Appendix A: Current NCAA Level A dataset definitions
In the dataset definitions ‘the hospital’ refers to the hospital where the attending resuscitation team is based.
Denominator data (monthly):
- Total number of admissions to the hospital
Specifies the total number of admissions to the hospital, per calendar month. Where possible thisincludes elective, non-elective and day cases and excludes babies born in hospital and neonates.
- Total number of 2222 calls or total number of 2222 calls solely for cardiac arrest
Total number of 2222 calls (or 6666 calls in Northern Ireland) made to thehospital switchboard per calendar month / Total number of 2222 calls (or 6666 calls in Northern Ireland) made to thehospital switchboard solely for a cardiac arrest per calendar month.
Patient/cardiac arrest data:
- Record number (automated)
A unique identifier assigned to each record; value is automatically generated by the website as each record is created.
- National Health Service number
NHS Number for the individual, a unique ten-digit code assigned by the NHS to a patient (known as the Community Health Index (CHI) number in Scotland and the Health and Care Number (HCN) in Northern Ireland).
- Date of birth or estimated age
Date of birth of the individual; if the date of birth is unobtainable, judgement is used to estimate age (in years).
- Sex
Genotypical sex (sex at birth) of the individual.
- Ethnicity
Ethnicity of the individual, recorded as seen using current NHS ethnic codes.
- Date of admission to/attendance at/visit to the hospital
Earliest documented date on which the individual was originally either admitted to, attended or visited thehospital, where:
-admission to thehospital is the physical admission and recording of that admission to an in-patient bed within thehospital;
-attendance at thehospital is the physical attendance at thehospital e.g. outpatient clinic, as hospital staff member etc.; and
-visit to thehospital is a physical visit to thehospital e.g. as a family member or close friend visiting.
- Reason for admission to/attendance at/visit to the hospital
Reason for admission to/attendance at/visit to thehospital for the individual, where:
-Patient – trauma is a body wound or shock produced by sudden physical injury, as from violence or accident;
-Patient – medicalis pertaining to or requiring treatment by other than surgical means;
-Patient – elective/scheduled surgery is defined as surgery not immediately life-saving, possibly at a time to suit both patient and/or surgeon, and will normally take place days after the decision to operate, and could be booked in advance of routine admission to thehospital;
-Patient – emergency/urgent surgery is defined as immediate surgery, either simultaneous with, or as soon as possible after, resuscitation and where surgery normally takes place within minutes to hours of deciding to operate;
-Outpatient is an individual who has attended thehospital as an outpatient;
-Staff is a member of staff on duty at thehospital; and
-Visitor is an individual visiting thehospital e.g. as a family member or close friend.
- Date/time of 2222 call
Date and time (recorded using 24-hour clock) of 2222 call made for the individual.
- Status at resuscitation team arrival
Status of the individual at resuscitation team arrival (when the first team member arrived), where:
-Dead – resuscitation stopped is resuscitation stopped, as individual is dead, before or at arrival of the first member of the hospital-based resuscitation team;
-Resuscitation ongoing is resuscitation ongoing on arrival of the first member of the hospital-based resuscitation team;
-ROSC achieved before team arrival is return of a spontaneous circulation prior to arrival of the first member of the hospital-based resuscitation team; and
-Deteriorating (not yet arrested) is arrest occurring after arrival of the first member of the hospital-based resuscitation team.
- Location of arrest
Location of arrest for the individual, where:
-Pre-hospital is prior to arrival at thehospital;
-Emergency department is an accident & emergency department within thehospital;
-Emergency admissions unit (or equivalent) within thehospital, is where adult emergency patients are assessed and initial management is undertaken by in-patient hospital teams prior to transfer to an appropriate ward or discharge;
-Theatre & recovery is a theatre within thehospital, where the individual has undergone all or part of a surgical procedure or anaesthesia for a surgical procedure;
-Imaging department is an X-ray, computerised tomography(CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) or other department within thehospital dedicated to providing diagnostic imaging or interventional radiology;
-Cardiac catheter laboratory is where an individual’s heart condition is diagnosed and treated using catheters rather than surgery, within the hospital;
-Specialist treatment area includes an endoscopy suite within thehospital;
-ICU or ICU/HDU is an Intensive Care Unit or combined Intensive Care and High Dependency Care Unit within thehospital;
-HDU is a High Dependency Unit or equivalent step-up/step-down unit within thehospital;
-PICU is a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit within thehospital;
-PHDU is a Paediatric High Dependency Unit or equivalent step-up/step-down unit within thehospital;
-CCU is a Coronary Care Unit within thehospital;
-Other intermediate care area is any other area within thehospital where the level of care is greater than the normal ward but is not an ICU or combined ICU/HDU or HDU or CCU;
-Obstetrics area is a delivery suite, labour ward or obstetrics ward within thehospital;
-Ward is a ward within thehospital;
-Other internal location is any other clinical location within thehospital;
-Clinic is an outpatient clinic or other clinic within thehospital; and
-Non-clinical areais any non-clinical area within/around thehospital e.g. car park, shop, canteen, office, corridor, laboratory, etc.
