Nottingham Schools’ Forum

Briefing note for all Headteachers and Principals

At the last meeting of the Forum the L.A. was asked to manage a wider distribution of potential items and issues being raised, so that those representing the various groups could feel that they had the support of their various constituents.

As of the next meeting on the 8th December, all Headteachers and Principals will receive an email at least five days before the meeting when the papers are made public as required.

The email will list items that are being considered and will offer a web link to the agenda and various papers.

Headteachers and Principals may then contact their representative(s) to indicate their views on the items and thus the representatives will have a more informed view.

Current representatives are:

Maintained Primary Headteachers:

Judith Kemplay (Vice Chair)

Andy Jenkins

Terry Smith

Maintained Primary Governors:

Maria Artingstoll (Vice-Chair Dunkirk Primary GB)

Janet Molyneux (Rise Park Primary GB)

Maintained Secondary Schools:

Sally Coulton

Maintained Special Schools: Marcus Wells

Maintained PRUs: David Blackley

Maintained Nursery: Bev Angell

Primary Academies (Headteachers or Governors)

Caroline Caille

James Strawbridge (Vice-Chair Glapton Academy GB)

VACANCY – please nominate through

Secondary Academies (Headteachers or Snr. Governors)

Sian Hampton (Chair)

Tracy Rees

David Hooker

Special Academies: Tracey Ydlibi

Alt. Prov. Academies: Chris Manze

Early Years (PVI): Gary Holmes

Trade Unions: to be determined

16-19provision:VACANCY – please nominate through


With regard to Governors, it would be appreciated if you could communicate this briefing to your Chair of Governors so that they may contact their representatives on the Forum. We do not hold email addresses for all governors. Governors should contact their representatives directly.

Meetings are public and held usually in an accessible room at Loxley House.

The Forum has items for information, items for consultation and items for decision. Voting may sometimes be limited to maintained primary and maintained Secondary school representatives.

There may also be items discussed at the meeting which are exempt from publication and open meeting.

Clerk to the Forum: Phil Wye

L.A. Link Officer to the Forum:
