Citizenship and new Inclusion project

Final evaluation report

1)  Main objectives

MUNICIPALITY OF FORLI’ / Assessment related to the achieved global goals and objectives / Citizenship and new inclusion project
phase 2
From December 2004 to January 2006
GLOBAL GOALS / Relevant issues / Critical points / Level of achievement
0= not achieved
5=fully achieved
deepen the analysis about the practises of citizenship developed by the women associations across Europe (autonomy, identity, freedom, self-determination, empowerment) and to a knowledge improvement in the public and private domains, through the identification of patterns of citizenship indicators / -  screening and analysis of good practises
direct involvement of women associations in the fora and workshops, and the draft of the programmatic charters
identification of citizenship indicators
citizenship indicators adopted by some Muncipalities for experimenting gender budgeting process / -  on-going gap between formal rights and set of practises of social and political rights really enjoyed by migrant women
increasing legal restrictions towards migrants and refugees
increasing racism and intolerance
reclutancy of some Countries to recognize political rights to migrants
weakness of migrant women self-organisations in Italy and Greece
-  need to improve the knowledge of the impact of migration policies on migrant women lives / 3,5
enhance a better understanding of the impact of these practises on the local policies in different territories of the Countries involved, with a special focus on three issues: the access to health and social services, the access to the labour market, women and domestic violence / -  transnational level and interest of the workshops
-  active participation and contribution from different stakeholders
-  link between services provisions and local policies / -  difficulties to establish relevant connections with the NAPS’ priorities: especially for Italy and Greece there is a lack of specific objectives and no indicators for an effective monitoring activity
-  cuts in public welfare funds
-  creation of bodies of national interest on inclusion and immigration which in fact prove to have very poor connections with the local level
-  contradictions between public statements in favour of migrant integration and the socio-economic interest of seeking a cheap labour force / 3,5
- to create a strong link with some territories, through the creation of participatory fora / -  two sessions of fora realised in Italy and Greece
-  one session of fora realised in Germany / -  difficulties to open the fora to a wide public
-  difficulties to bring the relevant needs and demands collected during the fora to a political level / 4
- to verify the possibility of transforming these fora into permanent consultative bodies at local level / -  in Italy and Greece the fora have become permanent / 3

ACTIVITIES – 1) Control/monitoring process of the executive planning and activities of coordination and management , the organisation of the final conference

The project manager and the working team of the project have been reconfirmed for the second year’ activities and a detailed working program has been drafted and discussed with all the project partners, as well as the specific objectives and contents related to thematic workshops and the final conference. Extensive description of the project management bodies is annexed to the intermediate evaluation report.

MUNICIPALITY OF FORLI’ / Transnational meeting assessment / Forlì, 20-21 January, 2006
r X meeting evaluation
Project Title: Citizenship and new inclusion Phase 2
Number of participants: 38
Summary of the auto-evaluation forms filled in by the participants
Elements to be evaluated / poor very good
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A. Meeting preparation phase / 11 / 10 / 17
B. Reception / 22 / 16
C. Suitability of the premises and structures / 18 / 20
D. Efficiency of the general organisation of the meeting / 16 / 22
E. Extent of the achievement of the working programme objectives / 14 / 9 / 15
F. Extent of the cooperation between the partners / 7 / 14 / 17
G. Suitability of communication (in case of foreign partnerships) / 11 / 27
H. General evaluation of the meeting / 16 / 13 / 9

Activities 2: Control/monitoring process of the second run of the participative fora

During 2005 the fora have been held in Italy and Greece. Italy: the fora have been held in two locations, Forlì and Turin, following the path of the first year. What we can underline is that in Turin the fora, managed by a women association, have not been open to a wide public but have taken a peculiar shape of a space of permanent consultation among representatives of associations and groups of the city and as well as representatives of the local institutions and civil servants (among other, due to the restrictions of the Italian immigration laws, even legal and police services). One unexpected result of the project is undoubtedly the creation of an information point at the Questura of Turin (Police) run by the police and the operators of the women association. All that for saying that even this new tool of communication (fora) among institutions and migrants is very much oriented towards integration policies rather than anti discrimination and support to full citizenship and political rights.

The fora: many migrant women participating in the fora report that in Italy, like in Germany and Greece there is a significant backlash in their living conditions caused by increasing racism and intolerance and economic and labour marginalisation, and a persistent lack of power and visibility which in some way the social agencies, like the interethnic women associations, are barely able to tackle. Ultimately, the fora have become in both locations permanent tools of consultation and tools for giving voice to invisible people., and in Greece have involved different groups of population, namely elder people and youth. They have proved to be particularly effective although the perspective adopted in some cases is still to support integration of migrant women, which may affect local policies but can rarely influence the political changes.

The transnational exchange has put a great focus on the importance for migrant women to organise and lobby directly for their rights .

