Welcome to Family and Consumer Sciences

Ms. Leigh Cape 2016-2017 Room 516

The Purpose of Family and Consumer Sciences is to prepare students to cope with a rapidly changing world and develop a better understanding of the areas that have an impact on the quality of life for the individuals and families. Students will learn skills that will enable them to balance the roles and responsibilities within the home, family, community, and work place.

Students will spend 18 weeks in Family and Consumer Sciences. During the 18 weeks, students will have the opportunity to explore many topics. Some of the topics of study will be teamwork, leadership; problem-solving, critical-thinking, and other skills will be incorporated into the study of each topic. These skills are critical in a career, community, and family.

Below you will also find: classroom rules/consequences, materials needed, and the grading system.


What life skills will I explore in Family and Consumer Sciences class?

How to manage my life How to handle stress

How to build relationships How to deal with peer pressure

How to manage my time How to manage money and resources

How to be a wise consumer How to read labels-on clothing and food

How to balance work and family How to resolve conflicts

How to care for and nurture children How to prepare nutritious foods for fun and healthy living

How to explore career pathways for my future How shopping skills can benefit me and save money

What supplies do I need for FACS Class?

Students should always bring paper and something to write with to class everyday. Students need a 3-ring binder for FACS with dividers they should bring every day. Students will be responsible for purchasing the sewing supplies when needed. If supplies cannot be purchased due to financial hardship, I must have a written letter by the parent 2 weeks before materials are due. If I do not have a letter in this timeframe and the project is not complete, your child will receive a “0” for the project.

What do I need to purchase for class?

6th Grade: Recipe Book: DUE: ______

A separate letter will be sent home with further instructions. Students will not be able to participate in cooking labs if recipe book is not turned in. The Recipe Book counts as their final. We will have 3 computer days for students to type recipes at school.

-old t-shirt we can cut up to make the t-shirt bag. Doesn’t matter what color, no buttons, and a smaller size shirt works best. Due: ______

Grading: Major

7th grade: Pillow project- DUE: ______

-1 yard fabric (fleece ONLY-less expensive if you buy from the remnant table at fabric stores) and 2 bags of 20 ounces of polyester fiberfill stuffing.

Grading: Major

8th Grade: Apron Project- DUE: ______

~ 2 yards fabric (cotton OR cotton/polyester blend ONLY),

~ A roll of ¾” to 1” wide fusible bonding Web-Stitch Witchery is one brand PREFERRED

~ ¾” to 1” buttons- need 4 and should be the sew-through type of button

~ 2 ¼ yards of ¾ to 1” wide grosgrain ribbon

*** All supplies need to go in a gallon sized Ziploc bag with the student’s name and 8A or 8B- this helps students keep up with their materials! Materials will not be stored in the class if it is not in a clear bag.

Grading: Major

RULES: In Family and Consumer Sciences, students are expected to follow the “Be Rules”. These rules are to provide a safe and positive learning environment for all. Failure to follow these rules will result in consequences determined by the teacher/academic team. **All school rules apply in the class as well.

1.  Be respectful 3. Be prepared 5. Do your personal “BE”ST

2.  Be safe 4. Be on time

NO GUM is allowed in the classroom!!!


Grade / 6th / 7th / 8th
Major / 50% / 40% / 40%
Minor / 25% / 25% / 25%
Daily / 15% / 15% / 15%
Final / 10% / 20% / 20%

Each student will be expected to do 15 hours of community service work during the semester. Community service hours will fall under daily grades and students will be given several opportunities to gain hours at school as well as at home. These hours need to be signed off by an adult who the work is being done.

Grades will be determined on how many hours the student completes. Divide the number of hours worked by 15 to get your average. Example: 10 hours worked/15= 67 grade

Please return this back page to Ms. Cape by:


DATE: ______



DATE: ______


Address: ______

Parent or Guardian Email Address: ______

Parent/Guardian home phone: ______Cell phone: ______

What is the best way to get in contact with you? ______

Please list any food allergies or food your child can not have because of cultural beliefs. This information must match the information given to the school.


* I give permission for my child to be photographed during FACS/ FCCLA Events and for pictures to be published on social media sites and other media outlets for the purpose to promote Family and Consumer Sciences and FCCLA.

Yes ______no______Parent Signature: ______

GRADE: ______ A/B

** I understand my child is to complete 10 hours of community service during the 18 week semester that will be taken for a grade. Community service hours can be supplies brought in to the class to help with community service projects or hours can be earned outside of school. I understand all hours are to be signed off by an adult who the work is being done.

Yes _____ No______Parent Signature: ______