Introduction to Forensic Science (CHEM 105)Course Policy: Spring 2012

Instructor:Michael Eugene Pugh, Professor

Office:218 HSC: 389-4144; 119 Columbia: 389-2833

email: mpugh@


Office Hours:218 HSC: M: 1:00 - 1:50 PM & F: 11:00 – 11:50 AM

Columbia Hall:M: 11:00 – 11:50 AM, W: 9:00 - 9:50 AM; TH: 10:00 – 10:50 AM; and by appointment. I have an open door policy so feel free to stop by anytime- if I am not there leave a note with a phone number, or email address and I will get back to you. You may also email questions to me weekdays: 8 AM – 5 PM only. I do not check campus email outside of those times or on the weekends.

Lecture:T: 11:00 – 11:50 AM; 262 HSC

Compressed schedule meeting time: 12:20– 1:20 PM

Labs:T: 2:00 - 4:50 PM; 262 HSC

Compressed schedule meeting time: 2:40 - 4:50 PM

Text:Girard, James. (2011) Criminalistics: Forensic Science, Crime, and Terrorism, 2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA. Please bring to class for reference purposes –we use some of the figures in lab.

Lab Manual:Experiments available for downloading from BOLT.

Calculator: Bring a calculator to every class meeting, especially for the exams and quizzes. You do not need a fancy one but it should be able to do logs and antilog functions. Programmable calculators that are capable of storing alphabetic characters or transmit information are forbidden for use on exams and quizzes and will be confiscated if caught using. If in doubt, check with me.

Cell Phones,Cell phones, PDAs, iPods/iPads/tablets, and computers are forbidden during quizzes and exam, if caught using one during a quiz or exam you will receive

PDAs, iPods,a zero and removed from the course. This is a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy (PRP 3512) and an Academic Integrity Policy Violation Report will be filed with the Director of Student Standards.

iPads, tablets,As a courtesy to me, and others, turn off your cell phones during class. If it goes off I will retrieve it and keep until the end of the class. Disruption of class will lead to a 10% deduction on the next examgrade. Please review PRP 3881- Student Disruptive Behavior Policy- further disruptions can lead to more severe sanctions.

Evaluation:3 hourly exams1 35.0%

5 Take Home Quizzes2 15.0%

Laboratory3 25.0%

Final Exam425.0%


1The exams will be given2/14, 3/27, 4/24

Note- in the event of adverse weather and classes are canceled a scheduled exam will be given the next time the class meets. If a compressed schedule is in effect on the day of a scheduled exam it will be given as scheduled.

2The Take Home quizzes will cover both lecture and laboratory material. They will be handed out in the lecture on 1/31, 2/7, 2/28, 3/20, 4/10

Note- You must be present in lecture to obtain the quiz; failure to do so will result in a zero for that quiz unless a legitimate documented absence as described below can be provided. Take home quizzes will be due to me or in my mailbox in 218 HSC by 4PM on Friday following the distribution of the quiz. They will be graded and available for pickup the following Monday. Late submissions will not be accepted. You are expected to do the quizzes on your own and not as a group effort. This is considered cheating and will be dealt with as described below. If a class is canceled the quiz will be given out the following class meeting.

3The laboratory portion of the course is divided into Notebook (10%) and Analysis Reports (15%). Separate handouts will provide further information on this aspect of the course.

4Final Exam: Monday 5/7 (3:30 – 5:30 PM); 262 HSC

Last day to withdraw from the course:Friday4/6 - 4:00 PM

GRADE SCALE:'A' 90.0 - 100.0%'C'70.0 - 73.9 %

'A-' 88.0 - 89.9 %'C-'67.0 - 69.9%

'B+' 85.0 - 87.9 %'D+'62.0 - 66.9 %

'B' 80.0 - 84.9%'D"58.0 - 61.9%

'B-' 77.0 - 79.9%'F'< 58.0 %

'C+' 74.0 - 76.9%

The instructor reserves the right to lower the bottom limit for each grade depending on the difficulty of the examinations given. Such changes will be considered only at the end of the semester. For borderline cases, the Final Exam will be a major deciding factor! A better than average performance on the final will help you, and a poor performance will not help you. You should not approach the final with the attitude of "what do I need to get grade X" - this has more often than not resulted in a grade less than grade X! A better approach is to strive for the highest grade possible.

