Treat the rising sign as the same as you would your Sun sign – they are equal in importance. We all have two charts, a Sun sign chart and a rising sign chart, and if you are reading for only your Sun sign, you are missing half the information. You must know your time of birth to get your chart done. Do not write to the hospital – this is a government function, so write to the city or capital of the state or country where you were born, to the Hall of Records or Bureau of Vital Statistics, or some such name.

ARIES:What’s happening for SEPTEMBER 2017? (March 20-April 19)

On September 6, we have a Full Moon in Pisces 14 degrees (for some readers, the Full Moon will happen on September 6, depending on the time zone). This Full Moon will light in your twelfth house, so medical people may surround you. You may be going in a facility for a medical or dental procedure, or, because Full Moons end things, you may be finishing a protocol of physical therapy. Alternatively, you may be accompanying a family member to a facility about a medical matter. Your presence will be greatly appreciated by your mother or other person in your clan.

Full Moons bring closure, so if you have been working with doctors, you may now be coming to an end of what needed to be done (allow a plus or minus four days from this date, September -6). It looks like you will not have to return. The Full Moon in Pisces will be conjunct Pisces’ ruler, Neptune, so there may be some confusion about a diagnosis or future course. If you (or a family member) need to do an exam over, don’t fret. I like that the Full Moon and Neptune are both in ideal angle to Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration, a very favorable and auspicious sign that you are doing all the right things for health and well-being at this time.

The first two weeks will have a slow pace, so use that time to daydream about what you’d like to achieve between now and year’s end. Take time to breathe, and if you can get away weekends, that would help relax you, for later in the month you will be very busy. Take time, too, to think about your health and fitness.

It is a great feeling to be radiantly healthy. Eating clean, exercising, and having checkups can make your skin glow and your hair shiny, and give you looks you simply can’t buy in a bottle. Have you ever noticed how attractive athletes tend to be? They are at their apex, in prime condition, so of course have a certain glow about them. If you are feeling fine but know you could feel even better, or, if you have a physical medical matter that you know should be seen by a doctor, either way, the New Moon of September 19 in Virgo 27 degrees will be your friend.

At that time, you will have a crowd of heavenly bodies in your sixth house of health and fitness. Along with the New Moon, you will have the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Mars all pulling together for you. Venus, being among the planets, suggests that the team will be cheerful and ready to help. Mars will bring a flurry of activity at work that will last from September 6 to October 22. When the Sun and New Moon join those planets on September 19, be ready to step to a noticeably faster beat. If you work for yourself, as many Aries do, you will have clients beating a path to your door.

Pluto, the planet that brings powerful regenerative powers, will be in fine angle to Mercury, the planet that rules Virgo and your sixth house of health. This is especially great news, for if you have not been well, Pluto can help you recover or at least help you find a doctor with the expertise you need. With so many planets in the sixth house of health matters, you will be very focused on your body. As an Aries, you live in your head a lot and may forget that you even HAVE a body. Ha, ha, that happens to all of us. As an Aries, you are known to be competitive and talented in sports, so you may have never stopped working out. If you did take a break from being active, you might now feel that it would be a good idea to go back to the gym or to bring your fitness level up to a new notch. You might hire a trainer or start getting more active in hiking, biking, and your favorite sports. Start your new program after the New Moon arrives September 19.

TAURUS:What’s happening for SEPTEMBER2017? (April 20- May 20)

Mercury was retrograde since August 12, making everything you tried to achieve last month a little harder to do. People you needed to reach to get final answers were out of reach or indecisive. You may have come up against obstacles right and left, and each needed to be fixed before you could proceed forward. Other days I like will be the 14th and 15th to sign or move forward with career or home projects.

It will be a relief to be free of Mercury Retrograde. The next time Mercury will retrograde again will be from December 3 to December 22, indicating you’ll need to do your holiday shopping early. Start making your list. I can hear you groan, but if you do make that list, you will save yourself so much trouble. Just make the list, nothing more! It won’t be imperative to shop for gifts until November, but this year no last minute shopping will work. The stores will be empty, express shipment companies like FedEx and UPS will be overwhelmed, and many packages will never make it on time. If you have someone special to buy a gift for – your partner, a child, your mother, sister, father, and best friend – you get the idea. I suggest if you can shop early to avoid disappointment and frustration.

If your birthday falls on May 5 plus or minus four days, you will benefit the most from this Full Moon. If you have Taurus rising, 14 degrees, or the moon in Taurus of the same degree, with the same tolerance of plus or minus four days, you, too, will feel the effects of this Full Moon September 6 very strongly. Also if you have a natal planet at 14 degrees, plus or minus four degrees, in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, get set for a wonderful Full Moon.

This New Moon will benefit you the most if you are a Taurus born on May 18, plus or minus three days. If you have Taurus rising 27 degrees, or the natal moon at that degree, plus or minus four degrees, you, too, will benefit. Also, if you know your chart, if you have a natal planet at 27 degrees Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you will find that benefit brings you happiness this month.

There is one caution to note concerning the New Moon, September 19, for Neptune will oppose Mercury, and Mercury is the planet that rules your fifth house of true love. Neptune has two very different sides, and I will describe them both to you now.

The ancient astrologers knew that Mars and Venus, when aligned perfectly, have the job of setting off the sexy sparks of love. Venus and Mars want to be together. Most of the time, the universe sends each planet, Venus and Mars, to different corners of the universe, and so all Venus and Mars can do is gaze at one another across the star-studded evening sky.

Now, suddenly, a rendezvous of these two love birds is being planned, and they will be close – scheduled to embrace on October 6 and be mathematically close enough for you to feel the sparkling silver dust of love during September’s last week. Attached, married, or single, the planets are twinkling just for you. By early October, the silver dust will come down in a thick flurry of beauty, like a snowstorm of love, but by the last day of September you will be close enough to feel theones of this lovely blizzard.

GEMINI:What’s happening for SEPTEMBER 2017? (May 20- June 20)

September will be a big month for you because the top and bottom houses of your chart will be lit up brilliantly, and those are the houses of the chart that rule your career and home and family. There will be big news on both fronts, and it looks like news will be gratifying and help you make lots of progress.

Something else is happening during the first week of September that could prove to be so important, you might call it life altering. On September 3 and 4, Mars, quietly orbiting through deep space, will reach 29 degrees Leo, precisely the same degree that the New Moon Solar Eclipse reached last month on August 21. In astrology, this is significant. You may get news about a new communications project that would make good use of your skills, and that can lead you to new heights in your industry. Most Gemini are considered very talented with writing, editing, speaking, advertising copywriting, public relations, negotiating, social media, or other communication arts.

Speaking of career and money once Pluto goes direct, September 28, you will find it easier to manage your money and also to make more money, mainly through commission. Pluto has been retrograde since April 20, so some Gemini have endured months of possible financial stress, and if this describes your situation, this turn of Pluto should help you.

On Friday, September 15, Venus will receive shimmering signals from Jupiter, linking quick, short travel to romance. If you have a partner, this could turn out to be quite a bewitching weekend. If you don’t have a partner, then you stand a good chance of meeting an intriguing someone on your trip. Go to a resort where singles like you go to increase your chances of success.

By the third week, Venus will enter Virgo and move into your home sector for a month, starting on September 19, and will stay until October 15, making for nearly four weeks of benefic vibes from Venus, the planet that beautifies just about anything it touches. This time Venus will train her attention on your home space. If you want to improve the style and comfort of your home, you’ll have the ideal planet, Venus, to help you find all the right options.

Mercury will no longer be retrograde as of September 6, a condition that started last month on August 12. It is unwise to sign a contract while Mercury is retrograde, but there are other times that occasionally make it unwise to sign due to other planets’ conversations. A case of point will be September 19. On that day, your ruling planet, Mercury, and planet of contracts, will be under Neptune’s cloud, so facts will be obscured. Wait for better days to sign: September 22 or 23.

Watch September 3-4 for news about more travel to a near or far point, when Mars will reach the same degree as the E of last month, 29 degrees Leo, planet of surprise. You’ll see friends and have quite a glorious time to spend out of your usual base.

Another superb time to pack and go on the road will be over September 15-17, when Venus will still be in Leo and your house of travel, and will receive dazzling beams from Jupiter in your love and romance sector (Friday, September 15) and from Uranus in your friends, fun, and events sector (Sunday, September 17).

If you want to entertain guests at home this month, it’s a great idea – start planning early. Choose the weekend of September 30-October 1, when the transiting moon will be in Aquarius, an air sign like yours. More importantly, Venus and Mars, the cosmic lovers, will be inching toward a rare and loving conjunction, setting off a halo of golden vibrations. Venus and Mars will meet October 6, but you will feel the building energy of these two lovebirds in the last days of September. You might want to give a party at home, and it will be an event your guests will adore. You may even decide to successfully play matchmaker to two friends you feel belong together.

CANCER:What’s happening for SEPTEMER2017? (June 21 - July 22)

This will be a big month for communication, and how well you write, speak, edit, do research, sell, or teach may make or break your month. The smart money is betting on you, so there is no reason to worry. I will show you how the month is structured so that you will be ready to take opportunity as it comes.

On these days, Mars will reach 29 degrees Leo, the same degree of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo of last month, August 21. This suggests that Mars, the action planet, will unlock the message of the August 21 solar eclipse. If you didn’t hear anything important on or near August 21, then you will on September 3-4. If you did, you may hear more detailed information that can assist you to find your pipeline of money.

A golden triangle is appearing in the sky in September’s very first week, linking Uranus, in your house of fame, to Saturn in your house of workaday projects, to the third leg of the triangle, which will be Mercury, in your house of earned income. This is incredibly good news – you can make good money from your work this month, and it will bring you applause and industry praise.

There are additional days I would like you to circle on your calendar as special this month. Here they are:

Tuesday, September 12, will be a happy day when hard work on a project leads to more income, either as overtime, a future raise, or if you are self-employed (or do freelance on the side) a client who appreciates your work and is willing to pay top dollar to have you in their corner.

Saturday, September 15, is due to be very special for your finances, but this time, it will relate to your living situation. You may find a new place to live that is the right price, or if selling property, the sale will earn you a satisfying profit. Or, you may find the ideal piece of furniture at the flea market or for sale in a store that you won’t want to wait to bring home.

Sunday, September 17 to Monday, September 18 will bring more surprise clients or assignments, and more generous compensation for your bank account.

Yet this month won’t be just about work. Throughout most of September, you will have the option to pack and go to interesting nearby places because Mars, the action planet, will remain in your short distance travel house until September 19.

If your birthday falls on July 6, plus or minus five days, you will enjoy this Full Moon to the max. The same is true if you have Cancer rising 14 degrees, or the natal moon in Cancer, the same 14 degrees, with the same tolerance of plus or minus five degrees. If you have a natal planet in Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at 14 degrees, plus or minus four degrees, chances are, you too will have a happy Full Moon.

Also in the first week, Mercury, the intellectual planet of facts and figures, logic, objectivity, negotiation, contracts, and commerce, will go direct on September 6. This will help you see progress on all fronts. If you felt you were on a hold button most of last month that will clear up now. Just continue to take care of your health and improve your immune system for later in the month moving into 2018.

For signing a contract, my favorite day would be September 12 or 14. If you can’t wait, then sign. We can’t control everything in life. I simply bring up the subject because I see so many friends rushing to sign the day Mercury goes direct, and it is not a good idea.

The big emphasis on communication will begin with the arrival of the majestic New Moon in Virgo, 27 degrees, on September 19. You will have the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus all crowded in your third house in Virgo, which adds up to half the solar system. This is the part of the month when things will start to move at a noticeably faster beat. You will be knee deep in a communication projects – writing, editing, fact checking, researching, sales, translation, marketing, publicity, advertising, social media – something! You will have to stay organized because lots of details will be thrown at you, almost all at once.

Neptune will oppose Mercury, but I think that will work out in a good way, to add originality and imagination to the work projects you will be focused on during in the weeks that follow this New Moon of September 19.