La clase de Español

Notre Dame Middle School 2015-2016

Señorita (Srta.) Ana Turba

920-337-1115 ext. 322

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español! - Welcome to Spanish Class

In 6th, 7th and 8th grade students will be working in the Realidades A & B textbooks. Our goals for this year will be to improve upon and develop our Spanish speaking and listening abilities. We will also learn to appreciate the many aspects of the Hispanic culture as well. It is important to understand that learning a new language takes many hours of practice and dedication. You will not be fluent after this year but if you are patient, hard-working, and keep an open mind you will have a wonderful foundation on which to build your Spanish speaking skills. It is also important to note that foreign language is very similar to math in the sense that the information taught builds off of itself. You must always be practicing pervious grammar skills and vocabulary because you will use these things for the rest of your Spanish career.

Classroom Rules & Expectations

Middle school students will be expected to do the following on a daily basis:

1. Arrive to class and be seated before the bell rings.

2. Bring all of your Spanish materials to class. These materials include your planner, notebook, folder, independent reading book, textbook, a pencil, and any homework due that day.

3. Participate. As stated earlier, learning Spanish requires a lot of practice. Make sure you’re being an active learner in class by doing all assignments and speaking in Spanish when directed.

4. Be respectful towards your teacher, classmates and yourself. This means raising your hand before you speak, letting your peers and teacher speak without being interrupted, and keeping your words and actions positive.

Code of Conduct

Students are expected to abide by the Notre Dame Code of Conduct. If violated, discipline procedures will be followed as outlined in the Parent Handbook.


The GRACE grading scale for middle school is as follows:

A+ 99% - 100% C+ 83% - 84% P 68%

A 95% - 98%C 79% - 82% U 65% - 67%

A- 93% - 94%C- 77% - 78% F 1% - 64%

B+91% - 92% D+ 75% - 76% I0%

B 87% - 90% D 70% - 74%

B- 85% - 86% D- 69%

Notes: P = progress shown but below grade level

U or F = unsatisfactory progress

I = Incomplete

Absent Policy

Students will be allowed 2 days to make up work for every day they miss due to an illness. Students are responsible for seeing each teacher about missed work.

Late Work Policy

If homework is not handed in by 3:00PM on the day that it is due (unless it is due to an excused absence) 10% of total possible points will be taken off each day as follows:

1 day late – 10% off

2 days late – 20% off

3 days late – 30% off

4 days late – 40% off

5 days late – 50% off

More than 5 days late -- per teacher discretion (based on subject area, assignment type, and individual student needs)

NOTE: Spanish class only meets three days per week in middle school however you will still be expected to hand in late work as soon as possible and not only on the days that we meet. I am available every day at the middle school to answer questions and take late work. You can also hand it to Mrs. Nance in the office and she will put it in my mailbox.

Student Retake Policy

Students should prepare well in advance for any test. I will give at least one weeks notice before every test and it is middle school policy that no more than two tests be given on any single day. Students who receive an 84% or lower on any Spanish test or quiz may request to make corrections for possible partial credit. These corrections must be done in the Spanish room during study hall on any day no more than a week after the test or quiz is administered. Corrections will not be open-book so students must make sure they take the time to study the material before making any corrections.

Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns. I’m looking forward to a great year in Spanish class!

¡Que Díos te bendiga!