each selection experiences conflict with society because of his/her goals and ambitions.

August 2005With reference to a dramatic play and a longer work from the prescribed text list

below, explain in a well-developed multi-paragraphed essay how any one

character serves two functions in each text.

June 2005In literature, conflict is often used to contribute to the development of theme. With

reference to one dramatic play and another text from the prescribed novels, write a multiparagraph essay supporting this statement.

August 2004A piece of writing often contains information about social issues and values. With

reference to a Shakespearean play and one of the longer prescribed texts, from the list below, show how one social issue and one value are presented in each selection. Use specific references from both works.

June 2004In the face of adversity, a character uses many strategies to ensure his/her survival. With reference to a Shakespearean play and one longer work from the prescribed or optional texts below, show how a major character from each selection develops qualities to ensure his/her survival. Specific references to each selection must be included in your essay.