Statement of Work
Prepared for
Version 2.0
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Prior to the parties indicating final agreement by signing a Work Order, the information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft on the issues discussed as of the date of publication and is subject to change. Furthermore, prior to the signing of the Work Order, this document should not be interpreted as an invitation to contract or a commitment on the part of Microsoft. After the Work Order has been signed, changes to this document will be managed through the Change Management Process described in this document.
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Hybrid Cloud FoundationStatement of WorkPrepared by UPDATE AUTHOR FIELD IN DOC PROPERTIES
"Hybrid Cloud Foundation - Statement of Work - Template" version 2.0 last modified on 14 Dec. 16
Template Guidance
The purpose of this document is to provide the statement of work for a Hybrid cloud foundation project.There are several options and optional work streams to consider this SOW:
- Choose either to include or delete the Azure Operations Planning (Optional, four weeks).
- Choose whether to include Deploy one application workload to Microsoft Azureor delete the section from the SOW
- The SOW is starting at 9 weeks, you can customize the SOW to as many weeks as required, due size, complexity or other implications. This is done at the Timeline section. Remember to update the WBS accordingly.
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Revision and Signoff Sheet
Change Record
Date / Author / Version / Change Reference12/16/2016 / 2.0 / Update to incorporate Azure Platform Enablement and Hybrid Cloud Foundation
Table of Contents
1Project Objectives and Scope
1.2Areas Within Scope
1.2.1General Project Scope
1.2.2Software Products / Technologies
1.2.4Training and Knowledge Transfer
1.3Areas Out of Scope
2Project Approach, Timeline and Service Deliverables
2.1.3[OPTIONAL] Azure Operations Planning
2.3Key Service Deliverables and Acceptance Process
2.3.1Key Project Service Deliverables
2.4Project Governance Approach
2.4.1Part-Time Project Management
2.4.2Communication Plan
2.4.3Issue/Risk Management Procedure
2.4.4Change Management Process
2.4.5Escalation Process
2.5Project Completion
3Project Organization and Staffing
3.1Project Organization Structure
3.2Project Roles and Responsibilities
3.2.1Customer Project Roles and Responsibilities
3.2.2Microsoft Project Roles and Responsibilities
4General Customer Responsibilities and Project Assumptions
4.1General Customer Responsibilities
4.2Project Assumptions
This statement of work (SOW) and any exhibits, appendices, schedules, and attachments to it are made pursuant to the work order (WO) No. [Click here and type WO #], dated [Click here and type WO date], the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference, by and between UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIES(“Customer”, “you”, “your”) and [Partner] (“[Partner]”, “us”, “we”, “our) or [Partner]’saffiliate, and sets forth the services to be performed by us related to the UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIESHybrid Cloud Foundation project (“project”). This SOW, together with the WO, represents the complete baseline for scope, services, service deliverables, and acceptance applicable to this project. All changes to this document will be managed in accordance with the change management process defined below. Any terms not otherwise defined herein will assume the meanings set forth in the WO.
This SOW and the associated WO expire 30 days after their publication date, unless they have been formally extended in writing by [Partner].
1Project Objectives and Scope
In this project, [Partner] will assist UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIES with integrating Microsoft Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) capabilities into your environment. This project designed to establish foundational understanding of Microsoft Azure, establish connectivity and configuration of your Microsoft Azure environment to meet your organization’s datacenter needs. We will assist your staff in understanding recommended practices for designing and operating workloads in Microsoft Azure and in developing a broad understanding of Microsoft Azure capabilities that can be used in future projects.
In this project, [Partner]can cover all or some of the aspects needed to consume, operate and manage multiple Azure services. Establishing a Hybrid Cloud Foundation infrastructure in Azure requires the planning, design and implementation of the core areas listed below. Some areas might be covered by the customer (such as on-premises network configuration), whereas others will be performed a part of this engagement. The scope of this engagement is described further in this Statement of Work.
After the initial foundation is established as part of this engagement, additional work streams should be conducted to prepare the organization to operate and manage Azure and lastly start deploying and migratingservices to Azure.
[OPTIONAL] Azure Operations Planning - UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIEShas identified their future state for Azure operations and wants to define an operational framework addressing service delivery, service integration, and the Azure brokerage function to manage an Azure-based hybrid cloud IaaS and PaaS service for their customers.
[OPTIONAL] Additionally, this project will enable a proof-of-concept onboarding of a single workload to Microsoft Azure.
