Children's Cabinet Network: 2011 Directory Form

Instructions: Please complete this form only if your Coordinating Body did not complete the 2011 Child and Youth Policy Coordinating Body Survey. The Forum will use this information to include you in our directory and communications for the Children's Cabinet Network.

  1. What is the name of your Child and Youth Policy Coordinating Body?


  1. Please list the name and organization of the chairperson or co-chairs.

Chairperson/Co-Chair Name(s): ______



  1. Please list your name and contact information.





Email Address:______

  1. Which entity runs the day-to-day operations of the Child and Youth Policy Coordinating Body? Circle one.

§  Governor's office

§  Lieutenant Governor's office

§  First Spouse's office

§  An individual state agency (for example: Education, Child Protection or Human Rights)

o  (please list): ______

§  Organization outside of government (for example: a nonprofit organization)

o  (please list): ______

§  I don't know

§  None of these

5.  Which state government agencies were official members of the Child and Youth Policy Coordinating Body over the past year? Circle all that apply.


§  K-12 Education

§  Higher Education

§  Transportation

§  Health

§  Corrections

§  Early Childhood

§  Mental Health

§  Child Welfare

§  Agriculture

§  Cultural Affairs

§  Labor/Workforce Development

§  Public Safety

§  Housing

§  Justice

§  Human Services

§  Children, Youth and Families

§  Alcohol/Substance Abuse

§  Disabilities

§  Other 1 (please list): ______

§  Other 2 (please list): ______

§  Other 3 (please list): ______

§  I don't know

§  None of these



Coordinating Bodies that Participated in the Survey:

§  Alabama State Children's Policy Council (Children's Cabinet) (AL)

§  Arkansas Early Childhood Commission/State Advisory Council (AR)

§  Building Bridges Dropout Prevention, Intervention, and Reengagement Steering Committee (WA)

§  Cabinet's Shared Youth Vision Council (ME)

§  CBEC (MO)

§  Children and Youth Cabinet (FL)

§  Children's Cabinet (GA)

§  Children's Cabinet (MD)

§  Commission for Children and Families (PA)

§  Committee on Early Childhood Education and Care (VI)

§  Council for Young Children (NJ)

§  Council on Children and Families (NY)

§  Council on Children and Youth (TX)

§  Council on Children's Mental Health (TN)

§  CT Commission on Children (CT)

§  Early Childhood Advisory Council (DC)

§  Early Childhood Advisory Council (MD)

§  Early Childhood Advisory Council (NY)

§  Early Childhood Development and Health Board also serving as the State Advisory Council (AZ)

§  Early Childhood Education Cabinet (CT)

§  Early Learning Council (IL)

§  Early Learning Council (PA)

§  ECAC (TN)

§  ECIC Executive Committee (MI)

§  Florida State Advisory Council on Early Education and Care (FL)

§  Governor's Child & Youth Readiness Cabinet (MA)

§  Governor's Children's Cabinet (AS)

§  Governor's Children's Cabinet (NY)

§  Great Start Early Learning Advisory Council

§  Illinois P-20 Council (IL)

§  Interagency Task Force on Children with Special Needs (TX)

§  Iowa Collaboration for Youth Development Council (IA)

§  Joint Boards of Education (OR)

§  Kentucky's Early Childhood Advisory Council (formerly the Early Childhood Development Authority (KY)

§  MN P-20 Education Partnership (MN)

§  NC Education Cabinet (NC)

§  Office of the Child Advocate (MA)

§  Ohio Family and Children First Cabinet Council (OH)

§  Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth (OK)

§  Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness/State Early Childhood Advisory Council (OK)

§  Oregon Commission on Children and Families (OR)

§  P-20 Council (CT)

§  P-20 Council (DE)

§  P-20 Council (MO)

§  P-20 Data Coordinating Council (OK)

§  Rhode Island Early Learning Council (RI)

§  Select Committee on Children and Youth (TN)

§  State Early Childhood Advisory Council (MS)

§  State Early Childhood Advisory Council (MS)

§  Statewide Commission on Children, Youth, and their Families (SCCYF) (DC)

§  Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth (TN)

§  Wyoming Early Childhood State Advisory Council (WY)

§  Youth Committee of Connecticut Employment and Training Commission (CT)