Bottesford Branch



All meetings take place in the Fuller Rooms Bottesford unless otherwise stated.

The Mary Sumner Prayer

“All this day, O Lord,

Let me touch as many lives as possible for thee;

And every life I touch, do thou thy spirit quicken,

Whether through the word I speak,

The prayer I breathe,

Or the life I live.”


Written in 1876 by Mothers’ Union founder Mary Sumner.

Jan 7th2.30pmAGM – Fuller Rooms

Jan 31st10.30amCoffee Morning - Fuller Rooms Bottesford

Feb 4th2.30pmSpeaker


Mar 6th6.30pmWomen’s World Day of Prayer (CTiB)

Baptist Chapel, Bottesford

Details from Benefice Office

Mar 25th2.30pm**Deanery Festival – Rev’d R King


Apr 1st2.30pmSpeaker – Monica Winfield

L.O.R.O.S (re arranged meeting)

Apr 27th(TBC)Wave of Prayer Day

May 6th2.30pmSpeaker - Mrs Judith Wells

May 20th10.30am**Deanery Coffee Morning

Samworth Centre - Melton Mowbray

June 3rdTo be confirmed

JulyOuting To be confirmed


Sept 2ndSpeaker - Rev’d Alan Haydock (TBC)

Oct 7thSpeaker - Rev’d Pauline Jenkins

Nov 4thSpeaker – MrsFrances Stapleton

Dec 9thChristmas Lunch – Venue to be confirmed

The Mothers’ Union Prayer

Loving Lord,

We thank you for your love so freely given to all,

We pray for families around the world,

Bless the work of the Mothers Union

As we see to share your love through encouragement,

Strengthening and support of marriage and family life,

Empowered by your Spirit,

May we unite in Prayer and Worship,

And in love and service reach out as your hands across the world,

In Jesus’ name


Branch Leader-Mrs Barbara Taylor

Branch Secretary-Mrs Eileen Boyce

Branch Treasurer-Mrs Judith Wells

Social Co-ordinator -Mrs Frances Stapleton

** If you require transport to either of these events, please contact Eileen or Frances.

* For further details of this meeting contact Gillian Beavis or Janet Larder