Marketing Through Sponsorships: Tools and Techniques for Both Sponsors and Sponsorship Seekers

Textbook:Custom book


Description:The purpose of this course is investigate sponsorship as a component of an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) plan. This will include four basic components: (1) an introduction to sponsorships and how they relate to segmentation, target marketing and integrated marketing communication; (2) developing and selling sponsorships; (3) buying and evaluating appropriate sponsorships, and (4) special forms of sponsorships (e.g., celebrity endorsements, venue naming rights, and licensing).

Outcome Goals:1. Understand sponsorships and how they relate to segmentation, target marketing and integrated marketing communication

2. Understand how to develop and sell sponsorships to organizations

3. Learn techniques for financial evaluation, quantifying impact and recommending decisions regarding sponsorship purchases based on marketing and financial targets.


Format:There will be several methods of disseminating information in this class:

classroom discussion led by the instructor,

guest speakers,

student presentations


Evaluation:Written Sponsorship Proposal100

Presentation (seller role play)100

Presentation (buyer role play)100

Class Participation100

TOTAL400 points

Project Guidelines

You are to select your group members, your sponsored property, and your prospective sponsor.

You must select a property (sponsee) and prepare a sponsorship proposal for your selected prospective sponsor. The organizations that you select cannot already have a sponsorship in place. For example, you cannot assume the role of FIFA and target adidas as your prospect because that relationship already exists. Your proposal must include the key issues that will be covered throughout this course.

Your group will submit two original copies of its sponsorship proposal to the instructor by the due date. The second copy will be given to the buyer group for your presentation. The buyer group will be assigned.

Role Plays

Seller -Your group will prepare a 20 minute presentation designed to convince the buyer group to invest in a sponsorship of your property.

Buyer - Your group will be provided with a copy of the sponsee’s proposal. You are to review the proposal, listen to the presentation, and provide appropriate feedback, ask questions, and negotiate on the sponsorship proposal. Ultimately, your group must decide whether to invest, reject, or delay the investment decision. Delays should occur only when the seller has not provided adequate responses to your questions. Not every proposal will result in a signed contract.


Basic Concepts: Segmentation/Target Marketing/Integrated Marketing Communication

Sponsorship: Introduction

Sponsorship: Developing and Selling the Proposal

Sponsorship: Pre-event Evaluation

Sponsorship: Leveraging

Sponsorship: Ambush Marketing

Sponsorship: Post-event Evaluation

Sponsorship: Special Forms (e.g., venue naming rights, licensing, endorsements)


A concert

A charity event

A local festival

A local art fair

The Humane Society

The local chapter of CPA’s

University Athletics (Collective or one team)

A local Professional sports team

A local minor league team

WNBA team

The National Olympic Team

A professional golf tournament (PGA or LPGA or Sr. PGA)

Super Bowl

Little League World Series

X Games



Nike or adidas

Mayo Clinic



FedEx (or UPS)


Absolut (or other distilled spirit)

Budweiser (or other beer)

McDonalds (or other fast food restaurant)



Ford (or another car company)

Accor (or another hotel chain)


Levi Strauss

Kodak (or Fuji)

Delta Airlines (or another airline company)



NOTE: Your targeted sponsor can not already be associated with your chosen property. You may select your own property & sponsor, but it must be approved by the instructor. No two groups will be allowed to select EITHER the same sponsor or sponsee.