

Annandale North Out of School
Hours Care Association


A-1 Hours of Operation 4

A-2 Service Access 5

A-3 Enrolment 6

A-4 Fees 7

A-5 Dropping off and Picking up 10

A-6 Absent and Missing Children 12

A-7 Confidentiality and Maintenance of Records 14

A-8 Policy Development and Review 17

A-9 Participation and Access 19

A-10 Complaints Procedures 21

A-11 Roles of management 22

A-12 Financial management 27

B. Facilities and Equipment 29

B-1 Security 29

B-2 Building Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 30

B-3 Storage 32

B-4 Heating, Ventilation and Lighting 33

B-5 Pest Control 34

B-6 Indoor Environment 35

B-7 Outdoor Environment 36


C-1 Staff Selection 37

C-2 Conditions of Employment 41

C-3 Staff Orientation 42

C-4 Staff Professionalism 43

C-5 Professional Development 45

C-6 Staff Review and Appraisal 46

C-7 Grievance Procedures 48

C-8 Disciplinary Action 51

C-9 Relief Staff 54

C-10 Volunteers/Students/Visitors 56

C-11 Staff:Child Ratios / Minimum Staff Numbers 58

C-12 Communication 59


D-1 Hygiene 62

D-2 Food and Nutrition 64

D-3 Hazardous Materials 66

D-4 Transportation - Centre and staff vehicles 67

D-5 Animals 69

D-6 Sun Protection 71

D-7 Emergency Procedures 72

D-8 First Aid 75

D-9 Accidents 76

D-10 Death of a Child 79

D-11 Illness and Infectious Diseases 80

D-12 Immunisation 83

D-13 Allergies 84

D-14 Medication 85

D-15 HIV/AIDS/Hepatitis B and C 87

D-16 Child Protection 89

D-17 Child management 92


E-1 Daily Routines 96

E-2 Written Programs 97

E-3 Gender Equity 99

E-4 Cultural Relevance/Anti-Bias 100

E-5 Excursions 102

E-6 Videos and Films 105


A-1  Hours of Operation

Policy Statement

We aim to meet the needs of the parents in our community who either work, study or have other commitments, by operating for days and hours that allow them to reasonably get to and from work and/or place of study.


National Standards - Section 4.3 (Hours of Operation)

Funding agreement


The centre will operate during government school terms Monday to Friday, between the hours of 7:30-9:00 am before school and 3:00-6:00 pm after school, or as agreed by the management committee.

The centre will operate during government school holidays Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8:00 am to 6:00 pm or as agreed by the management committee.

The centre will also open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on designated government school pupil free days; however will only open during normal before/after school care hours on teacher strike days (where the strike day is less than 24 hours in duration)

No children are to be left unattended at the centre outside these hours.

Please refer to dropping off and collection and late collection policy for further information regarding these procedures.

The centre will be closed on designated public holidays and for ten days over the Christmas/New Year period.

Opening hours will be reviewed periodically to ensure that they meet the needs of the current users.

A-2  Service Access

Policy Statement

We aim to provide places for school-aged children needing care during their time out of school hours. We will not discriminate against any families needing care. However, priority of access will be determined by the Government guidelines and placement on the waiting list.


National Standards - Section 4.6 (Access)

‘Priority of Access’ guidelines from funding bodies


Our centre will be available for children who currently attend primary school only. No-one will be discriminated against on the basis of his/her cultural background, religion, sex, disability, marital status or income.

The centre will try to meet any specific needs of the families in the local community.

The centre will ensure that access to children and families with special needs are catered for.

Under agreement with the Commonwealth Government the main priority for a place in the centre will be given to:

·  Working parents

·  Parents seeking work

·  Parents studying for work purposes.

·  Children at risk

·  Children needing emergency care

Other places will be available if not filled by the above priorities.

A waiting list will be developed and updated regularly which identifies priority of access eligibility, date placed on list and required days of care.

Placement from the waiting list is determined by priority of access guidelines, siblings of children already in care, and date of placement on the waiting list.

Parents are able to access their status on the waiting list on request.

A-3  Enrolment

Policy Statement

We aim to provide an efficient enrolment procedure that is clear and understandable to all in the local community. We will ensure the confidentiality of our families through provision of secure recording and storing procedures.


National Standards - Section 4.6 (Access), Section 5.3 (Maintenance of Records)

Family Law Act

Laws related to privacy


An up-to-date enrolment form must be fully completed for each family before the child can attend the centre. The Coordinator will go through the forms and will address any concerns with the parents to ensure all the details have been completed. When a parent is having difficulty in completing the form, an enrolment interview should be conducted and if necessary organised in the parent’s first language. Parents/guardians must ensure the enrolment form contains all relevant details relating to personal, medical and custodial details for each child, parent or guardian and emergency contacts, along with any special requirements relating to that child. If a child is subject to an access order or agreement, the service must have a copy on record plus any subsequent alteration registered by the court. Evidence of court orders or agreements will be considered part of the enrolment in order to minimise the likelihood of distressing situations occurring in the future.

All enrolment forms are to be kept in a safe location in the office and kept confidential from all but the approved persons who enrolled the child, relevant staff, management and Commonwealth and/or State Department Officers.

Enrolment forms are to be updated yearly or when there are changes to the family’s circumstances. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to inform the coordinator of changes that may occur. To confirm re-enrolment in the following year, current parents are asked to fill in a new enrolment form at the end of each year which updates their current circumstances, any changes to care required and confirms a place for their child/ren. Depending on availability of care, children may be enrolled at any time throughout the year. Parents may also place their child on the waiting list for the current or upcoming year if they do not require care immediately. Care will be determined by availability and priority of access guidelines.

