Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program


TITLE: Imminent Health Hazard


To reduce the effect of an imminent health hazard within the Head Start and Early Head Start Centers.


It is the policy of the OLC HS/EHS Program Centers that the HS/EHS Director, and the Head Start and Early Head Start Center staff will take what ever steps are necessary to prevent the creation of an imminent health hazard and to protect the children, staff and community from any imminent health hazards that may occur.


a. If the Health/Disabilities/Mental Health Coordinator or AI/ANPB identifies an imminent health hazard, the HS/EHS Director or College Center Directors will:

(1) Follow the recommendations to eliminate of the health hazard or reduce the risk of exposure to the health hazard, which could include evacuation of the Center.

(2) Coordinate actions necessary to permanently eliminate the health hazard to the satisfaction of the Health/Disabilities/Mental Health Coordinator.

(3) Complete a Request to Reopen Center to the HS/EHS Director or College Center Directors. The request will include what the imminent health hazard was, what was done to eliminate the hazard or reduce the risk of exposure to the hazard, and a copy of the written recommendation by the Health/Disabilities/Mental Health Coordinator to open the Center or written declaration that the health hazard has been eliminated.

b. If the OLC Head Start and Early Head Start Centers staff or visitors identify an imminent health hazard, the Director/Assistant Director will:

(1)  Determine if the situation is an emergency and if evacuation of the Center is necessary. If evacuation is necessary, then the Emergency Evacuation Procedures will be implemented

(2) For non-emergency imminent health hazards, the Teacher will:

(a) The HS/EHS Director or College Center Directors will take steps to eliminate the imminent health hazard or to limit exposure to the imminent health hazard immediately.

(b) Call the HS/EHS Director at (605) 455-6117 or College Center Directors immediately of the situation and what actions are planned.

(c) Call the Health/Disabilities/Mental Health Coordinator at (605) 455-6118 immediately of the situation and what actions are planned and request technical assistance.

(d) Follow the recommendations to eliminate the health hazard or reduce the risk of exposure to the health hazard as provided by the Health/Disabilities/Mental Health Coordinator.

(e)  Coordinate actions necessary to permanently eliminate the health hazard to the satisfaction of the Health/Disabilities/Mental Health Coordinator.


Emergency and Evacuation Report

Evacuation Letter to Parents

Request to Reopen Center


Head Start Performance Standards

Environmental Health Standards

Adapted from Model Tribal Head Start Health and Safety Code-Indian Health Service/Office of Environmental Health

Revised: 09/14/05

PC Approval: 10/23/06

BOT Approval: 11/21/06