Sword Fern Investigation
Teacher page
Investigation Question:
Which habitat ______,______, ______has the most sword fern plants?*
· Show students a sword fern plant or an ID card of Sword fern
· Choose 2-3 different habitats along a path that have different characteristics-one more open, wetter, different forest types etc.
Map of area to show locations of sites would be wonderful, but not required to do activity
Meter Stick or dowel-1 per group
Tape measure or string 5 meters long-1 per group
Plant ID card of sword ferns-1 per group
Clip boards
Thermometers-1 per group
Recording sheets
- Choose 2-3 habitats that are different-along a stream, an open area, and in the woods are ideal.
- Divide students into groups of 2-3
- Explain that in field investigations location and site descriptions are essential to gather useful information.
- Give students information about Sword fern and general characteristics about the 3 habitats they are investigating.
- Have students predict which habitat will have the most sword fern plants.
- Have students lay out the 5 meter string along the trail. Using the meter stick (or dowel) have students count the # of sword ferns within the meter stick on both sides of the trail (off the trail into the woods) along that 5 meter stretch. Students record the # of sword ferns.
* Could also ask- How does distance from a stream (5, 10, 15 meters) affect the number of Sword Fern Plants?
* Could do for other plants as well.
Sword Fern Investigation
Student Page
Field Investigation Question:
Which habitat______, ______,______
has the most sword fern plants?
Prediction: Predict which habitat you think will have the most sword ferns:
Materials: Sword fern ID card, 5 meter string, meter stick or dowel
Sword fern Investigation Procedure:
1. Locate the first habitat______(site #1)along the trail
2. Record the date, general site description, location if possible of the site
3. Record the temperature and describe the weather
4. Measure 5 meters along the trail at ______
5. Using the meter stick count the # of sword ferns on both sides of the trail.
6. Record the number of sword ferns on the data sheet.
7. Locate the other 2 habitats (site 2 and site 3) along the trail and repeat steps 2 through six.
Sword fern
Field Investigation
Trial Number______
Habitat / Habitat Description / Temp.°C / # of Sword Ferns
Sword Fern
Field Investigation
Number of Sword FernsHabitat/area / Trial 1 / Trial 2 / Trial 3 / Ave
# / Habitat/area Description
Sword Fern Investigation
Question: Which habitat:______, ______, or______
has the most sword fern plants?
Habitat 1 description______
Habitat 2 description______
Habitat 3 description______
Habitat vs. Number of sword fern on a 5 meters line along the trail
Habitat / Number of Sword Ferns on a 5 meter line along the trailTrial 1 / Trial 2 / Trial 3 / Trial 4 / Trial 5 / Trial 6 / Trial 7 / Trial 8 / Trial 9 / Trial 10 / Average