Minutes of an EXTRAORDINARY meetingof

Full Council at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 30th April 2013

in the Windmill, Meopham Green

Present: / Cllrs Powell (Chairman), Wade (Vice-Chairman), Aitken, Bramer, Buchanan, Everson, Hasler, McTavish and Rayner

In attendance: Ms S Steven (Acting Clerk) and 3 members of the public

Item 1: To receive Declarations of Interest

C.242 There were no declarations of interest.

Item 2:To receive Apologies for Absence

C.243 Apologies were received fromBorough Cllrs Mrs Boycott, Mrs Burgoyne and Shelbrooke and Cllrs Ferrin, Kemsley (abroad) and Marshall (transport difficulties).

Item 3: To approve minutes of previous meeting (16/04/13)

C.244 The minutes were approved as a true and correct on a proposal by Cllr Hasler and seconded by Cllr McTavish, with the following amendment:

  • C.237 No 1 (amend the wording “by ACAS” to “through ACAS”.

There were 9 votes in favour 1and 1 abstention.

Item 4: Matters Arising

C.245 Cllr Buchanan raised an item under paragraph C.241 and the Chairman stated that this topic would be covered under agenda item 8 of this meeting.

C.246 Cllr Everson raised the issue of VAT reclaims by the Parish Council in relation to C.236.

C.247 Cllr Bramer requested an update on C.236 and the Acting Clerk stated that discussions were taking place and the matter was progressing.

C.248 Cllr Bramer requested a detailed update regarding C.237 and noted that the Parish Council would be attending the Employment Tribunal. The Acting Clerk stated that she had been given authority by Full Council to vary minor details of the settlement agreement but the amendments required by the claimant were major. Following legal advice, the appropriate forms were submitted by the Acting Clerk to the Employment Tribunal.

Item 5: To review and determine the membership of the Grievance Panel

C.249 Cllr Powell proposed that Cllrs Powell, Aitken, McTavish and Wade be appointed to a Grievance Panel to consider the remaining grievances and this was seconded by Cllr Rayner. There were 8 votes in favour and 1 against.

Item 6: To approve the Acting Clerk’s attendance at the Clerk’s Conference

C.250Cllr Buchanan proposed a motion to approve the sum of £72.00 for the Acting Clerk to attend the Annual Clerk’s Conference and this was seconded by Cllr Aitken. All voted in favour.

Item 7: To answer questions from Members of the Press and Public

C.251 On a proposal by Cllr Powell and seconded by Cllr Rayner Standing Orders were suspended in order for members of the public to speak. All voted in favour. A resident enquired as to when he could expect a response to his enquiry regarding Standing Orders submitted to the Parish Office. The Acting Clerk stated hat the response would be sent via e-mail following this meeting and it would also be copied to all members. Standing Orders were then reinstated.

Item 8: To answer questions in accordance with Standing Order 8

C.252 Cllr Bramer asked the following question “Following on from his answer given in minute C.241 which Standing Order(s) does the Chairman believe the Councillor in question has breached? In his view has the Chairman of the Council's Appeal Panel also breached the same Standing Order(s)? If not, why not? If any misrepresentation of the status of the informal notes document occurred, to whom was it misrepresented? Will he investigate the apparent disclosure of the same document to the Vice-Chairman of Council by someone other than the two Councillors referred to above?”

C.253 The Chairman stated “In Minute C228 of the Extraordinary meeting of Full Council on 5 April 2013, the Council decided, by agreeing a vote of no confidence in the Councillor in question, that the Councillor had breached Standing Orders 23 d, e & f by misrepresentation of informal notes as formal Meopham Parish Council Minutes. The Chairman of the Council’s Appeal Committee did not misrepresent informal notes as formal Meopham Parish Council Minutes. Misrepresentation of the status of the informal notes, as they were presented as formal Meopham Parish Council Minutes, was tothe Council, members in receipt of those notes and to any other recipients of those notes, past or future.”

The meeting closed at 19.51 pm.