What is Agriculture Mechanization?

Agriculture Mechanization introduces you to a large range of opportunities. This project is designed to introduce you to these areas and show you the variety that exists. You will be a part of a group and your group will be assigned an area to cover. As a group, you will have to read the section provided, answer a list of questions, create a visual display, and present your findings. Individually, you will be required to help your group and then gather data from all groups once the projects are finished.

Group Assignments

Group Members: Group’s Area Assignment:

1. 1.



Once you have your assignment, look below to see what you are required to complete.

The Internal Combustion Engine and its Importance in Agriculture


1.  What were some early difficulties with engines?

2.  When was the first engine designed? Was it successful? Who designed it?

3.  What four events have to happen for an engine to work?

4.  When was the first diesel engine used on a farm? Who was responsible for making this happen?

5.  How has the engine improved farming efficiency from the 1800’s to now?

Visual Display

1.  Create a visual timeline for the development of the engine. Be sure to include captions for what is pictured, what happened at that time, and how it improved agriculture.

Agricultural Structures


1.  What are important factors to consider when planning buildings?

2.  What can poorly designed buildings cause?

3.  How can we maximize the efficiency and function of buildings?

4.  What are the six common roof types seen in agriculture structures?

5.  Summarize the many uses of agriculture structures.

Visual Display

1.  Create a poster that shows the various types of agriculture buildings and outlines their uses.

Precision Agriculture and Site-Specific Crop Management


  1. Is precision agriculture a new technology? Why?
  2. How is precision agriculture useful in modern times?
  3. How does GPS work?
  4. What are some benefits and drawbacks of precision agriculture?

Visual Display

  1. Create a poster that outlines the components of precision agriculture. Be sure to include what each component is, what is includes, and its benefits.

Areas of Agriculture Mechanics


  1. What are some types of technology used in agriculture?
  2. How much of the workforce is in agriculture and agriculture-related businesses?
  3. What is agriculture mechanization and how can it be divided.

Visual Display

  1. Create a poster that outlines each division of agriculture mechanization. Be sure to include pictures of each area and highlight what is done in that area.

Careers in Agriculture Mechanics


  1. What are the three categories of agriculture mechanics careers?
  2. Summarize the skills needed, responsibilities, pay, and education needed in each of the three categories of agriculture mechanics careers.

Visual Display

  1. Pick one career in each area and highlight what you would do in that position. Be sure to include pictures of that career, education needed, skills needed, pay, and responsibilities. Put all three together and display them on a poster.

Physical Science and Mathematics in Agriculture Mechanics


  1. What is science?
  2. Why is technology important in agriculture mechanics?
  3. How is science used in agriculture mechanics? Mathematics?
  4. What is the difference between work and power?

Visual Display

  1. Create a poster that displays various types of simple and complex machines used in agriculture.

The Development of Mechanical Technology in Agriculture


  1. How is agriculture defined today?
  2. How does the number of people who work on a farm compare with the 1800’s? Why is this different?
  3. What is agriculture mechanization?
  4. What was responsible for allowing people to migrate to the western part of the United States?
  5. Why are the following people important in the development of agriculture mechanics: Otto Rohwedder, George Washington Carver, John Froelich, Edmund Quincy, John Deere, Eli Whitney?

Visual Display

  1. Create a timeline that shows how agriculture mechanization has increased and changed over the last 300 years. Be sure to include pictures and captions that describe what the mechanization is and how it has benefited agriculture.