The Conference
Thisautumn conference, held once again with the active support of SCC Heritage Conservation Team, continues the Research Framework process. Following the 2001 Conference Archaeology in Surrey in the 21st century and the subsequent publication of Aspects of Archaeology and History in Surrey in 2004, the Surrey Research Framework was launched in 2006.Since then,special interest groups of the Society and others have used it as a basis for the development of further research. It has always been intended that the Framework should continue to evolve.The conference will examine ways in which that is happening and invite further involvement in the process.
This year’s conference takes a look at local history and the contribution it makes to understanding settlement development, especially in association with archaeological evidence
Tickets £10.00 in advance or £12 on the day
Refreshments Morning and afternoon tea and coffee will be available in the hall.
Please make your own arrangements for lunch
The Society
The Surrey Archaeological Society was founded in 1854 for the investigation of
the history and antiquities of the ancient county of Surrey. It has an extensive
library in Guildford, and organises lectures, visits, excavation, fieldwork and
conservation. It facilitates the publication of the results of research through its Bulletin and The Collections.
Enquiries to the Membership Secretary, Surrey Archaeological Society,
Castle Arch, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3SX
Tel/Fax 01483-532454
Surrey Archaeological Society
Autumn Conference 2012
Local History
The Research Framework
Saturday 10November
The Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall
Woodfield Lane
A registered Charity no. 272098
A Company limited by Guarantee, Registered in England No. 1160052
Surrey Archaeological Society
Autumn Research Framework Conference
Saturday 10 November 2012
Booking form
Title / First Name / Surname / SyAS memberAddress: …………………………………………………………………
Post Code:…………………….Tel no. …………………………
Email address………………………………………….
Advance booking fee: £10 per person
I/We enclose cheque/postal order for £………………… payable to
Surrey Archaeological Society
Wheelchair access is needed:Yes/No
Surrey Archaeological Society
Please return, enclosing a Stamped addressed envelope, to:
SRF Conference 2012
Surrey Archaeological Society
Castle Arch, Guildford,
Surrey GU1 3SX
Surrey Archaeological Society
Autumn Conference 2012: The Research Framework
Local History
Saturday 10 November
The Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Ashtead, Surrey,KT21 2BE
09.15 Registration
09.55 Morning Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Dr Gerry Moss, Vice President, Surrey Archaeological Society
10.00 Settlements in Landscapes: using archaeological and documentary Evidence
Professor Chris Dyer, LeicesterUniversity
10.45 The Hearth Tax
Dr Catherine Ferguson,BritishAcademy Hearth Tax Project
11.25 Coffee
11.55 Godalming Church, Town and surrounding Villages
Alan Bott, ChairmanGodalmingMuseum Trust
12.35 The Hassell Watercolours of Georgian Buildings in Surrey
Julian Pooley, Manager,Surrey History Centre
13.15 Lunch
14.15 The Gravett Award and Introduction to the Afternoon,
David Calow, Hon. Secretary, Surrey Archaeological Society
14.20 Seething Wells. From Cholera to clean Water
Howard Benge. Museum and Heritage Consultant
15.00 The Historic Records of CranleighVillageHospital Keith Atkins, Cranleigh History Society andKingstonUniversity
15.40 Conference Closing Remarks and Tea
1600 -1700SyAS Special General Meeting and AGM