The conductor of Army Band of R.O.C / Hung-Yu Chang

Born in 1968, Kaohsiung, enlightened by his mother to study music during his childhood and used to study piano and conducting from Pro Guang-Hwei Cheng, Shu-Shien Ton, Yu-Shu Guo, and Da-Shen Chang. In 1988, he transferred from the department of politics ofF.K.HCollege to music department, and followed Pro Jin-Han Shiu to study conducting.

1989, his Clarinet Duet was published and his symphony poem “Fantasy”(for piano and orchestra)was published in 1990. 1991 Military Art Golden Award, he won the third prize of song writing and in 1992, Hung-yu published “Ajewaguli:The theme and Variation ”. 1995 Military Art Golden Award hewon the second prize of song writing and the best lyrics writer. 1996 enrolled in music graduate school, Fu-JenUniversity, studying conducting from Pro Lien-Chang Guo. 1997, he led the wind band of Taipei First Girl Senior High School joining the Taiwan music competition and won the first prize. 1997 summer, with CYC wind band, joined the World Wind Ensemble Festival in Austria; also performed in Vienna. May 1998, he got the Master Degree of conducting. 1997, invited by the Elite Orchestra of North America to join “1998 the Cross-century Journey” and conducted “Chinese flute Concerto—theFlying Bird”“Pi-Pa Concerto---All River Red ”in National Concert Hall and Dr. Sun Ye-Sen Memorial Hall. 1999, he led the wind band of Min-Chuang University and won the best prize of Taiwan music competition; then joined the international teacher’s workshop of the wind music and studied from the world-famous conductor, F. Fenell and R. Winther, the professor in Cincinnati University.

Jan 2001, invited by Jia-Yi Culture Bureau, Hung-yu led the Army Band of R.O.C to join the cross-year concert in Jia-yi International Wind Band Festival. 2001 summer with CYC wind band, he went to Hungary to join Europe Art Festival.In 2002, he led the Army Band performing “Victory on the War” concert in National Concert Hall. Again, Hung-yu was invited to Jia-yi International Wind Band Festival due to the successful performance last year. Recently, he led the Army Band to participate in the Third Taiwan Band Association Wind contest and won the champion prize.

Now Hung-yu is the conductor of the Military Band of Army of ROC, music director Music-collection chamber orchestra, the assistant conductor of CYCwind band, and the board of Taiwan Band Association.