Volunteer Application Form

Strictly Confidential. Please complete in full.

Title: / First Name: / Surname:
Mobile Number:
Gender:Female / Male Date of Birth:

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Sebastian’s Action Trust is committed to providing equality of opportunity. In order to help us ensure our policy is being carried out it would help if you could complete the following details. Any information you provide will be used for no other purpose than as stated above and will be treated as confidential.

You are not obliged to provide this information.

British/Irish □ Other white background □
Black or black British:
African/Caribbean□Other black background □
White & black African □ White & black Caribbean □ White and Asian □
Asian or Asian British □ Chinese □
Indian□Pakistani □ Bangladeshi □
Other ( Please specify)
Please indicate which position you are most interested in?
□ Office Administration Support
□ Fundraising and Marketing Researcher
□ Press Cutting Support
□ Finance and Accounting Support
□ Data Entry Support
□ Charity Box Champion
□ Marshalling at Trust runs and walks
□ Sebastian’s Action Trust events / □ Speaking on behalf of the Trust to schools and community groups
□ Community Events (local fairs, bucket collecting, bag packing etc)
□ Maintenance (at The Bluebells)
□ Administration Support (at The Bluebells)
□ I would like to volunteer but I’m not sure where my skills can best be used
Why?: Why are you interested in volunteering with Sebastian’s Action Trust
Skills: Do What skills and attributes can you offer Sebastian’s Action Trust?
Voluntary experience:Please tell us about your previous volunteering experience (if any)
Other experience: Please describe your occupation and/or educational experience to date.
Availability:Please indicate how much time you can offer
Languages: Do you speak any languages other than English? Please specify?
Health: a disability or medical condition is unlikely to exclude you from volunteering, but please give details if you have ever suffered from any disability or serious illness that could affect your volunteering. We may take up a medical reference but will seek your permission before doing so.
Details of criminal convictions
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal Current appeals offence?
Have you ever received a formal police caution?
Are there any matters pending that may result in a criminal conviction?

Please note: You may be required to undergo a satisfactory CRB check. Answering yes to any of these questions will not necessarily prevent you from volunteering with Sebastian’s Action Trust. If you have answered yes to any of the questions above please give details in asealed envelope and attach it to your application, marking the envelope ‘Private and Confidential’.


Please provide details of two referees.

We will accept references from previous employers or someone in a professional capacity who has known you for at least two years. If personal circumstances make it difficult to provide these, please discuss it with us and we will try to find a solution.

We will always take up references before offering a volunteer position with Sebastian’s Action Trust.

Their relationship to you:
Email address:
Their relationship to you:
Email address:


I declare that the particulars I have given in this application form are correct to the best of my knowledge.

Should I accept a voluntary role I understand the information I have given in any part of my application will be retained in the Sebastian’s Action Trust data system.

Under the terms of the Data Protection Act and the Data Protection Directive this information will be treated in a secure and confidential manner.

However, I understand that Sebastian’s Action Trust may be required to give some of this information to the bodies responsible for regulating and/or funding Sebastian Action Trust’s services.

Signature ______

Date ______

Please return your completed application form to:

Robyn Harvey

Sebastian’s Action Trust

Unit 8, Tanners Yard

London Road



GU19 5 HD

Or email it to

Volunteer Code of Conduct

The purpose of this code of conduct is to provide volunteers with clear guidance as to their responsibilities and standard of behaviour whilst fulfilling their voluntary duties at Sebastian’s Action Trust.

As a volunteer I will:

1. General

Be aware of the policies and procedures of Sebastian’s Action Trust and adhere to them

Not behave in a way that is offensive to a staff member, volunteer or service user

Treat everyone I am in contact with in a professional and courteous manner

Work together with staff and others to meet the vision and mission of Sebastian’s Action Trust

Be mindful that as a volunteer I must not act in any way that might bring the charity into disrepute

Take concerns or problems related to volunteering to an appropriate line manager or member of staff

Be punctual and presentable

2. Confidentiality

Not disclose any information of a confidential nature that has been acquired during my time as a volunteer

Not speak to the media regarding Sebastian’s Action Trust without permission of the Chief Executive

3. Health and Safety

Report all accidents and injuries

Not take any action that could threaten the health or safety of myself or other individuals involved with the charity

I understand that I may be required to undergo a CRB check and that commencement as a volunteer may be delayed until this has taken place

4. Equal Opportunities

Ensure that there is no discrimination on grounds of race, colour, nationality or ethnicity, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or religious affiliation.

I have read and understand the Volunteer’s Code of Conduct. I understand that should I take any actions or omissions in contravention of the code of conduct it may result in my removal as a volunteer with Sebastian’s Action Trust.

Volunteer’s name (please print): ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Sebastian’s Action Trust

Unit 8, Tanners Yard, London Road, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5HD

Tel: 01344 622500
Registered Charity (No.: 1151146) & Company Limited by Guarantee (No.: 8339436)