El Camino College Inter-Club Council


Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 12:00pm

Activities Center East Lounge

I.  Call to Order/Welcome

Walter Mendez (I.C.C. President) called the meeting to order at 12:06. Quorum was established.

II.  Roll Call – these persons were present and signed the Roll Sheet

A.  Cabinet Members

1.  I.C.C. President: Walter Mendez

2.  I.C.C. Vice President: Ana Safazada

3.  I.C.C. Commissioner of Finance: Igor Letitchevski

4.  I.C.C. Commissioner of Review Board: Michelle Rahim

5.  I.C.C. Student Senate Rep: Brandon Davis

6.  I.C.C. Secretary: Jennifer Lee

B.  Voting Club Representatives

1.  Alpha Gamma Sigma – Ashley Sladek

2.  Architecture Club: Kirstin Nguyen and Javier Quintero

3.  Asian Club: Wing Sheung Man and Karen Hung

4.  Circle K – Steven Guhr

5.  Concert Choir Club: Monica Bruno

6.  ECC Society of Music: Monica Bruno

7.  Environmental Club: Justin Daté

8.  F.D.L.A.: Kyle Murray

9.  International Business Club: Sergio Guerra

10.  Muslim Students Association: Hafsah Qidwai

11.  Pre-Health Achievement Club: Clarissa Jones

12.  Rotaract: Jennifer Lee and Ana Safazada

13.  Science Club: Hashim Tyler

14.  Shepherds Club: Samuel Flores

15.  Tailor Made: Michelle Rahim

16.  Veteran’s Club – Marcos Ramon Soltero

C.  I.C.C. Adviser

1.  Janice Watanabe

D.  Guests

1.  Jeff Marvan (KECC)

2.  Alton Kim (Rotaract)

III.  Approval of I.C.C. Minutes

A.  Minutes were distributed for meeting of November 26, 2008

·  It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of November 26th. Motion passed.

IV.  Announcements and Introductions

A.  Club Announcements

1.  Architecture Club- Kirstin Nguyen

·  Meetings: Tuesdays,12:45-1:45pm in room TA-253

2.  Asian Club- Wing Sheung Man and Karen Hung

·  Meetings: 1st & 3rd Fridays, 12:45-1:45 in room H-303

3.  Circle K – Steven Guhr

·  Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm, Music134

·  Upcoming events: Winter Bash on January 31st – everyone invited

4.  Concert Choir- Monica Bruno

5.  EC Music Society- Monica Bruno

·  Meetings: Tuesdays, 1-2 pm in Music 2

·  Upcoming Event: Ars Nova Concert – admission is $20

6.  Environmental Club- Justin Daté

·  Meetings: Thursdays, 1pm in room NatSci 205

·  Upcoming Event: Dec. 20th, Heal the Bay at Docweiller Beach 10-12

7.  F.D.L.A. – Kyle Murray

·  Meetings: Every 1st Thursday of month, 1-2pm in PE-27

8.  Pre-Health Achievement Club- Clarissa Jones

·  Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tues at 1:00 in Physics 101

9.  Rotaract – Jennifer Lee

·  Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm in Admin-208

·  Upcoming events: Books for Uganda; Toys for Mexico

10.  Science Club – Hashim Tyler

·  Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in NATS-206

11.  Sociology Club – Jose Cholico

·  Meetings: 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 1-1:45pm in BSCI-317

12.  Tailor-Made- Michelle Rahim

·  Meetings: Tech Art 212 from 1-2pm

·  Upcoming event: Car Wash on Dec. 6th at Crossroads Church, $5

B.  Other Announcements

1.  Student Leadership class (Communications 1abcd) – see flier for more info

V.  Reports

A.  Officer Reports

1.  Finance – Igor Letitchevski

VI.  Business Items

A.  Approval of Finance Committee Recommendation – Igor Letitchevski

1.  Approval of Society of Music budget request.

·  It was moved by Architecture Club and seconded by Rotaract to approve up to $200.00 from I.C.C. Club Support Account #836515 for staffing expenses for the Ars Nova concert on December 14th. Motion passed.

2.  Approval of the Rotaract budget request

·  It was moved Sociology Club and seconded by ECC Society of Music to approve up to $2200.00 ($414.48 from I.C.C. Conference Attendance Account #836535 and up to $1785.52 from the I.C.C. Club Support Account #836515) for Rotaract students to attend the USCC San Jose Conference on July 16-19, 2009. Motion passed.

VII.  Information Items

A.  I.C.C. Children’s Holiday Party – Ana Safazada, Brandon Davis

1.  Date/time: Friday, December 5th from 11:30am-1:00pm in the A.C. East Lounge.

2.  Club participation

·  Entertainment – El Camino Society of Music

·  Craft tables – see attached list

·  Other volunteer opportunities – see attached list

o  Today, Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, 12-5pm – short ICC meeting in Act. Center East Lounge then wrap toys, set up the tree and decorate

o  Thursday, Dec. 4th, 10am-2pm – decorate East Lounge

o  Friday, Dec. 5th, 8am-11:30 set-up, 11:30-1pm party, 1-2pm clean-up

VIII.  First I.C.C. Meetings of the Spring Semester

A. First Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, Feb. 23rd at 12pm in the I.C.C. Office. Club Budget Requests for approval at the I.C.C. meeting is due by Friday, Feb. 20th (see I.C.C. Club Budget Request Procedures).

B. First General Meeting – Wednesday, February 25th at 12pm in a room to be determined.–

IX.  Open Discussion

X.  Adjournment

·  It was moved by Rotaract and seconded by Environmental Club to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:45pm.

Minutes recorded by: Ana Safazada and Jennifer Lee

Verified by:


Walter Mendez, I.C.C. President Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser

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