Policies and Expectations:

Cheating, plagiarism or use of a forbidden calculator, cell phone or PDA will not be tolerated! If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing or using banned electronic devices, you will be removed from the course and assigned an "E" for the course! Refer to The Pilot for your rights regarding this transgression (see PRP 3512).

If you miss an exam or quiz for a legitimate documented reason, as described in the Class Attendance Policy (PRP 3506) of the Bloomsburg University Undergraduate Catalogue, a make-up exam or quiz, will be given at a time mutually agreed upon by the instructor and student. Please contact me as soon as possible before a quiz or exam- think of me as your employer; you would not blow off your boss with an after the fact excuse. Valid excuses are:

1)Personal illness or accident, or a death or critical illness of an immediate family member as verified in writing by an appropriate authority within 48 hours after the missed quiz or exam.

2)Participation in a university-sponsored activity as outlined in the Pilot with an excuse provided no less than 48 hours in advance of the quiz or exam.

3)Automobile breakdown or accident, or any other incident will be dealt with as merited on a case-by-case basis. The excuse must be verified in writing by an appropriate authority within 48 hours after the missed exam or quiz.

4)Military duty with an excuse provided no less than 48 hours in advance of the exam or quiz.

5)Religious observance with missed dates provided in advance no later than two weeks before the missed class

Read the text- you are responsible for what is in it, especially the case studies. I expect students to study the assigned textbook material prior to the presentation of the subject matter in lecture. My lectures are predicated on this basic premise. This approach has manifold benefits to both the student and the instructor. Not everything is covered by the PowerPoint slides. Do not get behind! If you are not doing as well as you should, be sureto see me as soon as possible for help! Failure to do so may result in a sub-standard performance! If you cannot make it to any of my listed office hours, please contact me in person, or by phone, or by email to arrange for other times, so there should not be any reason for not being able to see me for help. Always feel free to stop by my office as I pretty much have an open office door policy. Also feel free to call or email me to have questions answered – but please note that I usually do not check my email after leaving my office for the day (5 PM to 9AM). I do keep track of who comes in for help and I do take that into consideration when it comes time to assign the final course grades.

If you have a learning disability please contact Accommodative Services (Ext. 4491) to make arrangements for alternate forms of testing, sign interpreters, note takers, etc.

Do not ask me ask me about extra credit- there is none. My course is designed for the normal credit listed above. If you cannot do the regular credit, what make you think that you can do extra credit?

Lecture Schedule

The following is an approximate schedule for this semester. Exams and take home quizzes will be given on dates indicated:

TopicsChapterLecture Date

Investigating the Crime Scene11/24

The Microscope & Forensic ID of Hair & Fibers41/31**

The Microscope & Forensic ID of Hair & Fibers (cont)42/7

Physical Properties: Forensic Characterization of Soil32/7

Exam 11, 3, 4, 2/14

Forensic Analysis of Glass52/21


Drugs of Abuse113/6

Spring Break3/13


Exam 25,6, 8, 113/27

Inorganic Forensic Analysis: Metal & Gunshot Residue94/3


Last Day to Withdraw from Class4/6 (4:00PM)

Investigating & Processing Physical Evidence24/10**

Biological Fluids: Blood, Semen, Saliva and

an Introduction to DNA134/17

Exam 32, 9, 13, 164/24

Forensic DNA Typing145/1

Final Exam1–6, 8, 9, 11, 13-14, 165/7 (3:30 PM)

** dates for the five take home quizzes; due the following Friday by 4PM

Laboratory Portion of Course

Laboratory Schedule:Date

Check-in, Safety, Measurements1/23

Thin Layer Chromatography: Inks and Lipsticks1/31

Identification of Hair and Textile Fibers2/72/14

Glass Analysis: Density and Refractive Index2/21

Fingerprinting2/28 3/6

Drug Analysis3/20

Firearms: Gunshot Residues & Bullet Analysis3/27

Spot Tests for Explosives and Explosive Residues4/3

Crime Scene Analysis4/10

Crime Scene Analysis & DNA Isolation, PCR Amplification4/17

Crime Scene Analysis mtDNA HVI/HVII Region-Sequence Typing4/24

Crime Scene Analysis Wrap up12/6

Laboratory Evaluation:

Notebook evaluation10 % of course grade

Laboratory Analysis Reports15 % of course grade

Laboratory reports will be due one week following the completion of the lab analysis. The last lab report will be due on the day of the final