Directors Meeting Jan 11, 1960
Directors meeting called to order by the president with all directors and Whse manager & Gin manager present.
Previous Minutes were approved as read. Whse report was read and accepted. Gin & Mill report was read and discussed.
Motion made and seconded to pay no dividend this year unless there is no machinery bought. Carried.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
Jan 14 1960Stockholders Meeting
The 47th annual Stockholders meeting was called to order by the president with “Roll Call” indicating that (20) twenty stockholders, Gin manager and Whse manager Frankie J Jaster present.
Previous Stockholders & Directors minutes were read and accepted.
Whse Report and Gin & Mill Report were read and accepted.
Motion made and seconded to leave it up to the board of Directors any changes that are nessary [sic] to be made at Mill. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to buy a Moss-Gordin Lint cleaner and Thermo dryer for Gin. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to leave it to the board of Directors to adjust Grinding charges. Carried.
In Election of officers: R. A. Fuchs Pres., Fred Dallmeyer was elected Vice Press in place of B. C. Gatewood. E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty, Gus Draeger Treas. Otto Wegner, Ed Eberhardt and Willie Kieke as directors.
Motion made and second to re-elect finance committee by acclamation, Carried.
Elfron Hinze
Ed J. Fuchs
T. A. Felder
No further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
Jan 14, 1960Directors Meeting
The directors meeting was called to order by the president with all directors, Whse manager and Gin manager present.
Motion made and seconded to hire Frankie J Jaster at Warehouse at same terms as previous year as follows: 75 cts per bale of cotton for Handling & weighing, .15 cts per bale for reweighing. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to give the order for Gin cleaner to the Moss-Gordin representative for Delivery in May. Carried.
It was agreed to charge for grinding as follows: 20 cts cwt for Shell corn
25 cts cwt “ Ear corn
30 cts “ “ Hay, Cane etc
35 cts for a Bu of corn Meal or any roughness
20 cts “ ½ “ “ “ “
And a Minium [sic] charge of 25 cts for small amount Hammer Mill. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to look for or buy a 75 HP. motor for Hammer Mill. Carried.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
To hire manager was discussed and no agreement reached until next meeting.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
Directors Meeting Feb 20, 1960
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors & manager present.
Previous directors minutes were approved as read.
Motion made and seconded to appoint a committee to look after a [sic] Electric Motor for hammer mill. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to buy sales tickets and machine at Warehouse and Gin—Carried.
Motion made and seconded to accept H. C. Wehring resignation as general manager same effected until all nessary [sic] Bond and legal matters or Power of attorney are approved for Herbert Kunkel and agreed when any help is needed by Herbert Kunkel that he call upon H. C. Wehring, and he be paid for his service at the rate of $1.50 per hr. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to hire Herbert Kunkel as general manager for 1960 season and he be paid $1.25 per hr for his service and sign all legal documents as required and hire all nessary [sic] labor. Carried.
Not further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
March 2, 1960
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following directors present: R. A. Fuchs, W H Kieke, Fred Dallmeyer, E. T. Neutzler, Otto Wegner, Gus Draeger and Manager Herbert Kunkel & Henry Wehring.
Motion made and seconded to buy a 100 H.P. Electric motor instead of a 75 h.P. and same to be connected up with the 24 in hammer Mill at Mill and also buy a 30 h P Electric Motor and any nessary [sic] equipment that is needed, the same above which a committee was instructed to do. Carried.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler, Sec’ty
March 26, 1960
Directors Meeting called to order by the President with all directors, manager and Kermit Hinze present.
Previous directors minutes were read and approved.
It was agreed that Kermit Hinze build 12” [sic] x 14’ an addition to west corner of Gin building and start building Monday March 28, 1960 for the Moss-Gardin Lint Cleaner.
Motion made and seconded to discontinue grinding on Thursday same to start April 7. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to increase our public Liability insurance from $10,000 to $50,000. Carried.
Motion made & seconded to buy 6 foot dust collector at Schulenburg for $75.00 or less. Carried. No further business the meeting adjourned. Carried.
