Transcript from 30thKnowledge Seekers Workshop held October 2, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)

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A Cornerstone of Change

A Universal Base

Gans Materials

Magrav Components

Next Step is Detach from Matter

Now It’s Coming Together

Let’s look at Ebola

Africans are Ahead of the World

Magrav Positioning and the Fertilised Egg

Light the Whole City with a 10cm wire

Start looking at Ganses as Magnets

How much Gold do you Want?

Teaching in the Rare Essence of Creation

The Health Program

Thanks to Keshe foundation New Zealand

The 4th Assassination Attempt

Commercialising the Technology

Defence Technology

The CO2 Kit

A Technical Question

Arsenic – the Attack on Mr. Keshe

Knowledge Seeker Teaching

Yvan’s Presentation on Light

Brett’s Question about the Lights

Knowledge Seekers around the table


Corn: Hello there, is this working with word? I think indeed it is so Long my God well here we go on workshop number 30 start. Hello hello hello hello (Corn getting ignition with the voice recognition program that mysteriously landed on his macbook pro.)

Rick: Okay this is the start of the 30th Keshe KS workshop and once again we’re here with Mr. Keshe at the spaceship institute, my name is Rick Crammond by the way, and we’ll be speaking to Mr. Keshe and others from the spaceship institute in Italy about a host of topics today and Mr. Keshe has mentioned about a new approach, to the work of the Kf, that he will be presenting and describing more about today so we’re looking forward to that as well as many other revelations as the night goes on

Mr Keshe: it’s morning here - good morning!

Rick: Aaahh… hello yes sorry about that – I guess it depends on your particular space time continuum, in any case without further ado let’s switch over to the folks at the spaceship institute and see what’s going on there for this week’s news – Mr. Keshe - are you there?

MK: Yes, good morning, good day, good evening, wherever you are and soon we should say good - what you call it - Horizon, when you wake up before you go to sleep. And first of all I would like to thank all the people around the Keshe foundation around the world in different name and all which are working promoting the new technology and the new ethos and living, and there are a few changes in the foundation work and approach in teaching and in a way the knowledge which we transfer and the understanding of the new knowledge.

A Cornerstone of Change

Maybe this workshop will be remembered as one of the cornerstones of change of the world of Science as we start disclosing information and try to confirm and transfer knowledge. When we look back on the history of man we started with storing things in different ways and moving things in different ways from our own legs to the four legs of animals, and from buckets we have other different ways of new science we came to have all these bolts for transferring and holding of energy and what you call it Systems and capacitors. In the recent past we have come to the world of what we called microchips and transistors and whatever it takes. I think from today we add another step to the knowledge of man and some new tools.

If you look at the whole structure of the work we done and the books and the way we have thought has been seen and centered and put in a language that most of you could understand or at least some of you could connect to, old and new, we have gone from as we said book 1 which was The Universal Order of Creation of Matters, as I’m speaking about the matter, antimatter and dark matter as was the fashion that we were not to be seen as too radical and then explaining that in the book we brought in the principle of the true understanding of the work of the plasma which is what we call the principal matter, the transition, and the matter.

So it does not matter which gravitational magnetic field strength you exist, you still live and operate the same rule. There are no quarks, up-quarks and down-quarks - the scientists who dreamed up these things – to me they are a bunch of quacks who came up with their quarks! (lol)

Now, we have to look at the reality. You are a certain magnetic gravitational field - you still are from a source that takes the time from the source for the field to reach you, which is the transition time, the transfer time from one point to another at the point that you detected which it becomes materialized to you that which is the matter state of the field, it doesn’t matter in what strength you are - you are on a human matter level or on sub-matter level to our detection, or above our matter detection. We cannot see the two sides - we can only see what is detectable to us according to the gravitational magnetic fields of the amino acids of the structure of our life on this planet. We have a very very narrow window of detection in respect to the totality of the magnetic gravitational field of the universe.

So some cases we have wondered, some of us see something and others don’t do it is just that arrangement in our amino acid is slightly different we might have a little bit more sodium and we might have a little bit less potassium so we see again a little bandwidth beyond what others can do. If we arrived at a point anywhere in the universe any creation any being any means of intelligence life is still always the same system according to where they see it, it materializes to them.

