Dr. Ravish Kumar Chauhan
B. Sc.III Chemistry(Organic Chemistry) Section-I
Week 1 / Day 55-1-2018 / 1.5.1. Acidity of α-hydrogens
1.5.2. Alkylation of diethyl malonate
Day 6
6-1-2018 / 1.6.1. Synthetic application
1.6.2. Alkylation of ethyl acetoacetate
2 / Day 5
12-1-2018 / 1.5.1.Synthetic application
1.5.2. Synthesis of ethyl acetoacetate:TheClaisen condensation.
Day 6
13-1-2018 / 1.6.1.Keto-enoltautomerism of ethyl acetoacetate.
1.6.2. Discussion & Practice
3 / Day 5
19-1-2018 / 2.5.1Addition or chain-growth polymerization
2.5.2.Preparation of polymers
Day 6
20-1-2018 / 2.6.1.Free radical vinylpolymerization,
2.6.2.Ionic vinyl polymerization,
4 / Day 6
27-1-2018 / 2.6.1.Ziegler –Natta polymerization
2.6.2. Vinyl polymers.
5 / Day 5
2-2-2018 / 2.5.1.Condensation or step growth polymerization.
Day 6
3-2-2018 / 2.6.1.Phenol formaldehyde resins.
2.6.2.Natural and synthetic rubbers.
6 / Day 5
9-2-2018 / Discussion & Practice
Test / Assignment
7 / Day 5
16-2-2018 / 3.5.1 Molecular orbital picture ofpyrrole, furan, thiophene and pyridine.
3.5.2.Aromatic characteristicsof pyrrole, furan, thiophene and pyridine.
Day 6
17-2-2018 / 3.6.1.Methods of synthesis of furan, thiophene
3.6.2Chemical reactions with particular emphasis on the mechanism ofelectrophilic substitution
8 / Day 5
23-2-2018 / 3.5.1.Method of synthesis of pyridine
3.5.2.Mechanism of nucleophilic substitutionreactions in pyridine derivatives.
Day 6
24-2-2018 / 3.6.1.Comparison of basicity ofpyridine, piperidine and pyrrole.
3.6.2.Introduction to condensed five and six- memberedheterocycles.
10 / Day 5
9-3-2018 / 3.5.1.Prepration andreactions of indole, quinoline and isoquinoline.
3.5.2.Fisherindole synthesis, Skraup synthesis and Bischler-Napieralski synthesis.
Day 6
10-3-2018 / 3.6.1.Mechanismof electrophilic substitution reactions ofquinoline
3.6.2.Mechanismofelectrophilic substitution reactions of isoquinoline.
11 / Day 5
16-3-2018 / Discussion & Practice
Test / Assignment
Day 6
17-3-2018 / 4.6.1.Classification, of amino acids.
4.6.2. Acid-base behavior, isoelectricpoint
12 / Day 6
24-3-2018 / 4.6.1.Electrophoresis.
4.6.2.Preparation of-amino acids
13 / Day 5
30-3-2018 / 4.5.1.Structur e and nomenclature of peptide s and proteins.
4.5.2. Classificationof proteins
Day 6
31-3-2018 / 4.6.1.Peptide structure determination, end group analysis, selective hydrolysis of peptides.
4.6.2. Classical peptide synthesis
14 / Day 5
6-4-2018 / 4.5.1.Solid–phase peptide synthesis.
4.5.2.Structures of peptides and proteins
Day 6
7-4-2018 / 4.6.1.Primary structure
4.6.2.Secondary structure
15 / Day5
13-4-2018 / Discussion & Practice
16 / Day 5
20-4-2018 / Practice & Revision
Day 6
21-4-2018 / Practice & Revision
B. Sc.IIChemistry(Organic Chemistry) Section-I
Week 1 / Day33-1-2018 / 1.3.1.Nomenclature and structure of the carbonyl group.
1.3.2 Synthesis of aldehydes andketones with reference to the synthesis of aldehydes from acid chlorides
Day 4
4-1-2018 / 1.4.1.Advantage of oxidation of alcohols with chromium trioxide (Sarett reagent) PCC ,pyridinium dichromate
1.4.2.Physical properties, Comparison of reactivities of aldehydes and ketones
2 / Day 3
10-1-2018 / 1.3.1.Mechanism of nucleophilic additions to carbonyl group
1.3.2.Benzoin, aldol, Perkin and Knoevenagel condensations.
Day 4
11-1-2018 / 1.4.1.Condensation with ammonia and its derivatives.
1.4.2.Wittig reaction
3 / Day3
17-1-2018 / 1.3.1. Mannichreaction,Oxidation of aldehydes
1.3.2. Baeyer–Villiger oxidation of ketones
18-1-2018 / 1.4.1.Cannizzaro reaction. MPV, Clemmensen reduction
1.4.2.Wolff-Kishner, LiAlH4 and NaBH4 reductions
4 / Day3
25-1-2018 / 2.3.1.Structure and nomenclature of amines
2.3.2.Separation of a mixture of primary, secondary and tertiary amines.
5 / Day3
1-2-2018 / 2.3.1. Basicity constant, basicity of amines.
2.3.2.Structur al features affecting basicity of amines
7 / Day3
14-2-2018 / 2.3.1.Preparation ofalkyl and aryl amines; contd.
2.3.2.Reduction of nitro compounds, nitriles,reductive amination of aldehydic and ketonic compounds
15-2-2018 / 2.4.1.Physical properties.
2.4.2Gabriel -phthalimide reaction, Hofmann bromamide reaction.