May 9, 1960Directors Meeting
Directors Meeting called to order by the President, with all directors, Manager and H. C. Wehring Present.
Previous minutes approved as read.
Motion made and seconded to buy a 6 ft Lummus Stick remover machine for the amount of $2172.00 less 5% discount. Carried.
Motion made and seconded as additional funds are needed. Be it resolved that manager Herbert Kunkel or President R. A. Fuchs be permitted to secure a loan from the Burton State Bank or any individual person or persons. Carried.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
Money Borrowed 1960 May 7 & 9
Notes as follows:
1 yr Herbert Kunkel -- $500.00
“ Gus Draeger 2000.00
E T. Neutzler 1500.00
Ed Eberhardt 500.00
J C. Fuchs 2000.00
O. H. Schulz 500.00
2 notes 1000.00 Ed Fuchs2000.00
It was agreed by the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc and Franke J. Jaster, that we pay for Frankie J. Jaster medical expenses for the year 1959 and he pay for his own social Security benefits for the year 1959, and hereafter the social Security benefits be withheld for the year 1960.
July 2, 1960 Directors Meeting
Directors meeting called to order by the president with all directors present.
Previous minutes approved as read.
Motion made and seconded to buy desk for Warehouse office and same was turn over to Frankie J Jaster. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to buy Telephone box and install same at warehouse. Carried.
It was agreed to get (6) six posts from Max Zuehlke as order and to look into our Tariff at warehouse, and Gin hands were hired for present season by the manager.
Also agreed that the secretary write Paul Lemm a Thank you letter for Delivering the Lummus Stick machine free of charge. No further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler, Sec
P.S.Motion made and seconded and agreed by the board of directors on above date, that all Employees must pay their debts or accounts regularly to the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc or else the full amount will be held out or deducted from their weekly pay check. Carried.
E. T. Neutzler Sec.
July 23, 1960 Directors Meeting
Directors Meeting called to order with all directors present and managers present.
Previous minutes read and approved.
Motion made and seconded to buy conveyor & Motor for same at Gin for loading cottonseed. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to charge for Ginning for the season 1960 as follows:
Hand Pulled or Machined Picked cotton @ 2.40 cwt
“ Picked cotton 1.70 cwt
“ Bagging & Ties 4.25 cwt Carried
No further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
Aug 20, 1960Directors Meeting
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors and manager present.
Motion made and seconded to take out additional fire insurance at Gin as follows: to increase insurance on building from $2500.00 to $3000.00 and insure Moss-Gardin lint cleaner, Lumious [sic] stick machine, Dryer & 4 elect motors for the additional amount of $1500.00. Carried.
It was dicussed that employees that collect money to carry sales book and give each customer a receipt sales ticket on all transactions.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted by
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
December 24, 1960 Directors Meeting
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following directors present, R. A Fuchs, E. T. Neutzler, Gus Draeger, Otto Wegner, Fred Dallmeyer, Ed Eberhardt and Whse manager Frankie J. Jaster.
Motion made and seconded to adopt the following Tariff at Whse:
(1)Receiving, Weighing, Tagging, Sampling, issuing whse receipt, on arrival will be $1.25 per B/c.
(2)Storage per month or fraction thereof 50 cts per B/c.
(3)Insurance per month or faction thereof 40 cts per B/c.
(4)Picking out B/c by tag number for shipping, resampling or reweighing 25 cts per B/c.
(5)Loading to truck or railroad car at Whse 35 cts per B/c.
(6)Drayage from Whse to Depot 25 ct per B/c.
(7)Reweighing per B/c 25 cts.
(8)Resampling per B/c 25 cts.
(9)Marking per B/c – 10 cts.
(10)Sampling cotton Classing by Board of Cotton Examiers [sic] where gin is not qualified for free classing 25 cts per B/c
(11)Wrapping samples and postage to send to Board of Cotton Classers – 25 cts per B/c.
