210 E. MAIN ST.


7:30 p.m.

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call: Mayor Helena Waala, Alderpersons Trevor Diedrick, Aaron Grimm, Robert Helbing, Patrick King, Steve Ryerson and Lee Wise

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Minutes

a. Regular meeting of the Common Council held on November 12, 2012

b. Board of Canvassers meeting held on November 9, 2012

c. Board of Canvassers meeting held on November 15, 2012

d. Finance and Personnel Committee meeting held on November 26, 2012

e. Finance and Personnel Committee meeting held on December 3, 2012

5. Financial Report

a. November receipt report

b. General Fund Budget Comparison

c. Bank Account Report

6. Approval of the agenda.

7. Citizen’s request to speak before the Council:

a. Presentation from the Healthy Community Healthy Youth Committee (~30 minutes)

b. Don Simonson regarding bow hunting in the City of Wautoma.

8. Bid Openings: None

9. License Applications: Discussion and appropriate action regarding the individuals listed below that have applied for a license to serve fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors, subject to the limitations imposed by section 125.12(1), 125.32(2) of the Wisconsin statues and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto:

a. Megan Reetz for Grimm’s

10. Resolutions: None

11. Ordinances: None

12. Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer’s Correspondence

a. Administrator/ Clerk/ Treasurer’s monthly report

b. Chief Weiss’ monthly report

c. Discussion and appropriate action regarding the City of Wautoma’s Sewer Utility billing issue with Stone Ridge- Piggly Wiggly.

d. Update on the Sanitary Sewer Project and schedule.

e. Letter from Tom Kubasta regarding his payment for a grinder pump.

f. Update regarding Waushara County not wanting to purchase the parking lot at the former hotel site.

g. Discussion and appropriate action regarding at Post-Issuance Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt and Tax-Advantaged Obligations and Continuing Disclosure.

h. The city has received $25,151.64 from logging the former municipal dump.

13. Mayor’s Report to Council:

a. Discussion and appropriate action regarding the future of the city owned Gables Building.

b. Discussion and appropriate action regarding the appointment of Bruce Runnels to serve on the Wautoma Historical Board with a term expiring on December 31, 2015.

14. Committee Reports:

Finance and Personnel

a.  Discussion and appropriate action regarding the payment of the monthly vouchers.

b.  Discussion and appropriate action regarding the 2013 health and dental benefits for city employees.

c.  Discussion and appropriate action regarding the proposed Highway 22 project between Hwy 21 and Main Street. The Finance and Personnel Committee recommended canceling the project and reimbursing the state for the preliminary engineering and state review services.

d.  Discussion and appropriate action regarding the Wautoma Municipal Airport having a loaner car for people that fly into the city’s airport.

e.  Discussion and appropriate action regarding the labor contract with the Wautoma Professional Police Association for 2013.

Parks Commission

a. Discussion and appropriate action regarding the estimate from MSA Professionals to construct a board walk at the Wetlands Park for an estimated $196,160.

15. Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: Under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if special accommodations are necessary to attend the meeting, please notify the City Administrator/ Clerk/ Treasurer at 787-4044.