March 21, 2017
Dr. Marcia Gutfeld, Chair
Shaun Flynn, Executive Secretary
Dr. Thomas Lombardi, Parliamentarian
Call to Order / The third session of the 43rd meeting of the House of Delegates of the New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists was called to order at 3:00pm on March 21, 2017 by Marcia Gutfeld, Chair.
Greetings/Acknowledgements / The Chair introduced the head table.
Rules of the House
Dr Marcia Gutfeld / Chair, Dr. Marcia Gutfeld, reviewed the rules of the House of Delegates.
Roll Call of Delegates-
Mr. Shaun Flynn / The Executive Secretary of the House called the roll of the Delegates / A quorum was declared
Position Statement
Dr. Robert DiGregorio/Dr. Robert Berger / (1-12) NYSCHP supports the requirement to include the indication, whether it be an FDA approved or off label use, on all inpatient medication orders and outpatient prescriptions. / # 43 APPROVED: To Re-adopt 1-12
(2-12) NYSCHP supports prioritizing the adoption of e-prescribing of controlled substances by the NYS Department of Health, in an effort to curb prescription theft and prescription medication abuse. / # 44 APPROVED: To Sunset 2-12
(3-12) NYSCHP supports increasing the number of PGY-1 and PGY-2 residency positions within NYS by ways of supporting educational efforts offered through ASHP and legislative activities at the State and Federal level to support funding. / # 45 APPROVED: To Re-adopt 3-12
(4-12) NYSCHP encourages pharmacist led counseling upon initiation of a new medication, or upon discharge of a patient in a hospital or ambulatory clinic setting. / # 46NOT APPROVED: To Sunset 4-12
(5-12) NYSCHP encourage the NYS BOP to replace the “one year of satisfactory experience” requirement to that of “successful completion of an ASHP accredited PGY1 residency program” for residents reciprocating their Pharmacist license to NYS for a PGY2 residency. / # 47APPROVED AS AMENDED: “NYSCHP encourage the NYS BOP to replace the “one year of satisfactory experience” requirement to that of “successful completion of an ASHP accredited PGY1 program” for residents reciprocating their Pharmacist license.”
(6-12) NYSCHP advocates that all hospitals should encourage provisions be made for their patients upon discharge to receive a supply of all newly prescribed medications and the education that is required to ensure the optimization and safe use of their discharge medications. / # 48 APPROVED: To Re-adopt 6-12
(7-12) NYSCHP advocates that pharmacist should maintain patient profiles that contain and are continuously updated to include patient specific information regarding pharmacogenomics if available and considered standard of care. / # 49 APPROVEDTO RE-ADOPT AS AMENDED:NYSCHP advocates that patient specific information regarding pharmacogenomics if available and considered standard of care should be included in patient profiles.”
(8-12) Position statement on Intern Hours. NYSCHP supports and increase in the total hours required for licensure to a total of 1500 hours. / # 50 APPROVED: To Sunset 8-12 and refer the issue back to committee.
(9-12) Position statement on Preceptor Training. NYSCHP supports 3 hours focused on teaching included in the 45 hours over the 3 year license renewal period to be completed by all pharmacists. These hours may be live or non-live. These hours would be included in the 45 hours required per renewal period. The recommended topics to be focused on enhancing precepting, role modeling, teaching or mentoring as well as sessions focused on enhancing preceptor development. NYSCHP supports this proposed change for all pharmacists as a pharmacy preceptor continuing education requirement. This additional requirement will improve the pharmacy intern education process. / # 51 APPROVEDTO RE-ADOPT AS AMENDED:(a) “NYSCHP supports 3 hours of continuing education focused on teaching included in the 45 hours over the 3 year license renewal period to be completed by all pharmacists. These hours may be live or non-live. These hours would be included in the 45 hours required per renewal period. The recommended topics to be focused on enhancing precepting, role modeling, teaching or mentoring as well as sessions focused on enhancing preceptor development.”(b) “NYSCHP supports this proposed change for all pharmacists as a pharmacy preceptor continuing education requirement.
(10-12) NYSCHP supports obtaining access to the NYS Controlled Substance Information Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (NYCSIPSPMP) program for all active licenses registered pharmacists in the State of NY for the purposes of monitoring controlled substance use and improving patient outcomes and health. / # 52 APPROVED: To Sunset 2-12
Chapter Reimbursement Policy
Dr. William Presscott/Dr. Robert Berger / The Dues Reimbursement Task Force was established at the 1999 Annual Assembly. This task force is charged with evaluating the dues reimbursement structure to the local chapters, and making recommendation for revision to the Board of Directors. On October 23, 2016, the NYSCHP BOD approved a revised reimbursement schedule. Chapters will receive a 5% reimbursement per active member. The policy states: 1. The dues reimbursement rate will be 5% of membership dues for: a. Pharmacist (Active Member) b. Joint Member c. Pharmacist Pledge d. Retired e. Resident Member f. Associate Member g. Student Member h. P1-4 Year Pharmacy Student Discount Member i. Technical Pledge j. Pharmacy Technical Personnel 2. Dues reimbursement is provided to the local chapters in one annual installment. 3. If the NYSCHP BOD is unable to provide the dues reimbursement as outlined above due to financial constraints, each chapter will negotiate with the NYSCHP BOD a dues reimbursement alternative that will meet the needs of both the local chapter and the NYSCHP. These alternatives could include, but not be limited to: a. A reduced dues reimbursement rate; b. NYSCHP services in lieu of financial reimbursement 4. A local chapter at any time may donate their dues reimbursement back to NYSCHP and designate how those monies should be allocated. / # 53 APPROVED: To adopt 1-12
Dr. Marcia Gutfeld / Dr. Gutfeld called for recommendations from the House.
Ted Friedman, Past President / That position statement 4-12 sent back to committee for review.
Close of the Third Session of the House of Delegates-
Dr. Marcia Gutfeld / The third session of the 43rd meeting of the House of Delegates was adjourned on March 21, 2017. / #54APPROVED:
NYSCHP 2016HOD Minutes Submitted by