August 2013

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
4 / 5 Equip
High School
6:30-8:30pm / 6 Practice
High School / 7 Practice
High School / 8 Practice
High School / 9 Practice
High School
Parent Mtg
700-800 / 10
11 / 12 Practice
High School / 13 Practice
High School / 14 Practice
High School / 15 Practice
High School / 16 Practice 5:30-7:30
High School / 17 Scrimmage @ Cedarburg7th&8th 9-11 bus leaves ASA @ 7AM; 5th&6th 11:15-1:15 bus leaves ASA @ 9:15
18 / 19 Practice
Nettesheim / 20 Practice
Nettesheim / 21 Practice
Nettesheim / 22 Practice
Nettesheim / 23No Practice
Pewaukee Youth night at the Varsity Football Game 6:45 w/Practice Jersey / 24 Scrimmage @ Greendale7th&8th 9-12 bus leaves ASA@ 7:15; 5th&6th 12:15-3:15 bus leaves ASA at 10:30
25 / 26 Practice
Nettesheim / 27 Practice
Nettesheim / 28Practice
Nettesheim / 29 FB pictures and uniform handout 5:30-7:30
High School / 30 / 31
September 2013
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 Labor Day / 3 Practice
5th/6th Nettesheim 7th/8th High School / 4 Practice
530–730 / 5 Practice
530-730 / 6 / 7 Game
8 / 8 / 10 Practice
530-730 / 11 Practice
530–730 / 12 Practice
530-730 / 13 / 14 Game
15 / 16 / 17 Practice
530-730 / 18 Practice
530-730 / 19 Practice
530-730 / 20 / 21 Game
22 / 23 / 24 Practice
500-700 / 25 Practice
500-700 / 26 Practice
500-700 / 27 / 28 Game
29 / 30
October 2013
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 Practice
500-700 / 2 Practice
500-700 / 3 Practice
500-700 / 4 / 5 Game
6 / 7 / 8 Practice
500-700 / 9Practice
500–700 / 10Practice
500-700 / 11 / 12 Game
13 / 14 / 15 Practice
500-700 / 16 Practice
500–700 / 17 Practice
500-700 / 18 / 19
20 / 21 / 22 Practice
500-700 / 23 Practice
500-700 / 24 Practice
500-700 / 25 / 26

How can you help Pewaukee Youth Football?

Family Contribution

The success of our program is a tribute to our families! Our coaches, team parents, concessions, chain gang, game day set-up and clean-up, game clock, press box announcers and many others make each Saturday a special day. Each family will be assigned a 90 minute slot to help with our games or for other special projects. The team parents will send the schedule to all of the families. If you need to switch, just switch with one of the other team families. We are searching for team parents again this year, please contact Pete Bacon at if you are interested. Thank you for your help.

From the desks of the Co-Presidents (Pete Bacon and Karl Fritchen)

Wow, what a great year we have experienced! I hope that everyone has had a chance to see the progress on the new football field and track. The community can thank all of our families as the Pewaukee Youth Football commitment of $150,000 really helped the school district get over the funding threshold needed for the field. The new field provides us with some flexibility on scheduling and will allow us to schedule a game later in the day and the 8th graders will actually be able to play under the lights.

Thank you again for being part of our football family. The high school and youth programs are one. Our philosophy remains the same. Our program will provide our players the fundamentals and skills that they need to be able to compete at the high school level. Although we love to win, player development is placed above winning. We expect our players to attend practice, practice hard, and demonstrate a winning attitude. If players attend practice and work hard they will be given the opportunity to play in the games.We also want to make sure that our families, players and coaches represent our program both on and off of the field. We are going to pay close attention to this and will address all issues in a timely manner.

Often times in youth sports, favoritism or the appearance of favoritism can have a negative impact on the program. I can assure you that the intentions of the Board are to provide the youth of Pewaukee the opportunity to work hard and get the opportunity to prepare for their High School career. There will be times that you will not agree with our decision but I can assure you that the decision is made in the best interest of the program.

Our program is measured by the type of kids that we graduate. Our Varsity had a wonderful 2012 season and the momentum of our program continues to grow. The number of participants at the high school continues to increase and we will again have over 200 players and cheerleaders at the youth level. Coach Friske has held coaching clinics for our youth coaches to educate them on the proper drills and fundamentals that will prepare our players for their high school careers.

We will again be holding our annual parent meeting in the home football stands on Friday, August 9th from 7-8. We ask each family to send, at least, one parent to the meeting. We will discuss the program philosophy. In addition, each team will break off to hear from their individual team head coach. The parent meeting will last approximately one hour and will begin promptly at 7PM.

We enjoyed another successful golf outing in June. The success and proceeds from this outing allows us to keep our fees down, purchase equipment for the program, and provide 4 scholarships annually. The second part of our fundraising will be the cookie dough program. Last year, we had an incredible 2nd year and we hope to continue to build on that success. These fund raisers have given us the confidence to make the significant contribution to the High School and Community.

Thank you again for allowing us to work with your sons and/or daughters and we look forward to a successful 2013 season!