1.  Describe the hydrologic cycle.

2.  What are nature’s purest forms of water?

3.  What is contained in natures purest forms of

4.  Describe the steps in which natures purest
forms of water lose their relative purity?

5.  What does gravel and sand remove in the

6.  List and describe natures three basic steps in
purifying water.

7.  What is, the best source of "pure" water?

8.  What conditions allow ground water to pick up
too high a concentration of dissolved minerals?

9.  Hard water contains an excess of which ions?


1.  What are the classifications of water

2.  If you boil water that has HCO3- what forms?

3.  What can be added to water to remove
calcium, magnesium, and iron III ions?

4.What problems do synthetic detergents

5. Which ions contribute to algae growth?

6. What products in your home may contribute
to algae growth?

7. Describe a water softener.

8. When water is hard it will not do what?

9. Define water softening.

D.4 – Municipal Water Purification

Pre-Use Water Treatment

What chemical is most often added to our water during pre-use treatment?

What is the purpose of flocculation in water treatment?

What is another “good” chemical that is often added to our water?

Post-Use Sewage Treatment

What is the primary thing that cleans our wastewater?

If the bacteria that are responsible for digesting wastes are not able to be seen, even under a microscope – how do we know they are there?

What could happen to the sewage treatment process if someone were to dump a large amount of acidic waste into the system?

What is the final step of the sewage treatment process that kills any remaining bacteria prior to release into the river?

Summary Questions pg. 78 (1-3)

Read pg. 79 – Regarding the cause of the Riverwood Fish Kill!!!