When scoping a proof-of-concept onboarding of a workload, ensure that the scope is clearly identified in this statement of work with the following guidance:
- Time-box the workload onboarding activity. Measure the workload onboarding in weeks, include time for stabilization activities
- Ensure the activity is clearly outlined and the scope for the workload onboarding is well-defined
- Do not take on application development, code remediation or migration activities which would be covered in other offerings such as Enterprise Modernization
The engagement will address the following projects and work streams:
Table 1: Project/Work Streams
Project/Work stream / DescriptionHybrid Cloud Foundation / Azure Subscription planning activities to design your organization’s subscription, administrative, naming convention, information security, and billing models. High-level design and implementation of a base networking, storage, identity and compute infrastructure in your Azure subscription model.
Provide informal knowledge transfer to your staff to prepare them to operate the Solution and to expand Microsoft Azure usage into other scenarios
Azure Operations Introduction / A set of workshops helping UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIESto prepare for required and recommended Azure Operations, organizational considerations, new roles and responsibilities, introduce and explain service brokerage and service Integration. This will include assessment of Operational readiness, workshops on Azure Operational concepts, identification of Azure Operational maturity gaps.
[OPTIONAL] Azure OperationsPlanning / Utilizing Azure as hybrid cloud service requires IT organizations to change how they currently deliver on-premises IaaS to their customers and this Planning provides prescriptive guidance on how to integrate the public cloud. This Planning aids in defining the organizational shift to deliver Azure cost effectively, operate efficiently, and strive for a virtually seamless service experience. The scope of the Azure Operations Planning focuses on the people, process, and technology shifts needed to adopt hybrid cloud principles into their service portfolio and address the operational maturity gaps identified in the Azure Operations Introduction.
[OPTIONAL] Azure Proof-of-Concept Workload Onboarding / Plan, build, test, and deploy a Solution consisting of one application workload to Microsoft Azure
1.2Areas Within Scope
1.2.1General Project Scope
[Partner] will assist with planning, building, testing, and deploying an agreed upon production-level architecture for an Azure infrastructure capability to host your organization’s applicationworkloads in a standardized manner, enabling capabilities such as large-scale migration or the organization’s future cloud-enabled applications and services.
The following services will be provided:
Activity / DescriptionConduct technical Solution Alignment Workshops (SAW) / Conduct workshops with the customer on the following topics:
−Azure Envisioning and Service Overview
−Azure Service Mapping and Service Description
−Azure Subscriptions and Operations
−Azure Storage
−Azure Networking
−Azure Compute IaaS and PaaS
−Azure Identity
−Azure Security
−Azure Monitoring
−Azure Maintenance
−Azure Automation
Azure Operations Introduction / Conduct a workshop with the customer including topics on organizational and operational considerations, roles and responsibilities, service brokerage and service Integration.
Assist in configuring up to 3Microsoft Azure subscriptions / Assist in configuring with areas of focus to include:
−Configuration of aMicrosoft Azure storage account model
−Configuration of requiredMicrosoft Azureresource groups to support the subscription design
−Assist in provisioning a pair of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)virtual machines in Microsoft Azure
−Configuration of Azure Active Directory (AAD) synchronization with the customer’s AD DS infrastructure
−Configuration and upload of up to two custom server images
−Configuration of up to 3 role-based access control (RBAC) roles using built-in Azure RBAC role definitions
−Configuration of Azure Portal Monitoring (Alerts, Thresholds, Operational Monitoring)
−Configuration ofoneMicrosoft Azurevirtual network modelconsisting <=3 Microsoft Azure virtual networks, including, optional assistance with configuration of the Microsoft Azure portion of one VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection
Develop Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates / Develop the following Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates to support the following scenarios:
−Deployment of oneMicrosoft Azure storage account model
−Deployment of oneMicrosoft Azurevirtual network model
−Deployment of one sample virtual machine workload into Azure
Assist with Microsoft ExpressRoute / Assist with Microsoft ExpressRoute Planning and Configuration
Conduct Solution Demonstration Session / Lead one solution demonstration session with customer staff to provide informal knowledge transfer and share recommended practices for operating the solution
[OPTIONAL] Azure Operations Planning / Document Service Description - Document a standard Azure IaaS service description that covers all the aspects of the Azure IaaS Solution for the service consumer organization. This includes service catalog, service levels, support hours, and engagement framework
Provide Guidance for Service integration for hybrid cloud delivery - A service integration layer is necessary for using Azure and on-premises services within the IT service portfolio. Service integration is the organizational layer which overlays existing service delivery methods. This integration layer is responsible for delivering a virtually seamless IaaS for service consumers in a hybrid cloud scenario. The Azure operations Planning provides guidance how to set up an integration layer
Define roles and responsibilities - This Planning will provide the recommended roles for Azure operations and delivery. Guidance for governance and a RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) will be provided
Provide Azure operational guidance - Recommended operational guidance will be provided focusing on the Azure operational activities (daily, weekly, and monthly tasks) and how to monitor the Azure IaaS Solution, based on System Center Operations Manager
Deploy one application workload to Microsoft Azure / Conduct an Architectural Design Session (ADS) around one application or service within the environment. Results from the ADS will be documented in the following
▪Hi-level ADS results report
▪High level architectural diagram
Plan, build, test, and deploy a solution consisting of one application workload to Microsoft Azure
1.2.2Software Products / Technologies
The customer is responsible for acquiring and providing all software and services used in the project.
