East Laurens Elem.

“Falcon Express”

After School



Dear Parents,

Welcome to “Falcon Express” After School Program. We are happy you have chosen us to care for your child. Our staff will work diligently to provide a safe and enjoyable after school experience!

This handbook will be your guide to the “Falcon Express” Program’s daily activities, weekly fees, discipline, and more.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kim Ward or Mrs. Rhoda Wright at 272-8612.


Hugh Kight

Principal, ELE

ELE “Falcon Express” Staff

Hugh Kight………………………………………………………………….Principal

Mrs. Kim Ward………………………………………………………….Director

Mrs. Rhoda Wright………………………………………………….Director

Mrs. Deanna Burke………………………………………..Group Leader

After School Schedule

“Falcon Express” follows the regular school calendar. We are closed on all student holidays.

Daily Schedule

After School students are released at 3:00p.m. They are to report directly to Room #810. Students involved in any after school practices such as cheerleading, baton, etc. must first report to room #810 before attending practices. It is very important that we know where our students are at all times.

After School activities include: snack time, one hour of homework time, recess, computer lab, art, and reading.


Students will be provided one hour each day to do homework. Group leaders will be available to supervise children with assignments. All students are required to begin homework in the after school program. However, if you prefer your child do his/her homework at home; please send us a written note stating your request.

We ask that parents reinforce the importance of homework by checking assignments each day for accuracy and completeness. A habit of checking your child’s homework assignments will keep you informed on his/her various studies and progress.


An afternoon snack with juice will be provided each day for the students. Please notify us in writing if your child has any food allergies.


If your child should be injured, we will notify you. Should we have an emergency involving your child, we will follow routine emergency procedures. If your child is seriously injured we will first administer first aid, call 911, and contact you. Be sure to include your child’s insurance provider and policy number on the

registration form.


We do not administer daily medication in the After School Program. Please schedule any medication that needs to be given with the school nurse before 2:30p.m.


The children enjoy the after school program and normally behave very well. We treat the children with respect and encourage them to treat others with respect.

All rules that apply during the regular school day also applies during our After School Program hours.

We do not allow running indoors, destruction of property or equipment, foul language, harming another child, etc. Disrespect, defiance, disruptive behavior or serious behavior problems will be dealt with immediately. Parents will be contacted by one of our group leaders regarding inappropriate behavior. A child may be reviewed for dismissal from this program for serious discipline referrals, at the discretion of the school principal.

Discipline Policy

The objective of “Falcon Express” discipline policy is to assure a safe, respectful, and nurturing environment for those students enrolled in the program.

Consequences for inappropriate behavior include:

1st Referral = Written Warning

2nd Referral = ½ Hour of “Time Out”

3rd Referral = 1 Hour removal from group

4th Referral = Removal from group 1 day

5th Referral = 2-Days Suspension from Program

6th Referral = Expulsion from our After School

Program for the remainder of the

School year

We will make every effort to treat children as individuals. Parents should be aware that the overall health of our program must also be considered. ELE “Falcon Express” reserves the right to dismiss any student whose actions jeopardize the overall safety and goals of our program.


Registration will be held at the beginning of each new school term on “Open House” day.

Criteria for Acceptance:

  1. Student’s behavior/discipline record
  2. Parent’s payment record
  3. Parent Pick-up History

Withdrawal from Program:

All students withdrawing from the after school program MUST notify the directors in writing one week prior to the date of withdrawal.

“Falcon Express” Fees

There is no required registration fee for our program.

REGULAR FEES (Due on Mondays)

Daily Fee = $8

Weekly Fee = $30

*A family discount will be given for two or more students! ($5)


*All students must be picked up NO LATER than 6:00p.m.

6:01-6:10 = $5 per child

6:11-6:21 = $10 per child

6:22-6:32 = $15 per child etc.

ELE “Falcon Express” After School Program Registration Form

Child’s Name ______DOB_____

Grade ______Age ______Teacher ______

Child’s Name______DOB_____

Grade ______Age ______Teacher ______

Child’s Name ______DOB _____

Grade ______Age______Teacher______

HomeAddress______City ______

Zip ______Home Number ______

Mother/Guardian’s Name ______

Cell Number ______Place of Employment______

Work Number ______

Father’s Name ______Cell Number ______

Place of Employment ______Work Number ______

Emergency Contacts (Other than parents---list two):

Name ______Relationship ______

Home Phone Number ______Cell Number ______

Name ______Relationship ______

Home Phone Number ______Cell Number______

List allergies/special precautions/treatments: ______

List persons authorized to pick up you child/children (Other than parents)

Name______Phone # ______

Name______Phone # ______

Name______Phone # ______

Signature of Person responsible for paying weekly fees: ______