
Athletics / Sponsor/Coach / ContactInformation
Baseball – Boys / Pete Moore– Head Coach /
Basketball – Boys / Ed Enoch - Head Coach /
Basketball – Boys 9th Grade / Bill Delaney /
Basketball – Girls / Kathie Sims - Head Coach /
Bowling: Girls & Boys / TBA - Head Coach
Cheerleading / Angela Whelan-Head Coach /
CrossCountry-Boys / RussColeman-HeadCoach /
CrossCountry-Girls / Anna Baker –HeadCoach /
FieldHockey / LauraSwezey-HeadCoach /
Football–Freshman / Jeff Zeltt - HeadCoach /
Football–Varsity/JV / Mike Kapusta- Head Coach /
Golf – Girls JV & Varsity / Glenn Kaiser – Head Coach /
Golf–JV - Boys / JonHartmaier–HeadJV Coach /
Golf–Varsity - Boys / Mike Harmon –Head Coach /
Lacrosse – Boys Varsity / John Kurek – Head Coach /
Lacrosse – Girls Varsity / Duncan Swezey-Head Coach /
Soccer–Boys / KyleMcGrath–HeadCoach /
Soccer – Boys - JV / Pete Williams – Asst Coach /
Soccer–Freshman / TBA - HeadCoach
Soccer– Girls Varsity / Ben Winderman-Head Coach /
Soccer – Girls – JV / Bill Horner – Asst. Coach /
Softball – Girls Varsity / Joe DiFilippo– Head Coach /
Tennis – Boys Varsity / Ben Winderman- Head Coach /
Tennis – Boys JV / Kyle McGrath /
Tennis – Girls Varsity/JV / Vanessa DeLuca – Head Coach /
Track and Field – Girls / Brian Haupt-Head Coach /
Track and Field – Boys / TBA - Head Coach / Contact Athletic Office
Swimming and Diving / Kip Emig- Head Coach /
Volleyball / Kathy Tanner–HeadCoach /
Volleyball / Erika Richards – Assistant Coach /
Volleyball - JV / Jon Young /
Activities/Clubs / Sponsor/Advisor / ContactInformation
AdventureClub / Jim Shields /
Asian Student Association / Kelly Krier /
BlackStudentUnion / DennisWilliams /
ChessClub / Saul Flieder /
ClassAdvisors–Freshman / Jennifer Kemp-McMenemy /
ClassAdvisor–Sophomore / Joe Grady /
ClassAdvisors–Junior / Lauren Giselman
Angela Whelan /

ClassAdvisors–Senior / Marcey Varano
Megan Townsend /

Club Wave / Carey Rhodes /
ConcertBand / DavidSchopp /
Concert Choir / Bill Naydan /
DebateClub / Not running this year
Foreign Language Club / Sue McGorrey & Lynn Zerfass /

Future Business Leaders of America / Donna Doherty /
Game Club / Sean DeLuca /
Gay StraightAlliance / TammyvanSteenburgh
KristinHannings /

GoldenPenLiterary Magazine / RobinFarr /
HatChat–Newspaper / Kim English-Murphy
Stacy Soricelli /

HattersInc. / DianneHitchens
Tammy Norris /
HelpingLittleHands / Sue McGorrey /
Interact / Marcey Varano /
Key Club / TBA
Jazz Band / Chris Kuczynski /
MarchingBand / Tony Perez /
MathClub / BobLochel /
Model UN / Saul Flieder /
National Art Honor Society / Lauren Economou /
National HonorSociety / DJ Fromal /
No Place for Hate / MayaGoldberg /
Orchestra / ErinAntioquia /
Partnership / RoryMikulski /
Prom-Senior / PriscillaMartin /
Prom–Junior / DeniseCosgrove /
RedBlack / JenTooley /
Robotics / EricZygmont /
SkateClub / Not Running This Year
School Store / Ted Mulroy /
Ski Club / KenTrautwein /
StudentCouncil / Dave Thomas/Sue Ellen Thomas
Sue Ellen Thomas /

StudentsforSustainableFuture / VanessaDeLuca/Ben Bass /
Theater Club/Thespian Society / KristinHannings /
WorldAffairs / Bryan Moore /
Yearbook / TBA
YouthinGovernment / Bryan Moore /
Indoor Percussion / Tony Perez /
Indoor Guard / Tony Perez /
Comic Book Club / Saul Flieder /
HHTV / Dave Thomas /
Theater / Sponsor/Advisor / ContactInformation
FallDrama/producerdirector / LisaLitchko-Stunder /
OneActPlays / KristinHannings /
Spring Musical / LisaLitchko-Stunder /
StageCrew / Milt Kunz /

Explanations of some of the clubs:

Club Wave is a club that encourages students to become actively involved within their communities by harnessing the social entrepreneurial spirit of its members. Club Wave’s goal is to build leadership and team skills in its members so they can in turn design and perform youth-led service projects in their community. Club Wave is focused on inspiring students to work together towards changing the world for the better.

Foreign Language Club: Culture, food, activities

Game Club: We meet once a week after school in the library to play board games, strategy games, card games, and video games. It is still evolving, so it may look a bit different than now, but so far, things are going well.

Key Club is a student-led service organization for high school students, which draws its membership from the student body and is sponsored by a local Kiwanis Club. Members perform acts of service in their schools and communities, such as working at local soup kitchens, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. Key Club’s objectives are to promote the development of initiative, leadership skills and good citizenship, by providing its members with opportunities to spearhead projects and run for leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.

National Art Honor Society is for students interested in bringing art awareness to the community. Students must have taken Art Major I and at least one other art elective and hold and average of a 90% in those courses to be invited to join.