Academic Affairs and Standards Council Meeting
Meeting Minutes (DRAFT): Friday, March 20, 2015
Agenda Item / MinutesIn Attendance: / PRESENT: Michele Brielmaier, Cristen Cox, Kurt Dershem, Barb Embacher, Don Hermanson,
Candy Mortenson-Klimpel, Ryan Langemeier, Diann Marten, Shayne Narjes, Brad Schloesser, Darci Stanford, Dr. Susan Tarnowski, Jay Wendelberger, Peter Wruck
ABSENT: Lori Hood
GUEST(s): Donna Marzolf
1. Call Meeting to Order / Darci called meeting to order at 2:36 p.m.
2. Roll Call of Members / In Attendance:
3. Adoption of Agenda / Approved per Darci, unanimous approval
4. Approval of Minutes (March 20, 2015) / Adopt minutes per Darci, unanimous approval
5. Committee Reports - Oral &/or Written Q & A (30 Minutes)
- Curriculum – Gale Bigbee (Oral / Written)
- Faculty Professional Development – Lisa Lamor (Oral / Written)
- Online Education Committee/ Quality Matters – Deb Salmon (Oral / Written)
- Student Engagement – Beth Danberry (Oral / Written)
- Student Learning – Wayne Whitmore (Oral / Written)
- (No Report) (Request for lunch on April 3 due to length of meeting)
- (Written) (Attachment / Approval in April). Does SCC want to create
- (Written)
- (Written)
- (Written)
6. Department Chair Discussion (5 Minutes Each) / Darci Stanford – budgets have been turned in; some hires in CSS for Wayne’s sabbatical in fall (offers went out today); some adjuncts in other disciplines may be needed; Child Development program will be going through a Program spring semester
Ryan Langemeier – Architectural Drafting Design needs one LAS faculty to serve on Program Review team spring semester – give suggestions to Ryan
Kurt Dershem – working on budgets, AFA has been approved by HLC; Graphic Communications program will be going through a Program Review spring semester
Diann Marten – working on budgets; need UFT math faculty; talking with Nursing department on curriculum; will serve on upcoming Child Development program review
Don Hermanson – Ag and FBM searching for adjunct faculty for fall semester; National PAS was held in Idaho, good competition and good showing by students; FBM instructors finished analysis for 1300 farms in southern MN; going through process for future Program Review
Cristen Cox – supporting Program Review; working on budgets; looking towards Career Fair in April
Shayne Narjes – no report
Candi Mortenson-Klimpel – Board Of Nursing coming to SCC next Monday and Tuesday, will be visiting with students as well; curriculum review for all of Nursing CCOs and program changes
Dr. Tarnowski – appreciates Chairs for working on budgets, please have conversations with your departments prior to Friday, April 10. She will be meeting with Deans on Monday, April 13, to complete the process.
7. Campus Input on Credential Reports – STANDING AGENDA ITEM / One request was distributed from HR – requesting feed-back
- Review if it is pertinent to your area
- Respond to Dr. Tarnowski and she will compile suggestions or concerns into one response to MnSCU
What are ‘Occupational Skills?’ Dr. Tarnowski review
8. Class Wait List – Darci Stanford, Donna Marzolf / When is wait-listing turned off?
- SCC decides to use wait list or not, then decides which courses should have a wait-list, right now wait-list for every course (this can be changed)
- Per MnSCU – wait list is turned off on Sunday, 11:59 p.m., prior to first Monday of class
- Students receive notice of a full-class and they choose to sign up to be on the wait list, but don’t have to
- If an opening happens, student is notified that they have 24 hours to register or be removed from wait list; then continues on down the wait list
- Have asked MnSCU to give viewing rights to faculty to know who and how many are on a wait list – not available at this time
- Question’s – contact Donna Marzolf
Faculty can see how many are on wait list, but can’t see who they are
Need to determine if list should be turned off or send email to students who are on the wait list; yes but must be done manually by Student Affairs
Some students may watch wait list and others may not; some students don’t check their e-mails frequently
Could faculty be given the phone numbers of those on wait list?
Different process for course wait list than program wait list
- Can the wait list be emailed to faculty after it closes; yes, but again must be done manually by Student Affairs, no structure in place at this time
- Can we add a line on app for students to opt out if they do not want to be contacted by text; cannot add as this is a MnSCU app and cannot be changed
Can technical programs receive wait list information / yes, contact Donna Marzolf or John Vogler
Numbers of students on wait list could affect opening sections and hiring adjunct faculty
Dr. Tarnowski and Donna will put together a short message / understanding of this process
Could this be an AQIP project? Needs written proposal
9. AASC Procedure for Student Access to Syllabi – Diann Marten / Per MSCF faculty contract, SCC will have a procedure regarding student access to syllabi
A procedure was proposed - if a student wants access to a syllabi, they will need to contact Dean or Director
At start of each semester, each Dean should request syllabi
Motion to Approve Policy: Jay Wendelberger; Motion Seconded: Peter Wruck; Motion Amendment Barb Embacher: add: …..upon request from students, dean or director will provide copy of requested syllabi; motion with amendment passed unanimously
10. Process to Appeal Curriculum Committee Recommendations
- By-law / Policy
- Response Template – Draft attachment
Motion to add to by-laws with amendment: Jay Wendelberger; Motion Seconded: Kurt Dershem; Shayne Narjes - concern with #5 time limit – remove time limit; AASC members will then be able to ask clarifying questions of faculty
11. Policy Review
a. Grading and Grade
b. Change #3000-22
Grade Change Policy / Original
c. Complaint / Grievance Policy / Add to policy statement: ….’student in each credit course’
Motion to Approve: Brad Schloesser; Motion Seconded: Diann Marten; Motion Passed Unanimously
Adjourn / 3:49 p.m.
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AASC Minutes / DRAFT
March 20, 2015