8 / Day3
21-2-2018 / 2.3.1.Electrophilic aromatic substitution in aryl amines
2.3.2.Reactions of amines with nitrous acid.
22-2--2018 / Discussion & Practice
Test / Assignment
10 / Day3
7-3-2018 / 3.3.1.Nomenclature, Preparation of diazonium salt
3.3.2.Mechanism of diazotisation,
8-3-2018 / 3.4.1.Structure of benzene diazoniumchloride, behavior
3.4.2. Blomstrand, Kekule structure
11 / Day3
14-3-2018 / 3.3.1.Replacement of diazo group by H, OH, F, Cl, Br, I, NO2
and CN groups
3.3.2. Deduction ofdiazoniumsalts to hyrazines
15-3-2018 / 3.4.1.Couplingreaction of diazonium salts
3.4.2.Synthetic applications of coupling reactions of diazonium salts
12 / Day3
21-3-2018 / 4.3.1Molecular vibrations, Hooke 's law
4.3.2.Insrumentation, Solvents used
22-3-2018 / 4.4.1.selection rules,
4.4.2.intensity andposition of IR bands
13 / Day3
28-3-2018 / 4.3.1.measurement of IR spectrum, fingerprint region,
4.3.2.Vibrational frequency, factors
14 / Day3
4-4-2018 / 4.3.1.Characteristic absorptions of various functional groups
4.3.2.Interpretation of IR spec tra of simple organic compounds
Day 4
5-4-2018 / 4.4.1.Applicat ions of IR spectroscopy in structure elucidation of simple organic compounds.
4.4.2. Functional group and structure determination
15 / Day 3
11-4-2018 / Discussion & Practice
Test/ Assugnment
16 / Day 4
12-4-2018 / Practice & Revision
Day 4
19-4-2018 / Practice & Revision
B. Sc.I ChemistryOrganic Chemistry) Section-I
Week 1 / Day 11-1-2018 / 1.1.1.Nomenc lature of alkenes
1.1.2. Mechanisms of dehydration of alcohols
Day 2
2-1-2018 / 1.2.1.Mech.dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halide.
1.2.2.The Saytzeff rule,
2 / Day 1
8-1-2018 / 1.1.1.Hofmann elimination, physical proper ties
1.1.2.Relative stabilities ofalkenes
Day 2
9-1-2018 / 1.2.1.Chemical reactions of alkenes
1.2.2.Mechanisms involved inhydrogenation, electrophilic and free radical additions
3 / Day 1
15-1-2018 / 1.1.1.Markownikoff’s rule
1.1.2.Hydroboration–oxidation, oxymercurationreduction
Day 2
16-1-2018 / 1.2.1.Ozonolysis, hydration
1.2.2.Hydroxylation and oxidation withKMnO4
4 / Day 2
23-1-2018 / 2.2.1.Nomenclature of benzene derivatives
2.2. 2.Aromatic nucleus and side chain.
5 / Day 1
29-1-2018 / 2.1.1.Aromaticity: the Huckel rule,
2.1.2.Aromatic ions
Day 2
30-1-2018 / 2.2.1.Annulenes up to 10 carbon atomsAromatic, anti-aromatic and non-aromaticcompounds.
2.2.1.Aromatic electrophilicsubstitut ion general mechanism
7 / Day 1
12-2-2018 / 2.1.1.Mechansim of nitration sulphonation, halogenations,Friedel-Crafts reaction.
2.1.2.Energy profile diagrams
8 / Day 1
19-2-2018 / 2.1.1.Activating ,deactivating substituents
2.1.2.Orientation in disubstution
Day 2
20-2-2018 / Discussion & Practice
Test / Assignment
9 / Day 1
26-2-2018 / 3.1.1Nomenc lature of alkynes and dienes
3.11.Classification of dienes isolated, conjugated andcumulated dienes...
Day 2
27-2-2018 / 3.2.1.Structure of butadiene
3.2.2.Chemical reactions
10 / Day 1
5-3-2018 / 1,2 and 1,4 additions (Electrophilic & free radical mechanism),
3.1.2.Diels-Alder reaction
Day 2
6-3-2018 / 3.2.1. Structure and bonding inalkynes.
3.2.2.Methods of formation
11 / Day 1
12-3-2018 / 3.1.1Chemical reactions of alkynes
3.1.2. Acidity of alkynes.
Day 2
13-3-2018 / 3.2.1. Mechanism of electrophilic and nucleophilicaddition reactions
3.2.2.hydroboration-oxidation of alkynes
12 / Day 1
19-3-2018 / 4.1.1.Nomenc lature
4.1.2.Classification of alkyl halides
Day 2
20-3-2018 / 4.2.1.Methods of formation of alkyl halides
4.2.1.Chemical reactions.
13 / Day 1
26-3-2018 / 4.1.1.Mechanisms nucleophilic substitution reactions of alkyl halides
4.1.1. Stereochemistry ofnucleophilic substitution reactions of alkyl halides
Day 2
27-3-2018 / 4.2.1.SN2 and SN1reactions with energy profile diagrams.
4.2.2.Methods of formation of aryl halides
14 / Day 1
2-4--2018 / 4.1.1.Reactions of aryl halides
4.1.2.Additionelimination elimination-addition mechanisms of
nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions
Day 2
3-4--2018 / 4.2.1.Relative reactivitie s of alkyl halides v s allyl
4.2.2.Alkyl halides v svinyl and arylhalides.
15 / Day 1
9-4-2018 / Discussion & Practice
Test/ Assugnment
Day 2
10-4-2018 / Practice & Revision
16 / Day 1
16-4-2018 / Practice & Revision
Day 2
17-4-2018 / Practice & Revision