Hotspot fund2014-15

Application Form

Name of Organisation
(To be used in all future correspondence)
Contact Name)
Job title/responsibility
Correspondence Address;
Mobile Tel:
Area of Aberdeenshire where the activity will take place:
Purpose of Your Organisation
Provide a summary of the main purpose of your organisation (no more than 40 words).
General Description of the proposed Event/Activity for which you are applying for funding
Nature of the project. e.g. street work, detached youth work, sports programme
How has the need for this piece of work been identified?
Expected Outcomes (Impact, what difference will it make to young people and the local community)
How will you know that you have achieved your outcomes and how will you record it?
How does the project fit with the Hotspot fund’s desired outcomes?
  1. Exciting and attractive activities which provide alternatives to those at risk of harm from alcohol and other drug use.
  2. Provision of information which promotes positive lifestyle choices.
  3. Young people who are more able to manage identified risk from alcohol and other druguse.
  4. Young people with increased confidence, self efficacy and resilience enabling them to respond positively to potential alcohol and drug use now and in the future.
  5. Young people who are exposed to positive role models.
  6. Young people with opportunities for community participation supporting the development of a healthy, active alcohol and drug free childhood and adolescence.

How does the project fit with the Hotspot fund’s priorities?
  • Projects which take place when young people are most vulnerable to anti-social behaviour and alcohol and other drug use:
  • in particular Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings
  • particularly between April and September
  • Work in identified hotspot areas: primarily but not exclusively Fraserburgh, Peterhead and Banff
  • Projects which involve partnership working.
  • Work with young people aged 12 – 25
  • Projects developed in response to evidenced local need
  • Projects developed in response to ADP partnership data

Please give details of all the partners who will be involved in delivering this project and what their role will be:
Potential Direct Beneficiaries
(that will be part of this programme) / No of Weeks
(max of 12) / No of Sessions per Week / Postcodes of participants where possible
Age Groups / Male / Female / Totals
12 - 13
14 - 16
17 - 19
20 -25
Expected Start Date / Expected Finish Date

Total Budget for the Project – please detail below all items of expenditure for this application

Ref No
Quote or
Information Sheet / Item of Expenditure / (A) / (B) / (C)
Activity Cost
£ / Amount
Applied For
£ / Matched or In Kind Funding
Totals / £ / £ / £ (D)
Note: A = B + C and the figures at D must match
Please add a sequential reference number to your quote or information sheets giving details of costs and enclose these with your application form

Matched or In Kind Funding Details – If you have received funding from other sources for this activity, you must tell us about this below.

Funding Source / Date Approved / Period of Funding
From To / Amount
£ (D)

To the best of my knowledge the information given on this form gives a true and accurate account of the organisation’s work and needs and I have read and accepted the terms and conditions of this grant fund.

Your Name (in block Caps)
(This must not be the contact person given in section 1)
Signature: / Date:

Data Protection

Aberdeenshire Council is aware of its responsibilities in ensuring the security the data you have provided as a result of this application. We confirm that we will only use this data to fulfil our duties in relation to this grant programme.

I confirm that I have read the above information regarding Data Protection and the Freedom of Information Act.

All applications can be posted to:
Michelle Barclay
Administration Assistant
Education Learning and Leisure / Or emailed to:

Woodhill House
Westburn Road
AB16 5GB Telephone 01224 664877