SummerSundaySchool:will run until Sunday September 6thduring our10 o’clockworship service. This is a great class for our Nursery-4thGrade Students. 5thGrade and up are invited to enjoy the worship service with their families.
Youth Mission Trip:Thank you for supporting our Youth Mission Trip Team all year long! We are so excited to be starting our adventure on Friday July 17th! Please keep us and the residents that we will serve in Pocahontas, Virginia in your thoughts and prayers. Northside’s Youth Mission Trip Team: Michael Bilodeau, Patrick Condelli, Lexie Couture, AbbieDube, Emily Eldridge, Logan Eldridge, Shante Fox, Pharaoh Funderburg, Ryan Hart, Rob Krau, Megan Machell, Annalee May, Miriam May, Evy Nickerson, Elsa O’Connor, Addie Schonning, Rick Schonning, Kajsa Simon, Helene Simon, David Weeks and Patrick Wilkinson.
Want to email a teen on the Youth Mission Trip?Would you like to send some encouragement to our Youth Mission Trip Team? Well I have good news for you: You can do just that! Please remember that e-mails are public and should be kept appropriate and also remember that we can receive e-mails but we can not e-mail you back! To send an e-mail: Go to in the right upper corner click, “E-mail a Camper” fill out the form and send the encouragement!
Movie Night for our children at our Community Dinner:We invite all of ourSundaySchool Families to come for aFREEdinner here at Northside onTuesday July 21st!It’s open to everyone in our community! For our children, we invite you to come and enjoy a movie in the Library after you’re done with dinner! We’ll have arts and crafts for all ages! And of course we’ll have pop-corn! Make sure to invite your friends!
Would you like to volunteer this summer at Vacation Bible School? We would love to have you! Our program is for our Pre-K-5thGraders from Monday August 17thto Friday August 21stat Brewster Baptist Church in collaboration with Northside UMC & Cape Cod Covenant Church. We need volunteers Monday-Fridayfor our Morning VBS Program from8:30am-12:00ish. We will also be having 2 VBS Meetings on Tuesday August 3rdand Tuesday August 10thfrom 6-7:30pmto go over our fabulous week!(It’s the same meeting, so you would only need to come to one of them.)Please see Evy to lend a hand and Volunteer! Register online to volunteer at
New Mission Outreach Opportunity:For every month in 2015 we will collect specific items, for the Yarmouth Food Pantry. They have provided us with a list of items that they desperately need and soour focus items in Julywhich they have requested are“Breakfast Foods” (Cereal, Pop-Tarts, Pancake Mix, etc).”Therefore if you have any of these items that you could spare please bring it in and drop it off in the brown box located next to the offices in the Narthex hallway. If you have questions please see Kate.
Changing the World forJuly and August isUMCOR.The United Methodist Committee on Relief was created by the Methodist Church in 1940 in response to refugee needs arising from World War II. What began as a temporary relief program became a permanent part of The United Methodist Church in 1972. Renamed the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), since that time it has remained a unit of the General Board of Global Ministries. Today, UMCOR supports work in more than 80 countries. UMCOR’s work includes programs and projects in disaster response, health, sustainable agriculture, food security, relief supplies, and more.So let us with our loose changeon Sundaymornings help and support this program with their mission.By placing the change in the collection plates, every coin is making a difference! Thank you for helping!
Red Wagon Sunday:PLEASE NOTE FOR JULY THIS WILL BE ONSUNDAY JULY 19th(the thirdSunday). Please mark it on your calendars as the day to bring in non-perishable items and paper goods for the Yarmouth Food Pantry. Thank you so much in advanced for all you donate for our local community.
Champ Homes:If you are interested in helping serve, want to donate, or just come and see what this incredible ministry is all about please contact a member of the outreach committee or Kate. We would love to have each of you work with us in any way that you feel comfortable! The next gathering for Champ isJuly 27thwhere we will have a cookout in Hyannis!Everyone pray for sunshine!!!
FREE COMMUNITY MEAL!Save the date and join us for a BBQ Cookout onTuesday July 21stfrom 5 to 6:30pmat Northside UMC. All are welcome and a free will offering will be accepted. No need to RSVP just come and enjoy! All proceeds to benefit local outreach projects!
Community Dinner:Want to help? We could use various salads (macaroni, pasta, potato, etc)! Contact Kate or a member of Outreach if you want to help!
Taize Worship Service:All are welcome to join us for a contemplative, meditative, and sacred service onWednesday July 29that 7pmat Northside UMC. This is a great way to take a deep breath in the middle of a busy summer season!
God’s Plate – As of 07/05/15– Received last week $8,007.Received YTD $137,762
Weekly Budget Needs $5,700.Budget Needs YTD $153.900
BELLS:The bells will ring The Old Rugged Cross on July 17th given by Charles C Foster in memory ofDorothy M Foster
Heping Hands.Help Hands are officially on vacation for July and August. However, unofficially we still take urgent needs and occasionally do other odds jobs if someone is available. So, two things : 1. If you have an urgent need, call Pastor Fred774-212-1851(c) to see what can be done. 2. if you have other requests, you can let him know now so he can get it on the H.H. schedule for early Fall.Have a blessed summer
Please pick up your plates in the kitchen. They are on the cart. If not picked up by end of August they will be donated to Thrift Shop. And please remember to try to put kitchen items away in proper place. And not to leave food in refrig unless marked with name and date as we all need to do a better job at keeping kitchen clean.
Thanks so much and enjoy the day!
Spirit:The deadline for the August Spirit newsletter is Friday July 17th, 2015.If you have an announcement or article that you wish to have included please email it to Kathleen
Prayer Request:We believe in the power of prayer, and we invite you to share your concerns and/or your celebrations for people you know who are in need of the prayers of this congregation.There are three different options in asking for prayer.One, the information will be held confidential by the pastor.Two, the information will be given to our confidential Prayer Chain – a small group of people committed to praying for the person(s).Three, the name(s) will be put on ourSundaymorning prayer list – in which case, the person being prayed for must agree to have their name listed.You do not have to state the reason for the prayer, a name is fine.God knows the situation.
The Ladies’ Book Clubwill meet onJuly 22nd at 7pmat Karen Schrader’s home 25 Bog Pond Rd, Brewster. RSVP Karen at508-896-2311. We are discussing all the Euphoria by Lilly King.Any questions about the book club callDonna Raymond if you have any questions –508-362-8912.