Researching a Career
Assignment: Research a career in which you are interested and feel that you can be successful. You are at an age where you need to think seriously about a career. This is a good opportunity!
Instructions: Spend class time researching your career choice. You are to gather information that pertains to the following areas of your career choice:
- My CareerDescription or definition of the career
- Nature of the WorkDescribe what types of activities are done in this career
- Working ConditionsDescribe the place and conditions in which a person would work (inside, outside, city, rural, office). What types of clothing would be worn for this job?
- Job OutlookWhat are future predictions for employment in this career? Is the number of jobs growing? How fast?
- EarningsWhat is the starting salary? Potential high salary? Would you be paid overtime or get a set salary?
- Related OccupationsWhat other jobs could you do with the training received for this occupation?
- Training & QualificationsWhat training is needed? Would you need to go to a 2-year college, 4-year college, technical school, or do an apprenticeship? Where would you go to get trained? Be as specific as possible.
- Chance for AdvancementWhat chance would you have for promotions in position or higher salary?
- LifestyleWhat type of lifestyle would you have if you were in this occupation? Describe the type of lifestyle you would like to have as an adult (house, cars, family, activities)? Would this career let you have the time and money to have this lifestyle? Why or why not?
- Other InformationOther information that you are interested in learning about this career. Include anything else that you learned that you found interested or could relate to.
- Closing ParagraphDescribe your thought about this career now that you have had a chance to research it. Are you still interested in this career choice. Why or why not?
How to Compile Your Report
Read the internet, newspapers, books, magazines, etc. and take notes either by copying and pasting into a Word document or manually writing notes. Then you will compile a report basedon the guidelines listed below:
- Search the internet for information about the career you’re interested in using the list of websites that I have provided, plus any others you know of or can find.
- Gather related information and post that information in Word.
- Remember to use the websites listed on the separate sheet.
- Remember to keep a record of each website, book, magazine, newspaper, etc. from which you obtained the information because you will list that information in your “Works Cited” sheet.
- Suggestion: Use a Word document to list the topic areas shown above. As you find information relating to each topic, copy and paste that information along with the website under the appropriate topic. Then later, you can go back and summarize the information you have compiled.
- Format the paragraph heading in ALL CAPS and in BOLD i.e., NATURE OF THE WORK
- You can single space the report, but double space before and after the subheadings.
- You must use at least five (5) different sources for your report.
- Your finished report will be between 4 and 5 pages long, and will contain about one-half page on each of the topics to be covered.
- This is an in class project. You will be given sufficient time to complete the assignment.
- The “Works Cited” will go on a separate page.
Examples of Websites