/ SAF€RA 2013 joint call for proposals

Response form


Project number:
All highlighted text should be replaced by the requested information. The total length of your proposal must not exceed 15 pages. Please read the “Guidelines for proposers” document associated with this call before completing this form, and carefully check the information on eligibility criteria.
Note that by submitting your proposal, you allow SAF€RA partners to publish your project title, keywords, and abstract for institutional reporting purposes. If your proposal is accepted, you will be required to provide a publishable summary of your proposal to be published by the SAF€RA project as a part of its dissemination process.

Title of the project

Project title


List of approximately 5 keywords

Call topic(s)/subtopics concerned by your proposal

T1.1: The value of human and organizational aspects of safety

T1.2: Assessing performance of regulation frameworks in the light of value systems

T1.3: The value of the safety culture concept

T2: Resilience: improving management of safety

Partner organization / Country / Funding requested from[1]
Partner 1 (coordinator)
Partner 2
Partner n

Type of proposal:

Pre-established consortium proposal

Single-organization proposal

Person responsible for the project (project coordinator)

Surname and first name of the project coordinator,

Organization, complete address (postal and phone),

with email address and organization web page.

Please note that details of the full research team are requested in another section of this form.

Abstract of the proposed research (20 to 25 lines)

Provide a summary of:

  • the issue or problem addressed, highlighting which topics in the joint call are addressed
  • the way it will be treated (methodology)
  • expected results/outcomes and impact

Note that each of these items will be further developed in the following sections.

Issues addressed and relevance (max. 15 lines)

Define the issues or research questions that your proposal addresses (objectives of the proposal) and any research hypotheses.

Specify the questions listed in the joint call which are handled.

Please avoid the use of jargon.

Methodology, task breakdown and expected outcomes


  • the process you will use to handle the issue and the tasks or steps of this process;
  • the expected outcomes of these tasks or steps.

Stakeholder impacts (max. 10 lines)

Specify the contribution of the expected outcomes to the issues addressed. Which categories of stakeholders will be interested in your results? If the project is a success, what difference will it make? How could expected results of the project be transferred to stakeholders?

Innovation (20 to 30 lines)

What is the added value of your proposal with respect to the state of the art or current practice (novelty of the issue or the research question, innovative methodology)? Why do you think your project will be successful?

Planned schedule

  1. Specify the total duration of the project.
  2. Propose a planned schedule for the tasks or steps defined above in the tasks breakdown, for instance in the form of a Gantt chart.
  3. If relevant, list any specific project risks and briefly identify contingency plans.

Research team

Partner organization 1:

Role in the project (proposals submitted as a preformed consortium should clearly identify the specific contribution of each partner in the consortium).

Persons participating (family name, first name, academic degree, position, discipline and amount of their work time contributing to the project (expressed in person-months).

Short CV including relevant scientific publications for primary members of the research team (to be included as an attachment).

Identify whether and how the proposed work is linked with other existing research activities (other research contracts, co-funding).

Partner organization 2: (idem)

Partner organization n:(idem)

SAF€RA call for proposals – response formpage 1/5

Financial Annex

Provide a provisional indication of the required budget for your project. All numbers provided in this section should include VAT (Value Added Tax). Please specify the currency and unit used for all numbers (suggested unit is k€). If you are submitting as a pre-established consortium, please copy and complete the table below once for each partner and include a summary of all costs and funding requested from SAF€RA (see example table below).

Partner organization 1:

Cost category / Funding requested from
funder 1[2] / Funding requested in total
Personnel costs
(briefly explain planned expenses)
Travel costs
(briefly explain planned expenses)
Equipment costs
(briefly explain planned expenses)
Other costs
(briefly explain planned expenses)
Overhead costs (if applicable)
(briefly explain planned expenses)

Note: you may specify personnel costs as “real costs including overheads”, or indicate overhead costs separately.

Partner organization 2: (idem)

Partner organization n: (idem)

Example of a summary table:

Partner / Funding requested[3]
(k€) / Own contribution[4]
(k€) / Other funding[5] (k€) / Total costs[6]
Partner 1 (coordinator)
Partner 2
Partner n

In cases where requested funding is different from total cost, please specify the source and nature of the pre-existing funding or co-funding which is available. Please specify your budget per year and per-partner.

Please send the completed form in PDF format and .doc or .odt by email to

before November 29th 2013 at 16:00 CET. An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to you by email.
Reminder: the total length of your submission must not exceed 15 pages.


Funding organizations participating in SAF€RA’s 2013 joint call: BAM, CIOP-PIB, Demokritos, FIOH, FonCSI, IDEA, INAIL, INERIS, MEDDE, MESTD, MSAH, OSALAN, RCN, RIVM, TNO, and Tukes. See Annex 1 of the “Guidelines for proposers” document for details.


Please specify the funding organization from which the funding is applied for. If this partner is requesting funding from more than one of the SAF€RA funding organizations, more columns shall be added to the table to provide the required information concerning the funding requested.

[3]Funding requested: the funding that this partner is requesting from the SAF€RA funding organizations for this project.

[4]Own contribution: any internal funding or in-kind contribution that this partner is able to bring to the project. For example, if a participating researcher’s salary will be paid by your organization whether this project is funded or not, you may state a fraction of their salary (full employer-cost) as an “own contribution”.

[5]Other funding: any external co-funding that you have already obtained or have the expectation of obtaining for this project. Please specify whether this funding is conditional on any further decisions by another organization.

[6]Total costs should simply be the sum of funding requested, own contribution and other funding. SAF€RA partners will use this information to calculate the leverage effect of funding made available within this ERA-NET.