This form completed by: Church Id#: 11
Church / Charge / District /Southeast
Note: (At least 5 members and not more than 9, divided into 3 classes. Include at least one young adult [age 19-30], and may include one or more youth [age 12-18].)
Lay Member to Annual Conference (note 1)
Lay Leader
Class of 2017 (1 year) / Class of 2018 (2 year) / Class of 2019 (3 year)
(Chair: ______ is a member of the Class of ( ) If part of a multi-church charge, will this person be the
charge chair? Yes No
BOARD OF TRUSTEES - ¶258.3 & ¶¶2525-2551 Note: (at least 3 members and not more than 9, divided into 3 classes. Recommendation: 1/3 be lay women and 1/3 lay men)
Class of 2017 (1 year) / Class of 2018 (2 year) / Class of 2019 (3 year)
(Chair: ______is a member of the Class of )
COMMITTEE ON Nominations & Leadership Development - ¶258.1 Note: (At least 3 members and not more than 9, divided into 3 classes. Include at least one young adult and may include one or more youth.)
Pastor (Chairperson)
Vice Chair (From Committee)
Lay Leader
Class of 2017 (1 year) / Class of 2018 (2 year) / Class of 2019 (3 year)
COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - ¶258.4 (The Financial Secretary, Treasurer & the Church Bus. Adm. are without vote if a paid employee.)
Chairperson / Others to be elected to the Finance Committee are:
Lay Mbr. to Annual Conference(note 1)
Council Chairperson
S/PPR (Representative or chairperson)
Trustees (Representative)
Stewardship Chairperson (note 2)
Lay Leader
Financial Secretary / Recording Secretary ¶247.4
Church Treasurer
Church Business Administrator (note 3)
Note 1: In multi-church charges, there is only one Lay Member to Annual Conference. All churches of the charge will be represented by this person.
Note 2: If there is a ministry group for Stewardship, indicate the name of the person, otherwise indicate “none” for Stewardship Chairperson.
Note 3: If there is person who serves in the capacity, otherwise indicate “none.” Conference^/2016/District Forms/All Churches/Lay Leadership/Local Church Officials for 2016-fillable.doc updated 9/8/16