- Presenting/first documented rhythm
Presenting/first documented rhythm for the individual is defined as the rhythm apparent on first applying ECG or defibrillator electrodes, where:
-Shockable – VF is ventricular fibrillation;
-Shockable – VT is a broad complex tachycardia with no palpable pulses;
-Shockable – unknown rhythm is where the presenting/first documented rhythm is documented as shockable but the precise rhythm is not recorded e.g. when using an AED (automated external defibrillator);
-Non-shockable – Asystole is no electrical activity or fine VF;
-Non-shockable – PEA is pulseless electrical activity and includes agonal rhythm;
-Non-shockable – Bradycardia is a non-shockable severe bradycardia with a pulse;
-Non-shockable – unknown rhythm is where the presenting/first documented rhythm is documented as non-shockable but the precise rhythm is not recorded;
-Unknown is where ECG or defibrillator electrodes are applied but neither the type nor the precise rhythm are recorded; and
-Never determined is where ECG or defibrillator electrodes are never applied and therefore no rhythm can be determined.
- Reason resuscitation stopped at end of team visit
Reason why resuscitation was stopped for this individual at end of this team visit, i.e. after last arrest, where:
-Alive – ROSC > 20 minutes is the return of a spontaneous circulation that was sustained for greater than 20 minutes;
-Dead – ROSC < 20 minutesis the return of a spontaneous circulation that was sustained for less than 20 minutes;
-Dead – no ROSC is death after no return of spontaneous circulation where resuscitation attempt has been completed;
-Dead – DNACPR identified is a documented valid DNACPR (‘do-not-attempt-cardiopulmonary resuscitation’) decision already in place; and
-Dead – futility is resuscitation stopped early as continuation deemed futile when team arrive.
- Transient post-arrest location
A transient post-arrest location is a location within thehospital where the individual directly went to (following the arrest), either as a holding measure or for an intervention or investigation (i.e. patient was not admitted), prior to transfer on to a post-arrest location (either within thehospital or not in thehospital), where:
-No transient post-arrest location indicates that the individual remained in the location of arrest or was transferred directly to a post-arrest location;
-Emergency department is an accident & emergency department within thehospital;
-Emergency admissions unit (or equivalent) is where adult emergency patients are assessed and initial management is undertaken by in-patient hospital teams prior to transfer to an appropriate ward or discharge;
-Theatre & recovery is a theatre within thehospital where the individual has undergone all or part of a surgical procedure or anaesthesia for a surgical procedure;
-Recovery only is a recovery room within your hospital used as a temporary critical care facility;
-Imaging department is X-ray, CT, MRI, PET or other department within thehospital dedicated to providing diagnostic imaging or interventional radiology;
-Cardiac catheter laboratory is where the individual’s heart condition was diagnosed and treated using catheters rather than surgery, in thehospital;
-ICU or ICU/HDU is an Intensive Care Unit or combined Intensive Care and High Dependency Care Unit within thehospital used as a holding measure prior to transfer on e.g. a temporary stay in ICU or ICU/HDU prior to transfer on; and
-CCU is a Coronary Care Unit within thehospital used as a holding measure prior to transfer on e.g. a temporary stay in CCU prior to transfer on.
- Post-arrest location
A post-arrest location is the first location within thehospital that the individual was admitted to post-arrest (prompted by the arrest), or the location of the arrest if the individual remains in that location, where:
-Emergency admissions unit (or equivalent) is where adult emergency patients are assessed and initial management is undertaken by in-patient hospital teams prior to transfer to an appropriate ward or discharge;
-ICU or ICU/HDU is an Intensive Care Unit or combined Intensive Care and High Dependency Care Unit within thehospital;
-HDU is a High Dependency Unit or equivalent step-up/step-down unit within thehospital;
-PICU is a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit within thehospital;
-PHDU is a Paediatric High Dependency Unit or equivalent step-up/step-down unit within thehospital;
-CCU is a Coronary Care Unit within thehospital;
-Other intermediate care area is any other area within thehospital where the level of care is greater than the normal ward but is not an ICU or combined ICU/HDU or HDU or CCU;
-Obstetrics area is a delivery suite, labour ward or obstetrics ward within thehospital;
-Ward is a ward within thehospital;
-Other internal location is any other clinical location within thehospital;
-Mortuary is a building or room within thehospital used for this purpose;
-Other hospital is any location within another hospital (can be in the same or different NHS Trust, a non-NHS hospital, or a non-UK hospital); and
-Not in hospital is any location no longer within any hospital.
- Status at discharge from the hospital
Status of the individual, at discharge from thehospital.A 'Patient still in your hospital' checkbox is available if the individual is still an in-patient within thehospital.
- Sedated at discharge from the hospital
Specifies whether the individual was sedated on discharge from thehospital. Sedated is defined as receiving continuous or intermittent doses of drugs to produce and maintain a continuous decreased level of consciousness.
- Date of discharge from the hospital
Date of discharge from your hospital is the latest documented date of the individual being physically within an in-patient bed in thehospital.
- Cerebral Performance Category at discharge from the hospital
Cerebral Performance Category is the neurological status of the individual at discharge from thehospital.
- Date/time of death
Date and time (recorded using the 24-hour clock) of death is the documented date and time of death of the individual within thehospital. Where the individual dies during the team visit, the documented time the team diagnoses the individual is dead should be recorded, even if death is certified at a later time.
- Additional information (free text)
Any additional information considered relevant about the individual; entry of data is not compulsory. Text data entered in this field may provide extra information about data entered elsewhere for a specific field in the dataset or may provide extra information not collected as part of the dataset.