Post: The Obesity Empowerment Network UK (OEN UK) was established in April 2016. It is a non-profit, user led organisation focussed on empowering and engaging people (children, young people and adults) affected by overweight and obesity. OEN UK is now seeking a Chairperson to drive the strategic development of the group.
Duration: 3 years
Background:Obesity is one of the greatest healthcare challenges faced by the NHS, with over 60 percent of the adult population either overweight or obese and more than 2.7 million people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The OEN UK was established in April of this year and is the only user led, obesity focused advocacy group in the UK. It is our mission to:
- Engage and empower people affected by overweight and obesity
- Ensure that the people affected by overweight and obesity are at the forefront of driving treatment and research initiatives in this area.
- Eliminate weight bias and discrimination in areas such as NHS policy and media.
Main responsibilities of the Chairperson:
The Chairperson will take a visible and active role in driving the development of OEN UK. The general responsibilities of a Chairperson are at the end of the document. However, some of the specific deliverables in relation to OEN UK over the next three years are outlined below:
i)Appoint up to 9 trustees (it is anticipated that these will be people affected by obesity either personally or as parents/carers).
ii)Appoint a core group of professional advisors to OEN UK
iii)In collaboration with the board, refine the current OEN UK mission statements and other existing documents
iv)Assist in the development of the OEN UK website (currently being established).
v)Maintain a presence on the OEN website, which will include the Chairperson’s profile, e.g. name, photograph and some background information.
vi)Begin engagement of key stake-holders
vii)Attendance at national meetings as the Chair of OEN UK
viii)Establish OEN UK as a charity and as such keep abreast of relevant Charity Commission guidance and ensuring its implementation.In due course, this will include submission of annual returns.
The chair will be supported for the first six months by Mr Ken Clare, who has already taken a strategic role in the setting up of OEN UK and has extensive knowledge and experience of obesity and of developing charities. Additional support for the project will be provided by Professor Rachel Batterham, Head of UCLH Centre for Weight Management and Metabolic Surgery and Head of the Centre for Obesity Research, University College London and Dr Jackie Doyle, Clinical Psychologist UCLH Centre for Weight Management and Metabolic Surgery.
Payment and expenses:
The Chairperson and Trustees of OEN UK will be paid at £75 per half day. Reasonable travel expenses can also be paid as long as receipts are available. Payments will be made retrospectively, usually within four weeks. It is not possible to provide payment in advance of meetings or travel. Please note that this does not constitute terms of employment or the intention to employ in the future. Please take advice regarding payment of income tax or how this might affect benefit payments.
Person specification:
Criteria / Essential attributes / Desirable attributesExperience / Experience of having served as a trustee/board member and a proven record of leadership in a not for profit organisation. / Previous experience of acting as a chair for a charity or similar organisation.
Knowledge / Personal knowledge of obesity (either personally or as a parent/carer of someone affected by obesity)
Good knowledge of and strong connections within the healthcare sector
Familiarity with infrastructure of the NHS the way in which evidence based treatments are decided upon and commissioned.
Knowledge of the key obesity stakeholder groups
Familiarity of medical treatments for obesity available.
Understanding of the research cycle process and ability to critically evaluate the quality of research and its implications.
Skills / Established IT skills (i.e. ability to use Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint). As numerous meetings will be held by Skype, ability to use this technology is essential.
Personal qualities / Ability to listen to others and express own views
Openness to other people’s views.
An understanding of prejudice and discrimination in relation to obesity.
OTHER / Please note the successful applicant will also be required to provide evidence of a current Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
Chairperson Role Description
The Chairperson will take a visible and active role in driving the development of OEN UK. It is anticipated that the OEN UK will be established as a charity within the first year of the Chairperson’s tenure. Ensuring adherence to Charity Commission guidelines will therefore be essential and thus this has been included in the role outline.
1.To lead and contribute to the development of strategy for the OEN UK group and website.
2.To establish OEN UK as a charity and thus to remain abreast of the relevant Charity Commission guidance and ensures its implementation. This will include the submission of annual returns.
3.To contribute to the determination, development and adherence of policies governing OEN UK, website, its team members and general membership
4.To ensure steps are taken by Committee officers and team members to ensure full and effective implementation of the OEN UK policies, procedures and strategy
5.To contribute ideas, skills and expertise regarding day to day and future actions of the group.
6.To lead the management team that oversees the conduct and performance of team members, Committee officers and the membership.
7.To make and/or ratify decisions regarding disciplinary matters concerning members or team members
8.To ensure that propriety is upheld by all Committee members, officers and team members and to ensure that appropriate procedures for doing so are in place at all times.
9.To provide regular reports on the OEN UK’s actions, strategy and future direction and to attend all Committee meetings, mods’ meetings and the AGM.
10.To set objectives for Committee officers and to monitor and review performance against those objectives.
11.To ensure that all OEN UK expenditure is legitimate and with the sole objective of being in the interests of the group’s objectives.
12.To themselves uphold all OEN UK policies, procedures and codes of conduct.
13.To maintain confidentiality regarding OEN UK business, and the Committee’s business in particular, at all times.
14.To take a shared and “cabinet responsibility” approach to the Committee’s business – once a majority decision is taken by the Committee all Committee members should act in support and uphold those decisions, keeping any personal dissent private once the debate in the Committee Room has been exhausted and the matter determined.
15.Use effective methods to project manages tasks assigned to the board and monitor team members progress.
16.To respond to any enquires to OEN UK in a timely manner, even if the member has nothing to add he/she must say so.
17.If a Committee Member is also a Committee Officer the specific duties and responsibilities of the relevant role description will apply in addition to these responsibilities.
18.If a Committee Member is also a Moderator the specific duties and responsibilities outlined in that role description will apply in addition to these responsibilities.
19.If a Committee Member is an elected member who is also a Trustee they must also comply with the guidance and requirements of the Charity Commission.
For more information on the Charity Commission, see
Application process:
In order to apply for this position, please submit:
i)A single page cover letter, using the headings above and
ii)A CV,including names of two referees that can be contacted should you be shortlisted.
Please send this via email to Dr Jacqueline Doyle (see below), quoting OEN UK)
Closing date for application: Sunday 11th December (please note this may close early depending on the number of applications)
Interview date: Friday 16th December (location and times will follow)
Contact details:
Dr Jacqueline Doyle, Clinical Psychologist, University College London Hospitals (UCLH) Centre for Weight Management and Metabolic Surgery
(please quote OEN UK), 0203 447 9419
*Copyright INVOLVE May 2012
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