Chair: Muhammad Shoaib
Jan 02, 2018 at 10:30 Hrs
UNICEF Officer, Peshawar.

Agenda Points;

Minutes of WASH Cluster Meeting – Feb 23, 2017Page | 1

  1. Recitation and Introduction
  2. Latest WASH needs overview
  3. PHPF Allocations
  1. Project uploading on OPS and final status
  2. Planning for WASH Cluster assessment 2018
  3. AOB

Minutes of WASH Cluster Meeting – Feb 23, 2017Page | 1

Discussion item / Comments / Action points
  1. Recitation and Introduction
1stWASH Cluster meeting KP/FATA was held on Jan 02, 2018 chaired by WASH Cluster Coordinator Mr.Muhammad Shoaib. Meeting started at 10:30 Hrs in UNICEF conference room with the recitation of Holy Quran followed by the introduction of the participants, WASH Cluster Coordinator welcomed all the participants in the meeting.
  1. Latest WASH needs overview
Discussion was made to identify the actual needs in the target areas for transitional plan 2018;
  • The latest reliable assessment is WASH DNA held in May 2017.
  • SWA is the most ignored agency. In 2017, no response has been reported in the agency in 2017 except provision of WASH services at embarkation point.
  • Mostly people are using surface water for drinking purpose and woman & girls are responsible for water pitching.
  • Recently, FORT & SARHAD have conducted assessments in SWA. They will share the reports with cluster for wide sharing.
/ FORT & SARHAD will share the SWA assessments.
  1. PHPF Allocation
First allocation of PHPF for 2018 is expected this month, Jan 2018. Cluster allocation and sector prioritization will be based on sectoral needshoweverwe are expecting around $2M - $2.5M allocation for WASH response.
As per initial discussion with Government Officials in OCHA office, South Waziristan and Kurram Agency were identified as more justified agencies for PHPF.
Once sectoral funds allocations and geographic area are finalized, RFP will be circulated with all pre-qualified organization for project proposals.
  1. Project uploading on OPS and final status
WASH Cluster Coordinator briefed the forum regarding the OPS project.
  • 17 projects have been uploaded by WASH partners.
  • The projects are in review phase.
  • Comments will be shared with concerned partners.
  • Once the projects are finalized will be approved.

  1. AOB
  • WASH Cluster Assessment 2018:
After discussion, it was finalized that WASH Assessment Working Group will be formed to finalize the assessment methodology, tools and other procedures. An email will be sent to cluster partners for nomination.
  • RotaVirus – Presentation:
A brief presentation was given by Dr. Kamran (Health Officer-UNICEF) on RotaVirus vaccines. Rotavirus is the most diarrheal causing virus one of the leading infant killers, Provincial authorities have decided to include vaccination against rotavirus in regular EPI immunization.
  • WG guidelines:
In the meeting, it was decided that lead agency of each WG will call a meeting in Jan 2018 to present the so far finalized guidelines for partners’ review and comments. In case of new suggestions, the lead agency will be responsible to incorporate the suggestions. After finalization, the guidelines will still remain in draft and will be reviewed after six months. /
  • WASH Cluster will send out email for WASH Assessment Working Group nomination.
  • Each WG will conduct meeting to review the guidelines.

Minutes of WASH Cluster Meeting – Feb 23, 2017Page | 1