A-4  Fees

Policy Statement

We aim to provide a quality service that is affordable. Fee levels will be set by management each year on completion of an annual budget and according to the centre’s required income.


Child Care Benefit (CCB)

Confidentiality and maintenance of records


Setting Fees

Fees are to be set on an annual basis by management, based on the annual budget and ensuring that the required income will be received to run the service efficiently.

Fees will be reviewed each term based on attendance and the centre’s ability to meet the running costs. Parents will be given at least two weeks notice of any changes in the fees.

Fee Payment

Fees can be paid weekly, fortnightly, monthly or by the term but must be kept up-to-date and paid in advance for the following week.

Fees are to be paid for the days the child is booked into the centre. Once a permanent booking has been made, fees are payable whether the child attends or not. Public holidays and pupil free days (should they fall within school term), teacher strike days, school camp and carnivals are included in the weekly rate. Payment for fees for these days is non-negotiable.

Two weeks prior notice in writing is to be given to the Coordinator or Administrator for any changes to the days of care or cancellation of care. If no notice is given, fees will continue to be charged.

Non-attendance for longer than a week will be charged at half-rate with two weeks’ prior notice. Cancellation of booking due to unemployment or leaving school requires seven days’ notice in writing. Management will consider cancellation of booking due to other circumstances with a minimum of two weeks’ notice otherwise fees will continue to be charged.

Casual bookings are to be paid for on the day the care is provided.

All records will be kept confidential and stored appropriately. Parents may access particulars of their fees during office hours as outlined above and information given in writing upon request.

Casual Bookings

Making a casual booking - Parents are required to notify the centre by 6:00pm on the day prior to care being required. This applies to both before and after care.

Cancelling a casual booking - Written notification needs to be provided by 6:00pm the previous school day in order to cancel a casual booking without incurring charge. Failure to provide this written notice will result in fees still being charged even if your child does not attend.

Parent Entitlement for Fee Assistance

The centre is approved to offer Child Care Benefit (CCB) to eligible families. In order to received Child Care Benefit (‘CCB’) and Child Care Rebate (‘CCR’) payments, families must have been tested for eligibility by the Family Assistance Office (‘FAO’) and are to provide the centre with a copy of their Assessment Notice as provided by the FAO.

The Coordinator or Administrator will ensure that all necessary forms are available and notices posted to inform parents of availability of CCB.

All documentation pertaining to CCB should be kept for the specified time and made available to Commonwealth Departmental Officers on request.

Overdue Fees

Parents are encouraged to discuss any difficulties that they may have in paying fees with the Coordinator or Administrator, who will discuss and make suitable arrangements for payment of fees as well as informing them of other avenues for financial support when required.

The centre will send out account statements:

·  In the middle of each school term

·  At the end of each school term

·  When vacation care bookings are made

·  At the end of vacation care periods

If a parent persistently makes late or insufficient payments the centre will:

·  Contact the parent, either via email, letter or personally, requesting payment.

·  If no arrangement has been made to pay the fees, or such arrangement has not been adhered to, the matter will be referred to the centre’s management.

·  At the committee’s discretion, the child’s place at the centre may be cancelled and debt recovery procedures may be commenced. If the services of a debt recovery agency are engaged, their fees will be added onto the total amount payable.

Late Fees

Parents who drop their children to the centre prior to the opening time will be charged an early penalty of $1 per minute on first three occasions and $2 per minute thereafter.

Parents who collect their children after 6.00 pm will be charged a late fee of $1 per minute on first three occasions and $2 per minute thereafter as set by management. Wherever possible, parents should advise the centre when they will be late collecting their child so as to avoid the child being distressed.

If a parent continues to collect their child after 6:00 pm, the Coordinator will discuss other options with them, and suitable arrangements made or the child’s place in the centre may be cancelled.

A-5  Dropping off and Picking up

Policy Statement

We aim to provide a procedure for dropping off and picking up children, which is clear and ensures the safety and well being of the children in our care. Parents are required to follow specific communication procedures to ensure we can provide appropriate care of their children.


National Standards - Section 5.3 (Maintenance of Records)

Custodial requirements


Dropping Off

Children are not to be left at the centre at any time prior to the opening hours of the centre.

On arrival the person bringing the child is responsible to sign the child in on the sign-in sheet next to the child’s name, indicating time of arrival.

Any points of information, such as any particular requirements for the day or any changes to who will collect the child need to be communicated to the staff. A notification of change may need to be completed in writing.

Children are to place their belongings on the bag shelf.

The person dropping off the child must ensure that a staff member is aware of the child’s presence before leaving the centre, and that any special needs are communicated.

Should a child require medication of any kind, parents must fill in and sign the medication form (see Medication Policy).

Picking up of Children

Children must be collected by the closing time of the centre.

The authorised person who is collecting the child must sign the sign-out sheet next to the child’s name, indicating time of departure.

Children who have written permission to leave the centre by themselves will be signed out by the Coordinator at the agreed time.

Siblings of children at the centre may collect their brother or sister with written permission.

The authorised person and children are to ensure that all belongings are collected.

The authorised person must ensure that a staff member is aware that they are taking the child from the centre.

Staff are to be notified if the person collecting the child is to be later than usual. The child will be notified to avoid any anxiety.

If the child is to be collected by anyone different than the name on the enrolment form, parents must have personally informed the staff prior to pick up. This change should be confirmed in writing by fax, if possible, and the person picking up the child be asked to bring identification.

The names and contact numbers of all people authorised to collect the child must be included in the enrolment form. Any changes to these must be advised in writing to the centre as soon as possible.