Unit E Study Guide
Forensic medicine
- An elderly man with multiple medical problems dies from a confirmed case of West Nile virus. Would an autopsy be performed?
- Mrs. Jones suffers from leukemia but her doctor was still surprised when she died. If the doctor wants an autopsy performed, the doctor should:
- Why were dental records important in identifying the remains of victims from the September 11 terrorist attacks?
- When an investigator is using forensic science in criminal justice, the focus of the investigation should be on:
- Skeletal remains are found and authorities have no clue about who the person might be. What should the pathologist be able to tell authorities about the victim?
- What part of the following statement is true? “ The lysosome of the cell has 46 pairs of chromosomes made up of DNA, all from the fathers sperm.”
- What science related areas are most used in forensic science?
- Skeletal remains are found. It is determined that the skeleton weighs 12 pounds, is 5’7” tall and that the victim was left handed. What is the gender of the victim?
- John claims that he was attacked by three people. One of the attackers, Fred, bit him. Is there anyway to prove in court that Fred bit john?
- Carrie is a college student and is required to take a course in forensic science as part of her degree requirements. Her major is most likely?
- Mr. Ermin was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 1999. Why might an autopsy be ordered when he dies?
- When a female murder victim is discovered, the first three questions to be answered are: Who is she? How long has she been dead? And?
- A detective is searching the home of a suspected criminal. Where is the best place to look for a sample of the suspects DNA?
- When a criminal investigation shows that bloodstained clothing is matched to a specific individual, how much proof does that require?
- A skeleton was discovered in a shallow grave in rural Georgia. A forensic anthropologist could tell if the remains belong to:
- A scrap of stained clothing is analyzed in a crime lab. The lab identifies the stain as containing Barr bodies. What does that tell us?
- There are blood stains at a crime scene and the medical examiner orders a precipitin test to determine if the stain is:
- What health examiner is called to the scene of a murder?
- What might be a cause of death if a person’s death is classified as a natural death?
- Whose office is responsible for conducting autopsies?
- How long has a victim been dead before rigor mortis sets in?
- A body is found in the park and there is no sign of rigor mortis. How long has the person been dead?
- When someone dies, body temperature falls at what rate?
- What could be determined from a skeleton in forensic anthropology?
- A skeleton is found but the head is missing, making it difficult to determine the victim’s what?
- A skeleton is found in the woods. What will the medical examiner use to identify the remains?
- After a house fire, a coroner would request a copy of the victims:
- The goal of forensic science is what?
- Name examples of forensic techniques.
- What does the term “forensic” mean?
- What is done after the completion of an autopsy?
- What is routinely done during an autopsy?
- What is the correct spelling of DNA?
- What chemicals make up the DNA code? What would a normal person have the most of?
- Skeletal remains would reveal if a victim ever had what?
- Two different people could possibly have identical?
- Where would you find a person’s Rh factor?