/ Job Aid – Roster Contacts
Arizona State University

Faculty Center

for Roster Contacts

Job Aid

Student Records

Fall 2007



Roster Contacts will have access to The Faculty Center will help them support instructors in their area with class rosters and grade entry, replacing the old Rostergrades application.

The Roster Contact Faculty Center is designed to be used by staff members when they need to work as a proxy for an instructor. Other PeopleSoft menu components may be a better option to work with class information.


Roster Contacts will request/receive the ASU_SA_SR Roster Contacts role in order to access the PS menu Faculty Center to work as a proxy for instructors in their Academic Department. Roster Contacts do not need to be added as instructors on the schedule of classes in order to access the PS menu Faculty Center for their faculty.


ASU Customizations>Student Record>Roster Contacts>Faculty Center

Roster Contact Class Selection

Roster Contacts will be presented with a selection page to identify the class they want to work with in the faculty center. Roster Contacts are only allowed to select from classes within their designated Academic Org.

Once the Roster Contact enters their selection criteria, if there is more than one class returned, another selection option displays, allowing selection of the class(es) to work on.

When a selection is made, control will pass to the faculty center, displaying all of the classes for the instructor selected. Recommended search criteria: Instructor name or ID

Roster Contacts will be allowed to select from classes that are within their own Academic Org. Once in the faculty center, and once they have become a proxy for an instructor, they will see all classes that that instructor is teaching, regardless of the Academic Org. Roster Contacts will not be able to access the grade roster for class not in their own Academic Org.

NOTE: If you use class information on the Selection page to select a specific class, that class may not be included on the first page of the faculty center when it is displayed. The Faculty Center maintains its default display of the most current, still active term that the instructor you have selected is teaching. If you select a Fall class, but the instructor is teaching a summer class and it is still within the summer term, you will see the instructor’s summer teaching schedule on the front page of the faculty center. Use the Select Term and change to select the term of the class you need to work with, and then select the class.

The Faculty Center

Once in the Faculty Center, you will see the following page:

Select Term – enter the term you wish to work with. Click ‘change’ to refresh data.

Options – you can display all classes for the selected term, only classes with enrollment, or a weekly schedule of classes for the instructor you are viewing.

Class Details - view details about a class by clicking on the ‘class’ information.

Class Search tab – takes you to the general class search for the entire ASU schedule of classes.

Download – download/export excel spreadsheets of a list of classes begin taught that term by the instructor you are working with.

Display options: Show all classes, Only classes with enrollment, or a weekly schedule for the instructor

Class Detail:

Class Roster:

From the page you can select to see a class roster by selecting the Class Roster icon beside each class .

Grade Roster:

From the main page you can select to access grade rosters by selecting the Grade Roster icon beside each class (note: grade rosters must be generated by the Registrar’s Office before they are available).

Information on grade entry, grade changes

Notify Students via (email):

The notify option allows you send emails to all, all enrolled, or all selected students in a class. The email note that you create will be sent to you for your records with a Blind Copy sent to each student (this prevents students from seeing other student names in the email they receive).

When your Notification is sent, you will receive an error message of any students who do not have a valid email address on file, and a Notification result page.

Notification Result Page


Class Roster – The Printer Friendly Version:

–  Select this option to display a class roster better suited for printing.


–  Download excel spreadsheets.

You can obtain a spreadsheet of all of the classes someone is teaching for the selected terms from the front page of the Faculty Center by selecting the download icon :

You can obtain a spreadsheet of any class in the faculty center by selecting the class roster icon and then the download icon :

Downloading from the Faculty Center depends on various Browser settings. If you experience problems downloading, contact the ASU Help Desk.


Copyright 2006 – Arizona State University and Cedar Enterprise Solutions, Inc.

Oasis/Business Process guilds/job aids/Roster Contact job aid last updated: 8/10/2007