President Serve as the Leader of the Chapter

Preside at the Monthly Meetings

Promote FBLA in the school and community

Assist the Advisor and other Officers

Serve as the Liaison between Advisor and Principal

Serve as Chairperson on several Committees

Design & Create the Annual Activities Report

Vice President Serve as the President’s Assistant

Preside at the Monthly Meetings when President is absent

Promote FBLA in the school and community

Assist the Advisor and other Officers

Serve as Chairperson on several Committees

Assist with the Annual Activities Report

Secretary Prepare Agenda & Attendance Rosters for Monthly Meetings

Record Minutes of the meetings

Record Members Points

Create the Monthly Activity Report (always due on the 10th)

Serve as Chairperson on several Committees

Assist with the Annual Activities Report

Treasurer Present a Financial Report at the Monthly Meetings

Assist the Advisor with all Funds

Assist the Advisor with Donation Requests

Assist the Secretary with Recording of Members Points

Serve as Chairperson on several Committees

Assist with the Annual Activities Report

Historian Create the Chapter’s Yearly Scrapbook

Assist the Reporter with taking Photos

Assist the Secretary with the Monthly Activity Report

Assist the Reporter with Newspaper Articles

Serve as Chairperson on several Committees

Assist with the Annual Activities Report

Reporter Create Newspaper Articles about the Chapter and Members

Take Photos of Chapter’s Events, Projects, etc.

Assist the Historian with the Chapter’s Yearly Scrapbook

Assist the Secretary with the Monthly Activity Report

Create Posters and Displays for various events

Serve as Chairperson on several Committees

Assist with the Annual Activities Report

Parliamentarian Make sure Monthly Meetings are conducted with order

Assist Secretary in Preparing the Monthly Meetings’ Agendas

Assist the Secretary with the Monthly Activity Report

Assist the Reporter with Posters and Displays

Serve as Chairperson on several Committees

Assist with the Annual Activities Report