Astronomy Tic-Tac-Know
Directions: Choose three of the products from the chart. You may NOT select any from the same horizontal line, but you may select all three from a vertical line. You may also choose a diagonal, although you may not zig-zag. These are to be constructed/completed in class.
Using your Rubric/Criteria sheet as your guide, you will complete your three selections by 3 September 2010.
Knowledge and Comprehension / Science Lab Instruments / The Expanding Universe / Timeline of AstronomersApplication / Units of Measurements in Space / The story of astronomy / Comic Strip of the Metric System
Analysis and Synthesis / The Big Bang Performance / Copernican Revolution Research / Model of the Big Bang
Use your time wisely.
Science Lab Instruments (reading): Quiz yourself on how to read a graduated cylinder, a triple beam and thermometer (sheet has two sides).
The Expanding Universe (reading): Using the textbook, explore the Big Bang.
Time line of Astronomers (2-D art): With the text and your notes as your guide, place the Astronomers from your notes (Galileo, Tycho Brahe, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler and Newton ) on a time line of discovery and astronomical thought. Include diagrams & or artistic renditions of them and their theories.
Units of Measurements in Space (reading): Investigate the light year with a reading prompt and questions.
The Story of Astronomy(writing): Create a book that tells the History of Astronomy. You must include the following terms/people: heliocentric, geocentric, Galileo, Tycho Brahe, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler and Newton. Your book must have a cover, color pages, as well as writing, and artwork on each page. Scientific information must be the focus of your book.
Comic Strip of the Metric System (2-D art): Explain the metric system and its prefixes through a comic strip. Make sure you highlight the different tools used in the metric system, what they are used for and the different units we use.
The Big Bang Performance (Performance): Compose a song, skit or poem (not a Haiku) about the science behind the Big Bang. Include what we know and how we know it. Use the textbook to understand more: pp 628-633.
Copernican Revolution (writing): A series of prompts will guide you through a writing assignment based on a web-presentation of the history of Astronomy
Model of the Big Bang (3-D art): Use whatever media you choose to create a representation of the Big Bang through art. Include at least 4 “stages” or progressions through the formation of our solar system. Does not need to be to scale.