Check-list Realisation of the foreign public fora in Greece - 2005

Country: Greece Town: Nea Ionia Magnesias
List / Description
Specific objectives / Involvement of immigrant women living in the area (where DOKPYs Supporting and Counseling Services Centre is located), associations of immigrants, immigrants and local people, representatives of official bodies and institutions through a scheduled series of public forums that will constitute a basis for problems, demands and proposals recording and solutions provision in the form of the participatory democracy model.
ACTIVITIES / The public fora during the 2nd year of the programme were not organized ‘ad hoc’ but within the provided services to the group of immigrant women that were the result of the ‘Participatory fora’ of year 1 of the programme.
As so the following 3 provisions for these women were operated during the 2nd year of the project:
1.  During the courses for the learning of the Greek language, which involved 35 people. Once a month the reference people of the programme ‘Citizenship & New Inclusion’ were having a meeting with the people of the course – at its end – and they collected new demands-requests and problems. This meeting was being held in the form of monitoring and feedback
2.  Social & Medical Centre of the Alivery area of the city. The Centre is located within the Roma population community and is providing social and health (of a 1st degree health) services from January 2005. With this Centre many demands of the Roma people of the area are being covered. Once a month the reference people for the project ‘Citizenship & New Inclusion’ were having a meeting with the rest employers of the programme ‘Social & Medical Centre’ and the beneficiaries as well, in order to check and collect new demands-requests and problems. This meeting was being held in the form of monitoring and feedback..
3.  Help at Home Centre that is addressed to the elderly population of the city and the people with disabilities. With this Centre many people from the immigrant population are being serviced at their home through the provision of 1st degree health’s services, health education, accompanying services, etc. The services are being provided in an everyday basis. Once a month the reference people for the project ‘Citizenship & New Inclusion’ were having a meeting with the operators and beneficiaries of the service and they collected new demands-requests and problems. This meeting was being held in the form of monitoring and feedback..
Methodology/tools used to animate the forums / •  Interventions within the provided and organized services (after the end of the meetings):
1.  in the Greek courses, the fora were organized after the end of the courses, directly with the people
2.  in the 2 next services, DOKPYs staff who work directly with the people, gathered their demands – problems during their sessions with these people (that are always held in a private-individual basis, and under a strict safeguarding of their personal – private data or sometimes they are held in group sessions)
Reference people (roles) / •  One social worker: responsible for the direct contact with the people, for gathering their demands and problems, for empowering them
•  One sociologist: responsible for the direct contact with the people, for gathering their demands and problems, and for the overall management of the project
•  4 representatives of migrants associations, directly involved in the project activities
INPUT / Direction from the coordinator on the content and form of the fora with specific papers to be filled-in during them (log-books) and proposed methodology to be used
OUTPUT and results / From the 1st year’s meetings the results were as following:
Immigrants who participated in the 1st year’s fora expressed their need to learn the Greek language, to be assisted through the provided services of Help at Home programme. Also Roma people expressed their need for further support
The process is on-going and it has not stopped with the end of the project. What was left is the methodology of organizing participating fora on a regular basis, in order to collect and listen to people’s demands and to find ways to service them and to follow up the response to their needs, also monitoring the improvement of their awareness about the importance of participating and expressing openly their ideas/claims/contributions to the community where they live
Quality and quantity indicators about the activities carried out in this phase / Place–venue: DOKPYs central premises, Social-Medical Centre (established within the Roma community of the city), Help at Home Centre
Profile of the persons: immigrants (women and men from various countries), Roma people
Participants: DOKPYs staff involved in the project, and rest staff who are in a direct contact with the people
Almost all women who took part in the fora are at risk of social exclusion and discrimination
Migrant women were most of the times heard also by their relevant associations (who were invited in the meetings), such as Albanian Immigrants Associations of the area, repatriates from the ex-USSR association of the area.
DOKPY as a municipal organization provided their demands to the relevant services of the area (e.x. the result of the cooperation with the Ministry of Education for the learning of the Greek language) and also lobbying at national level for the promotion of political rights
How the fora results have been recorded and disseminated within the project partnership / •  Log-books during the meetings
•  Regular e-mails with the coordinator
•  Presentations during the transnational meetings
•  Contribution to the story-book of the programme
How the fora results have been discussed with local institutions and decision -makers / The programme’s results were always used in meetings with the local institutions and the politicians either by themselves or linked with other subjects that also mattered those immigrant people. The methodology of the participatory fora was always shown as a good-example / practice of dealing directly with the people and gathering their demands
Why the connections with the NAP proved to be so weak / Most of the times in Greece the decisions are being taken at national level and that is why the local level’s recordings are not being heard. However, there has been a change in the last year, with the initiative of the Regional government that was organising regularly social-dialogue sessions, in which some of the groups exposed to social exclusion were taking part, but not in a large range (these sessions were organised in order to find ways for the provided services and structures that the next NAPs and the next funding schemes will include). Many things should be done in the future, and mostly the direct involvement of people exposed to social exclusion in the decision-making environment and not only through their supporting alliances (such as the social services in the form of DOKPY)
Will the fora continue in the future, after the end of this project / The fora proved to be a useful tool and they are a part of DOKPYs methodology through its work with the beneficiaries of its services. They are included in the form that DOKPY urges to boost the social consultation process in the area
How the fora results have been disseminated to the public / Through many presentations of DOKPY in various seminars, conferences, etc. the fora were being presented as a good-example of transnational action and innovative work

Check-list Realisation of the foreign public fora in Forlì -2005

Country: Italy Town: Forlì
List / Description
Specific objectives / The forums propose to trial a practice of participation and citizenship, in order to bring “private” needs into the public sphere, and to identify a collective dimension to individual requirements. A political practice that is based on the creation of social relationships and that takes place within the mechanisms of participation.
Moreover the project is considered as an important opportunity to give a voice to those who have been forced to remain silent. It allows those who don’t have the right to vote to influence political and institutional strategies, by organising forums as places of political participation and interaction between general society and the institutions.