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How to use condoms safely and effectively

On the next page is a jumbled set of instructions for how to safely use condoms. Your job is to re-arrange the whole text so it is sequenced in a more logical order. Remember, part of the instructions can be an introduction and a conclusion.

Save the file to your computer and cut and paste the sentences into the correct order.

Use your computer skills to improve the layout of the instructions so that you are effective in getting the message across to your chosen audience. You might like to use numbers / bullets for the steps, different fonts, shading, borders etc.

Steps for the safe use of condoms:

Open the packet carefully so that you don't tear the condom.

Store condoms in a cool, dry place.

Hold the base of the condom to prevent spills.

Use a new condom each time.

Withdraw the penis before the erection is lost, so that the condom does not fall off and sperm does not leak from the condom.

Condoms are an excellent form of protection from the transmission of STI’s. They are also a reasonably effective form of contraception, when used correctly. There are a number of important procedures to follow when keeping, fitting and removing condoms.

How to use condoms safely and effectively

Use water-based lubricants, such as KY, Muko or Wet Stuff.

Following the instructions above will increase the effectiveness of the condoms. This will encourage peace of mind and increase the chance of your intimate experience being a positive one.

Do not use spit, Vaseline, baby oil or other oil-based lubricants.

Check the expiry date.

Pinch the tip of the condom before carefully rolling it down the entire shaft of the erect penis.