(12)Wet or damaged cotton, We reserve the right to reject severly [sic] wet or damaged cotton, for which no whse receipt will be issued until cotton is thoroughly dried or recondition a Normal charge will be: Dry wet cotton 50 cts per B/c.
Brushing wet or muddy B/c a charge of 25 cts. Picking damaged cotton a minum [sic] charge of $1.00 per B/c. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to allow Frankie J. Jaster, $1.25 per trip to Brenham. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to reduce Alvin Kelm Water rate to $2.00 per Month. Carried.
No further business the Meeting adjourned.
Directors Meeting Jan 10, 1961
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present, R A. Fuchs, E. T. Neutzler, Fred Dallmeyer, Gus Draeger, Willie Kieke, and Ed Eberhardt and Whse manager Frankie J Jaster.
Previous minutes approved as read.
Whse Report, Gin and Mill reports were read and accepted.
Motion made and seconded to pay a dividend of 5%. Carried.
It was discussion to buy two fire extinguisher and a adding machine for the warehouse.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
Stockholders Meeting Jan 12, 1961
The 48th annual Stockholders meeting was called to order by the president, with the“Roll Call” indicating that 19 Stockholders were present and Warehouse manager Frankie J. Jaster.
Previous Stockholders and Directors minutes were approved as read.
Whse Report, Gin & Mill Report were read and accepted.
Motion made and second to leave it up to the board of the directors to control the dust or well water nozzles at the gin. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to buy gin shares at $60.00 and the same amount for resale. Carried.
Frankie J. Jaster and Herbert Kunkel were given a rising vote of thanks for their services during the past year.
A Resolution of Respect was read of E. T. Matthies and adopted to be spread on the secretary Book. Carried.
As Otto Wegner resigned as directors, Walter Kieke was nominated and elect as director.
All other officers including the Finance Committee were elected by acclamation. Carried.
As no further business a motion made and seconded to adjourn by paying the dividend checks. Carried.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
Jan. 12, 1961 Directors Meeting
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors, Whse manager and Gin manager present.
Frankie J Jaster was hired as whse manager for 1961, under the present terms. 60 cts for Receiving & B/C, 15 cts for picking out B/c, Loading out a B/c 15 cts, Drayage 15 cts, Reweighing 15 cts Resampling 15 cts, Marking B/c 05 cts. Brushing B/c 15 cts. And hired nessary [sic] labor and same to be paid by whse manager. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to put a wall in the whse office and same to left up the whse manager. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to hire Herbert Kunkel at $1.25 per hour for gin manager and he hire all nessary [sic] labor for the year of 1961. Carried.
It was agreed to put a floor at gin to make room for seed cotton.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
Marching 4, 1961 Directors Meeting
Directors meeting called to order by the president with all directors and a representative of Zeig Sheet Metal Works of Hearne present.
After discussing the dust situation at the gin a motion was made and seconded to postpone buying of dust collectors to April 1st for further consideration. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to grind three days a week omitting Thursday beginning April 1st. Carried.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
May 20th, 1961 Directors Meeting
Directors meeting called to order by the president with all directors and Gin manager present except Ed Eberhardt.
Previous minutes approved as read.
Motion made and seconded to buy new galvanized pipe according to size needed and consult Mr. Knight for recommendations. Carried.
Discuss and make a change in our Tariff to charge the CCC 25 cts for preparing papers on a bale of cotton.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
April 1, 1961Directors Meeting
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors, Gin & warehouse
manager present except Walter Kieke.
Previous minutes approved as read.
Motion made and seconded to charge for Drayage 15 cts per mile not to haul more than 15
bales of cotton per load. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to change Tariff on Receiving, Weighing, Tagging, Sampling, issuing, wharehouse [sic] receipt on arrival from $1.25 to $1.50. Carried.
It was discussed to roder $2000.00 wharehouse [sic] receipts.
Motion made and seconded to buy pipes of 100 ft to eliminate the dust situation at Gin. Carried.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler, Sec’ty
July 22, 1961 Directors Meeting
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors, Gin & Whse manager
Previous minutes approved as read.
