Chemistry Lesson Plan 45

Unit: Unit #5: Chemical Bonding/Formulas/Shapes

Date: Thurs. Feb. 7 (1st) & Mon. Feb. 4 (5th and 7th)

Objectives/Content/Process: Attendance, pass back papers, polyatomic ion quiz, go over homework, notes (thru covalent naming), work on hw

Assignments Due: * Reading: pgs 236-243 (sec 7-2)

* HW #1 (1-10, 21-30)

* Polyatomic ions quiz (1st 5 ions)

Class Schedule for the Block:

7:45 – 7:55 * Attendance à Take attendance/absence reports, pass back papers

à Allow Ss 5-10 minutes to study/review polyatomic ions

à While 7th block is studying, see how many Ss have essentials

7:55 – 8:10 * Polyatomic Ion Quiz à Have Ss get out half sheet of paper

à Put quiz on PP, have them turn it in

8:10 – 8:20 * Go over HW #1 à Put answers up on the board/overhead

à Ask Ss if they had any Qs about them (go over a few examples)

8:20 – 8:40 * Notes à Review notes from last class

à Go through notes on covalent compounds (thru naming)

8:40 – 9:10 * Element Activity à Explain that the Ss will be given an element symbol, and that they have to find another element that they can form an covalent bond with (not diatomic)

à Work with that partner to answer the Qs

à  Put overhead with what Ss need to write down up

à  When the Ss are done with one, they will switch cards with their partner, then find another person (should have 2 compounds)

à  Hand out the cards

à  Have Ss turn in sheets

à  Ss work on HW with any leftover time

Future Assignments Due: * Reading: pgs. 244-249 (thru sec 7-3)

* HW #1 (rest of it)

* Polyatomic ion quiz (last 5 starred ions)

Teacher Reminders: - Get materials for gummy bear lab

-  Set up for Knex activity

-  Send copies of syllabus and other notebook handouts to copy center