CDC Injury Surveillance Call on What Can be Removed from Appendix

August 7, 2013


  • Falmouth Institute
  • Marguerite Carroll
  • Basla Andolsun
  • CDC
  • Bridget Canniff
  • Debby Chavez-Bird
  • Don Wilkins
  • Holly Billie
  • Jon Peabody
  • Nancy Bill
  • Siona Willie

Items Discussed:

  1. Was cut down from about 170 pages to about 40 pages. Mostly accomplished by removing pages and adding links to where they can be accessed
  2. Holly: “Some questions to ask when assessing a data source”. Leave in. Take shorter questions and put them on a slide, leave rest in appendix
  3. Marguerite: “Matrix of Data Sources” – in or out?
  4. Siona: Keep it in
  5. Marguerite: List of tribal epicenters is now link
  6. Marguerite: Bristol Bay examples of Injury Prevention forms, just keep one form just keep one form on supplemental data ok?
  7. Nancy: 2 samples
  8. Yes  motor vehicle and self-inflicted/suicide
  9. Marguerite: Document “Guidelines for the Development…”
  10. Nancy: Good to have for historical reasons
  11. Jon: Can we copy it onto IHS website and provide link?
  12. Nancy: Yes. Marguerite, please send it to me.
  13. Marguerite: “Severe Injury…” One from Aberdeen, one older, Aberdeen more current
  14. Nancy: Aberdeen report has different sections. Can eliminate some
  15. Holly: Or just choose one service unit
  16. Consensus: Use Aberdeen and just one service unit
  17. Marguerite: Put slides in body of manual
  18. Jon: Q: #1 and #3 say “part of an exercise”
  19. Marguerite: There’s an exercise that has them compare
  20. Jon: If 2 eliminated example forms, can still do exercise?
  21. Marguerite: Yes
  22. Holly: Great that you whittled it down! Looks pretty good as long as instructions on where to go for resources for links is there we’re good
  23. Holly: Did you do screen shots of web links? WISQARS and FARS
  24. Marguerite: Did not look good on slide. Fuzzy. I’ll ask Ed if he can help.
  25. Marguerite: Pre- and Post-test
  26. Nancy: I like pre- and post-test idea
  27. Jon: Yes
  28. Holly: How many important/bolded items are included in test?
  29. Marguerite: A few things are. I can check to see that there’s more
  30. Nancy: We may need to pilot pre- and post-test and see which questions may be misunderstood and adjust them
  31. Holly: I have some suggestions for tweaking. I’ll send
  32. Marguerite: Format will be presentation slide and text next to slide for manual. May insert a few pages.
  33. Holly: I am working on ICD code section. Nancy, Siona and I can send out draft after we complete it.
  34. Marguerite: Manual total will be around 150 pages (including appendix)
  35. Holly: That sounds about average
  36. Marguerite: 3-day course still?
  37. Holly: Hard to say. I’d say 2 ½ days as approximate time. Maybe 2.
  38. Siona: Agreed
  39. Holy: We’ll have one more meeting after seeing the final product then one other about putting it online.
  40. Holly: Aberdeen wants to put L1 online.
  41. Nancy: Don’t think it’s started yet
  42. Holly: Have folks with online experience on call.
  43. Nancy: Target audience may have difficulty with internet access folks from Alaska especially.
  44. Holly: Have folks on call who can brain storm it.

Next Meeting: September 9th, 3:00 EDT


CDC Injury Surveillance Call