Motion made and seconded to carried [sic] on foregoing Resolution.
To Whom it may be concerned:
Whereas: During cotton ginning season additional funds are needed
to transact business. Therefore be it resolved that (manager) Herbert Kunkel be permitted to
secure a loan from the Burton State Bank.
Motion made and seconded to buy Sugar Bagging. Carried.
Motion made & seconded to raise the prices of bagging of $1.00 Per B/c. Carried.
1961 Cotton Ginning season:
Hand Pick cotton$1.50 C.W.T.
Bollies 2.40 “ “
Bagging & Ties 5.25 “ “
Motion made and seconded to keep all our Insurance with Joe E. Snodgrass. Carried.
Motion made and seonced to change our tariff on the following: Receiving, weighing,
Tagging, sampling, and issuing receipt on arrival from 1/25 to 1/50 and Storage and Insurance per bale per month or fraction thereof .65 cts per bale. Carried.
July 29, 1961 Directors Meeting
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors present.
Motion made and seconded to shift Insurance from our Tipps, Bessmer Engines and
molasses contents and structure therein to our buildings. Same insurance policy be written
for three years. Carried.
Labor problems were discussed as Meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
Jan 6, 1962 Directors Meeting
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors present.
Whse, Gin & Mill reports were read
Previous Minutes were read and accepted.
Whse, Gin & Mill reports were read and accepted.
Motion made and seconded to pay a 5% dividend and pay another Note of $1000.00.
Motion made and seconded to sever doughnuts and coffee at annual stockholders meeting.
No further business the meeting adjourned
Submitted by
E. T. Neutzler, Sec’ty
Jan 11, 1962 Stockholders Meeting
The forty-ninth Stockholders meeting was called to order by the president with the
“Roll Call” indicating that (14) stockholders and Whse Mgr Frankie J. Jaster were present as there
was no quorum it was decided that Theo Felder represent his father Ed. J. Felder as a voting
Previous stockholders & Directors minutes were approved as read.
Whse Gin & Mill reports were read and accepted.
Both managers, Frankie J. Jaster and Herbert Kunkel were given a rising vote of thanks for their services during the year 1961.
Motion made and seconded that Gin Co to buy 6 shares gin stock from Fritz Knipstein and 2
shares from Otto Knipstein @ $60.00 share. Carried.
Motion made and seconded to look after a Hoist for Whse. Carried.
After Ed Eberhardt resigned as director, Elfon C. Hinze was nominated and elected as
Lawrence Schmidt was nominated and elected to the finance committee.
Motion made and seconded that all other officers be elected by acclamation for 1962 year.
As no other business the meeting adjourned by paying the 5% dividend checks.
Respectfully submitted by
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
Directors Meeting Jan 11, 1962
The Directors meeting called to order by the president with the following present, R. A.
Fuchs, E. T. Neutzler, Fred Dallmeyer, Willie Kieke, Walter Kieke, Whse manager Franke J. Jaster and
Gin Manager Herbert Kunkel.
It was agreed by the board of Directors to hire Frankie J. Jaster as whse manager for 75 cts
per bale of Cotton and the same terms as the year 1961 except ass 15 cts increase for receiving a
B/c which would be 75 cts per bale.
Motion made and seconded to hire Herbert Kunkel as Gin manager for the season 1962, as
same terms as the year 1961 at 1.25 hr. Carried.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
Directors Meeting April 6, 1962
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present, R. A. Fuchs,
Walter Kieke, Fred Dallmeyer, Elfron Hinze, E. T. Neutzler, Manager Herbert Kunkel and Whse manager Frankie Jaster.
Previous minutes were read and approved.
Whse & Mill problems were discussed and hands were urged to clean up at Mill and
As there was no further business the meeting adjourned.
E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty
Directors Meeting July 25, 1962
Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following directors present:
Walter Kieke, R. A. Fuchs, Gus Draeger, Elfon Hinze, E. T. Neutzler, Fred Dallmeyer, Whse Mgr
Frankie Jaster and Gin Mgr Herbert Kunkel.