Professional Attachment e-Logbook

Instructions & Guidelines on the use of this Logbook

  1. This logbook, if properly kept in hard or soft copy, will be a very useful reference for the author in his/her future career. It may serve as a document to highlight industry experience to prospective employers. Also, a faithfully kept logbook will give you pertinent information for your PA report.
  1. This logbook should be completed weekly. For the first time, please complete all parts in this e-logbook. Subsequently, copy the format for Part II, III & V for completion.
  1. A summary of training record (Part II) is to be completed, followed by a brief explanation of attachment duties under the heading “Training Record” (Part III). If there are diagrams/charts/drawings, etc. they may be inserted here. The description should be brief but concise and, preferably, be limited to two pages.
  1. It is advisable for you to carry a small notebook to make rough jottings of daily events that can provide the material for your logbook entries.
  1. It is advisable for you to get your Organisation Supervisor to comment on your logbook contents. This will provide you with feedback on the accuracy and relevance of your logbook entries and help your organisation supervisor plan your next stage of training. Please incorporate your supervisor’s comments in Part V, if any.
  1. If there are issues for discussion with your assigned NTU staff member, please highlight in Part IV of this logbook, before his/her planned mid-attachment visit.
  1. Please compile the logbook entries made for the first 2 weeks of attachment and email a soft copy to your assigned NTU staff member prior to his/her planned visit or phone calls to be conducted during 3rd to 5th week of PA.
  1. Subsequently, you may use this e-logbook to communicate with your NTU staff member to update him/her on your progress every fortnightly for the remaining period of the attachment.
  1. Please email soft copy of the completed logbook to the NTU staff member by the last day of the attachment.

Part I: Student Details:

School: / Nanyang Business School
NTU staff member:
Project title(s),
if applicable:
Attachment Period: /


The Project Title is to be filled if applicable. If several projects have been undertaken, these may be separately filled with subheadings i.e.

(a) Project 1

(b) Project 2 ... etc.

Part II: Summary of Training Record for a 2-week period

Brief Description of Experience / From / To

Part III: Training Record (Elaborate on training outlined in summary)

(Please start typing here.)

Part IV: Issues for Discussion with Assigned NTU Staff Member, if any

(Please start typing here.)

Part V: Comments by Organisation Supervisor, if any:

Tel/ Email:
Date Seen: