Whitten Elementary School

Unit 3, Lesson 1

Teacher: Bradshaw / Week of: 10/3 – 10/7 2011 / Grade(s): Second
In this lesson, students will be identifying if an object is a shape or not. They will specifically be able to name geometric shapes and will be reminded of the terms triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon and hexagon from their math class. Students will then use these shapes to create a value smudge drawing inspired by analytical cubism. (read, write, listen, watch, analyze, research, etc.) Hint: Look at the verbs!
Then, they:
Will learn more about cubist art and how these artists used shapes to break down pictures. We will be doing an art critique on cubism. Students will also be finishing their smudge projects
A. Unit Topic:
  • A shape is made of lines that are closed.
  • There are different kinds of shapes we can use to make a whole picture.
  • Triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons are examples of 2D geometric shapes.
Geometric shapes have names and rules
  • Organic shapes are those shapes that come from nature they do not have names and do not have
  • Shapes can be put together to create larger composite shapes.
  • Cubism is a time in art history when artists stopped making things look real but instead broke things into shapes.
  • Part of being a smART artist is learning to “read” art so we can learn from it.
  • Just like we found lines in art, we can find shapes in art too.

B. Objectives:
VA.5.2.2 / SWBAT identify if an object is a shape or not
VA.5.2.2 / SWBAT define geometric shapes
VA.5.2.2 / SWBAT identify geometric shapes(triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon)
VA.6.2.1 / SWBAT create geometric shapes
VA.7.2.2 / SWBAT explain that cubist artists broke things into shapes
C. Instructional Resources: List any materials or resources needed.
PPT / Cubist pictures
Art Journals
Card Stock / cut
D. Procedures:
1. Set: Describe how you will launch your lesson. (Explain)
Hook (10 min): TW teach students the “shape song “
Why: The song will engage auditory learners while the motions will engage kinesthetic and visual learners in the understanding of shapes.
2. Teach: List what strategies/skills you will use and what the students will do (Explicit Instruction Model)
INM (10 min): TW show various triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons and hexagons asking students to identify them if they know them already (think to the song). TW explain how these shapes we know the names for are called geometric shapes. They help us in other subjects like math too! TW project pictures that use either geometric or organic shapes and will have students make a plus sign with their arms for a geometric shape (math shape) and neutral arms for other shapes. TW stretch it by having students indentify the shapes by counting the sides.
GP(20 min): TW guide students and SW draw one each of a triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon and hexagon on one side of their practice paper. TW have the students circle the one they would like to get better at drawing. SW draw that shape 5 more times on the other side of their practice paper.
transitional piece: practice is what makes us better. In order to learn something we have to practice. Our practice doesn’t have to be perfect right away but we should be trying to get better each time we do something. If we practice enough, we can do anything.
TW introduce cubist art
Dropping in on Picasso Video (start at 7:55)
Cubists broke things into lots of shapes. It almost looks like there are only shapes in the drawings.
TW explain how the pictures are balanced and give examples of things that would be unbalanced.
TW introduce the smudge project.
SW choose the shape they would like to use for their project. TW demo drawing on card stock square to fill up the whole space, cutting and using the shape to smudge. (draw with charcoal around the shape, lay on drawing paper and smudge outward, pick up shape and repeat until entire page is full and balanced).
IP (10 min): SW create and cut their card stock shape to be used for smudging next week.
3. Closure: At the conclusion of the lesson, explain how you will wrap up your teaching
Clean Up (5 min): Table captains will scissors to supply table and make sure their area is clear of scraps. SW straighten their areas, stack their papers and be called to line up.
4. Assessment: List what assessments you will use including homework, formative assessments, quizzes, tests
Practice papers will serve as an informal creation assessment for this lesson. TW check for understanding as a class throughout.
The unit will be formally assessed in lesson 4 with a written assessment as well as the two smudge projects.
5. Differentiation: List strategies that can be used to engage all learners
Differentiation will come in verbal form from the teacher. I will be circulating watching for students who are struggling to create their shapes.
I will:
  1. Have students describe what the shape should look like and attempt to create that shape
  2. Draw guide dots.
  3. Draw half of the object with students finishing the other half.
GT: If students are advanced in shapes, TW challenge them to make very careful and precise shapes as they create and also be class leaders and help teach other students how to identify and create the shapes.
6. Connections: Explain any connections to different content areas
Shapes directly relate to math standards in second grade. I will be contacting classroom teachers to identify the specific standard and make sure I am supporting it.