A Universal Base

So our teachings and the way the foundation teachings have gone, and in the books – it all sits on a universal base. Whereever you go in this universe like at the moment on this planet, somehow most of us know the word yes and no and we can communicate, at least in the language of English. The knowledge we transfer to you is the language of the universe. Werever you go nobody speaks about Quarks and Mesons and whatever else they came up with. They speak about where the source is, how long it takes from the source of fields both in gravitational magnetic fields to get to them and what strength manifests itself to them.

It’s very much like when you have a radio you can go to 99 or you can go to 120 or you can go to 110. The minute you pass 99 to 99.1 you cannot hear the 99 on FM because at that point is not detectable to the radio, so us human beings for example we set on 99 but the others can go to 99 and plus 99.1 so they’re aware of two fields. The fields are the same exactly there is no difference. Can we adapt Systems to be able to see the different balls and convert to our language and to our way of understanding and seeing? …In time yes. But one of the biggest problems which all of you have been facing since the time you started these workshops and those who followed the Keshe foundation and my work in the past 5- 6 years, overall in past 10 years, has been what we called understanding the principle of the working, in one language. At the moment I refer to what we call the schizophrenic condition - confusion between matter and plasma.

But from this week, we had a meeting with the knowledge seekers and I explained to them, in the foundation we move away from talking and working in the matter level. So we consider everything in plasmatic gravitational magnetic fields. What it means, how it interacts, what it means when it interacts with matter. If you go back to our work and the work of the knowledge seekers over the past few months you made these nano-coated materials. That was the beginning of the teaching - to understand the new dimension between matter and plasma because you still needed the physicality to confirm you are correct – that’s how man is – if its physical or real then I can see it, I can touch it, I accept it. As I said in the recent past – they said, if one person can replicate the pattern then the pattern is acceptable. You have replicated the production of nano-layers, hundreds of you – so the technology is 100% correct. Cough.

Then in time we took you over further because it was a very hard job for a lot of people to see matter in a simple state of plasma, because up till now we were told plasma is something you cannot see. And in creating the condition, the environment we showed you how you can release atoms, so that it goes from physical, the physicality of being joined together to individual plasmas.

Gans Materials

We call it gases in nano state so we call it GANS. So a Gans is a plasma which carries all the information and at the point of balance of its gravitational magnetic field in respect to its center manifests itself as entity, as a ball of fields.

If you look at a GANS of copper oxide you produced, or CO2, you see the attributes and the beauty of the sun. Because it’s exactly the same thing but in a miniature version according to your point of view and your understanding therefore what we have done in a very simple way has brought the whole knowledge in a very smooth way keeping you busy for the past few weeks and months to do different things to bring you to the point where we are today. Up till now we have worked to show you the matter and how you can create a plasma and how you can play with this plasma. As of first of October as I said to the knowledge seekers we only work with plasma.

The problem and the beauty of working with plasma is very simple as that you do not need to change colours and shapes as you need things. What does this mean? You don’t need to use material to create resistors and you get don’t need to make tools to make capacitors of different elements of different shape and forms. You can use the property of the plasmas that you grew as a Gans or nano-layers to create new tools. New components… what we call plasma space magrav components. Its very much like chips.

Magrav Components

The difference between what you call MCs, magrav components is from now on you use what you have created, what you have released in plasma, in holding and containing and resisting the fields for them to release or hold what you want to hold. In so many ways it’s when Luciano showed us that he drilled a hold in the - what do you call it - the magnet, and put wires around it and found it could release energy. This was a sign that slowly you lot are maturing to understand the process.

And from this point as I said you make a move and show a sign of intelligence to understand, then we release information more. So from today we try to produce new components, components which are magnetic gravitational based not matter based. What does this mean? This means that from now on you work exactly the same as the universal systems. Plasma of the solar system, which we’re a part of is not held by a cup or in a cage or in a box. The plasma of the solar system is held by gravitational magnetic field, which it creates itself with its center at the sun as its principal matter and in conjunction with the strength of the other gravitational magnetic fields in the environment of this galaxy. So that dictates the size, the position of it. So whatever comes into the plasma of this solar system, this solar system becomes a container of it and whatever this solar system releases into the environment, is what this can provide, so if you look at it the plasma of the solar system is a capacitor is a resistor is a storage is a battery is whatever you want to use it.

Now what does this mean? Start understanding and using the knowledge that has come to us over centuries and hundreds of years from other scientists. Start looking in a direction that, for example, when you have hydrogen you have one proton and one electron. Now instead of looking, which is been the habit of the scientists up till now in the plasma of the electron and the plasma of the proton, look at the totality of the plasma of the two. What we call Coulomb’s barrier, what we call the atmosphere of this planet, or whatever name you choose for different sizes. Then if you do this you come to understand the reality and the work of the plasma. So it is irrelevant how much plasma there is in this container. The number of the plasmas interaction gravitational magnetic field becomes the player in the whole structure of the new component.

The beauty of you developing these new components, what we call magrav components, is that you don’t need any wires, you don’t need any connections for connecting one to another. The only connection you need is to link into the gravitational magnetic field strength of the matter itself - so it’s very easy. You want to go fast you get yourself on the faster side of the river, when you want to go slower you go to the shore. If you understand this concept use the same with going from one point in gravitational magnetic field to another, be it in your resistors, be it in your capacitors be it in your travelling into space, be it for communicating in space. The tools of the new communication with MCs is totally different, is instantaneous, is immediate and at the same time it’s easy.

What does this mean? This means; go back to the very first time you made the nano layers and if you understood the interaction of the nano layers and how they are made. A lot of people have a misunderstanding of the totality of how simply we made the nano materials. It takes me two minutes but I think it will help you a lot to put a lot of the things that you’ve learnt in the past in order. You have two choices when you have a matter let’s look at the copper wire you choose. You can loosen the bond between the copper electrons protons atoms whatever shape or form, in two or three different ways. One of them is to heat it, to melt it. Then it flows then you don’t have a wire then you don’t have any control. Or you can heat it in the ordinary manner that it becomes like a glue – you can attach other things to it – chemically you loosen it. Or in so many ways what we do in batteries, in plating, you go for the chemical binding.

The third way and the new way that you all do with the caustic you have to understand the process. With the caustic because of its composition it creates a heat which does not liquefy the whole copper wire it does not chemically release the binding between the atoms but on the outer layer allows the freedom of the atom. So one atom is released at the right temperature. The Caustic that you use is literally a controlled microwave oven. That’s why you find your Caustic and different composition of caustic created different kind of layers with different materials.

So what do you do with Caustic? It’s hot enough, the energy and heat transfer is enough to release the coulombs barrier bond on the top layer of the copper wire. But immediately as it’s released due to the gravitational magnetic field of the environment which is the earth atmospheric condition this thing becomes like a ball balancing between the matter state to join to come again as part of the copper wire or to stay as single individual atom the way it is. But the process is so rapid it becomes like a jungle it becomes filled up with atoms. So now the only thing you do when you put your copper wire in a position in a container to let it do what you call drying, but I call organization, by indicating a flow you set the lines in order so now by that process you set a pattern for the what we call atomic structures to find in respect to each other.

And goes back again. If you remember, in magnetic gravitational fields, what we showed you was; a magnet always finds its position in respect to the other magnet in two ways. It attracts itself or it repels itself depending on if it’s receiving or its sharing. I tried to show this in a simple way if the magnets (try to see if you can see it - it will be easier for you.) If the magnets are sharing you have what you call gravitation. And then it allows the magnets to attract with each other and become one. (Can we make this closer and easier to be seen?) What you do in your layers. If you allow the magnets to join, to link up, you got gravitation but if you allow the magnets to find each one of these magnets they are like plasma.

Exactly the shape of plasma - the center of the magnet where it’s about here - this is where the principal matter sits. When you come from the center to the side that’s your transition line and what you see as the ring of the magnet this is your matter state. So these ring magnets literally clearly show the property and the strength and the way our plasma works. If I move the magnet to each other you can see the other one moves, so what you’ve done in your nano layers, this is what you have created – what you’ve created is you’ve released… if this pin was the copper wire, you have released now two atoms from it.