Table 2: Solution Software Required
Technology / Description / Provided byMicrosoft Azure / Up to 3Microsoft Azure subscriptions based on the selected Azure subscription model / UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIES
The following environments are included in the scope of this Statement of Work.
Table 3:Required Environments
Environment / Location / Responsibility / Ready ByMicrosoft Azure / Customer selected Microsoft Azure region / UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIES / Project Start Date
[OPTIONAL] (Remove if customer is not using OpsMgr, this SOW does NOT include a greenfield deployment of SCOM)
System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 or 2016 / In customer environment connected to Azure / UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIES / Project Start Date
1.2.4Training and Knowledge Transfer
No formal training is included in the scope of this Statement of Work.
Informal knowledge transfer will be provided throughout the project and during the scope of the project during project collaboration. Informal knowledge transfer is defined as informal activities provided when customer team members, associates, or contractors are working side-by-side with the [Partner] team. This includes whiteboard discussions, email threads, conference calls, and facilitated meetings on technical topics. No deliverables or meeting summaries will be provided for these sessions or activities.
[Partner] will assist with the following testing as part of this Statement of Work.In the planning phase of the project, a workshop will be conducted to plan test cases and exit criteria. Following these decisions, a high-level test plan will be created to guide testing activities related to the ARM templates created as outputs of the design and planning sessions. The test plan is typically comprised of an Excel workbook listing up to five test cases, expected results, and observed results. Testing is focused on customer specific scenarios as opposed to generic testing of Microsoft Azure fundamentals. Testing activities across all test cases are ‘time boxed’ (not to exceed) a total of 40 hours. This means that after 40 hours, if additional effort is determined to be necessary, it is subject to the Change Management process defined later in this document.
As defects are identified during testing, the defect priority will be jointly agreed upon by the UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIES and [Partner]. The [Partner] team will triage the defect and fix all in-scope P1 and P2 defects. Defect priorities are shown in the following table.
Table 4: Defect priorities found during testing
Defect Priority / Description of PriorityP1 / Showstopper defect. Development, testing, or production launch cannot proceed until the defect is corrected.
Must fix as soon as possible. Defect is blocking further progress in this area.
Solution cannot ship and the project team cannot achieve the next milestone.
P2 / Defect must be fixed prior to moving to production.
Does not affect test plan execution
P3 / It is important to correct the defect. However, it is possible to move forward into production using a workaround.
Does not impact functionality as designed (for example, Message change in user experience program).
P4 / Feature enhancement or cosmetic defect.
Design change from original concepts.
Note: P3 and P4 defects will be logged and UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIES may choose to schedule their remediation either by change request, through the process described in Section 2.4.4 of this Statement of Work, or during a subsequent release. P3 and P4 defects will not be corrected by default under this Statement of Work.
Note: Product bugs and design change requests (DCR) are not in scope. Product related issues must be addressed separately through Premier support.
1.3Areas Out of Scope
Any area that is not explicitly listed in Section 1.2 as within scope is out of scope for this engagement. The areas that are out of scope for this engagement include, but are not limited to, the following:
▪Creation of more than two supported custom server images for Azure. Existing gallery images available in Azure will be used if an Azure supported custom image cannot be made available to support the timeline of the project.
▪Setup of the on-premises VPN device. [Partner] will provide guidance and support, but UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIES networking staff will be responsible for device setup and configuration.
▪Configuration of network border access. [Partner] will provide guidance and support, but customer networking staff will be responsible for allowing any required ports and protocols needed by the Solution.
▪Azure subscriptions. UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIES is responsible for acquiring all necessary subscriptions required as a result of Work Order.
▪Configuration of Active Directory, beyond that which is explicitly required to support Azure integration.
▪Source code review. UPDATE CUSTOMER NAME IN DOC PROPERTIESwill not provide [Partner] with access to non-[Partner] source code or source code information. For any non-[Partner] code, [Partner]’s services will be limited to analysis of binary data only, such as a process dump or network monitor trace.