Lifelong LearningProgramme/ERASMUS
(name and ERASMUS ID code of the institution)* / Instituto PolitÉcnico de Coimbra
Institutional Coordinator / Maria João Cardoso
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
Av. Marnoco e Sousa nº30
3030-271 Coimbra, Portugal
Phone: +351 239 791250
FAX: +351 239 791262
International Relations Office contacts / Academic Management Department/International Relations
Av. Marnoco e Sousa nº30
3030-271 Coimbra, Portugal
Phone: +351 239 791250
FAX: +351 239 791262
Contact Person(s):
(name and ERASMUS ID code of the institution)*
Institutional Coordinator
International Relations Office contacts
Contact Person(s):
* full legal name of the institutions in their national languages and ERASMUS ID codes
The above mentioned institutions agree to cooperate in the following activities within the Lifelong LearningProgramme/ ERASMUS: these institutions agree to be faithfulto the principles and conditions as stated in the Lifelong LearningProgramme/ ERASMUS, the Application Forms and their European University Charters. Both parties will make the effort to carry out the agreement to the best of their abilities.
SMSStudent mobility (3 -12 months)
ERASMUS subject area / Level / Country / Total numberCode / Name / UG / Post-graduate / Doctoral / From / To / Students / Student months
(= sum)
STATeaching staff mobility (1-6 weeks)
Subject area code / Learning topics / Name of the staff member / Home country / Host country / Duration in number of weeks / Number of teaching hours per weekSTT: Non-Teaching staff mobility (1- 6 weeks)
Subject area code / Working topics / Name of the staff member / Home country / Host country / Duration in number of weeks / Number of working hours per weekSMP: Student Placements (3 -12 months)
ERASMUS subject area / Level / Country / Total numberCode / Name / UG / Post-graduate / Doctoral / From / To / Students / Student months
(= sum)
The present agreement becomes effective upon the signature of the present document and will be valid for the leading period. It is renewable for another identical period upon mutual agreement from boththe institutions which constitutean addendum to this contract.
Signatures of the legal representativesof both institutions:
INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE COIMBRAName and status of the official representative(*):
Maria João Pinto Cardoso,
Vice-President/ International Relations Coordinator / Name and status of the official representative (*):
Signature: / Signature:
Date: _____ / _____ / ______/ Date: _____ / _____ / ______
(*)Signatures of the legal representatives of both institutions: