Suncor Emerging Leaders Programme

Suncor Energy, a globally competitive, Canadian-based integrated energy company, is offering five scholarships under the Suncor Emerging Leaders Programme. The scholarships are open to students commencing their second year of any undergraduate degree programme in the School of Engineering in September 2011.

Scholarship Application Form and Guidelines

Closing Date for Applications: Friday 28 October 2011

The University of Aberdeen: Confidential

Suncor Emerging Leaders Programme Application Form 2011

Please read the guidelines for Applicants carefully before completing this form. You should note that only applicants domiciled in the UK and classified as paying Home Fees OR applicants normally domiciled in the UK but temporarily living outside the UK and classified as paying Home Fees are eligible to apply for these scholarships. The form should be completed using black ink or word-processed. It should reach the Selection Panel no later than Friday 28 October2011. We cannot consider your application unless you have also submitted your supporting Reference which may be either open, or sealed in an envelope with your name clearly printed on the outside.

If completed by hand, please use BLOCK CAPITALS

Section 1 - Personal details

Title...... (Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms)Student ID Number......

Surname/Family Name...... First/Given Name(s)......

Date of Birth......

Degree Programme you are studying......

Correspondence Address......



...... Post Code......

Telephone Number (Home) ...... (Mobile) ......

E-Mail Address......

Section 2 –Courses taken and grades achieved in your first year at the University of Aberdeen

Year Course Grade



Section 3- Sponsorships, Scholarships & Prizes





YearSponsorship/Scholarship/Bursary nameSponsoring or awarding body





Section 4 – Outside Activities

Please tell us about any activity in which you take part that you feel is relevant to your current or future studies.






Section 5- Personal statement

Using the space provided, give reasons why you believe you should be considered for the award of a scholarship under the Suncor Emerging Leaders Programme. These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and personal characteristics. In respect of personal characteristics, applicants should be able to demonstrate that they: are enthusiastic, highly motivated and determined to succeed academically and professionally; have a strong commitment to self-development and take a pro-active and committed approach to their education; possess good communication & interpersonal skills; have an awareness of and interest in the energy industry. (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary).
































Please continue on a separate sheet if required.

The reference is enclosed

It has been completed by (give name): ......

I understand that the information I have provided will remain confidential to the Selection Panel. I confirm that the information I have provided is accurate, and understand that the provision of false information may lead to the withdrawal of any scholarship award.

Signature...... Date......

Final Checklist:

 Have you completed all sections of the application form?

 Have you provided above the name of your Referee?

 Have you signed and dated your application form?

 Have you enclosed your Reference?

The completed application form should be submitted to arrive no later than Friday 28 October2011, to:

Mrs Jenny Styles, University of Aberdeen Development Trust, University Office, King’s College, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX.

You will receive correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application.