Unit 1 Math Plans

Lesson: 1.2 Points, Line Segments, Lines, & Rays

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7

Focus on SMP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

GMP2: Explain the meanings of the numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs and concrete objects you and others use.

Content Standards: 4.G.1

Materials/Prep: Math Journal, SRB, Notebook, MM p. 388-389, Slates, Markers, Socks, Ruler, Template, Compass, Calculator, Pencil, Study Link, Dice

Instructional Objective: SWBAT become familiar with tools for geometry and review points, line segments, lines, and rays.

Vocabulary: point, line segment, endpoint, line, ray

Getting Started: Mental Math and Reflexes/Math message TM p. 24

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math message follow up TM pg. 24; Reviewing Points, Line Segments, Lines, Rays; Endpoints; Drawing Line Segments, Lines, and Rays; & Journal p. 4 (independent)

RSA – MM p. 388-389

2. Ongoing learning & practice (Partner Activity):

Play Addition Top-It; Math Boxes

Study Link- 1.2

3. Differentiation Options

Readiness: Modeling Line Segments

Enrichment: Solving a Collinear-Points Puzzle or Playing Sprouts

ELL: Building Background for Mathematics words

Lesson: 1.3 Angles, Triangles, & Quadrangles

Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP3, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7

Focus on SMP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

GMP2.1: Represent problems and situations mathematically with numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs, and concrete objects.

Content Standards: 4.NBT.4, 4.G.1, 4.G.2

Materials/Prep: Journal, SRB, Notebook, Study Link, MM p. 388-389, Straightedge, slate, marker, sock, Advanced Prep: straws & twist-ties

Instructional Objective: SWBAT construct angles, triangles, and quadrangles and classify quadrangles.

Vocabulary: angle, vertex, right angle, triangle, quadrangle, quadrilateral, square, rhombus, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, kite

Getting Started: Mental Math and Reflexes/Math message TM p.30

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Review students’ answers to the Math Message & Review Vocabulary

RSA – MM p. 388-389

Homework review: Review Study Link 1.2 with whole class

Construct Angles, Constructing Triangles and Quadrangles & Journal p. 6 (independently)

2. Ongoing learning & practice:

Journal pg. 7 (Independently) Students will work on adding and subtracting whole numbers.

Math boxes 1.3

Study Link- 1.3

3. Differentiation Options

Readiness: Sorting Pattern Blocks

Enrichment: Solving a Polygon Puzzle

Extra Practice: 5-Minute Math

ELL: Comparing and Contrasting Quadrangles

Lesson: 1.4 Parallelograms

Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7, SMP8

Focus on SMP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

GMP8.2: Use properties, rules, and shortcuts to solve problems.

Content Standards: 4.G.1, 4.G.2

Materials/Prep: Study Link 1.4, journal pages 10-11, SRB p.100, TM p.14, Geo. Template

Instructional Objective: SWBAT classify quadrangles based on their properties.

Getting Started: Mental Math and Reflexes/Math message TM p. 35

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Develop definitions of parallel lines, lines, line segments, and rays.

Explore parallelograms and perpendicular line segments.

Math journal pages 10-11 independently

RSA – MJ 10 #2 & 3

2. Ongoing learning & practice (Partner or group work):

Play Subtraction Top-it

Math Boxes 1.4

Study Link- 1.4

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness: Exploring Parallel Line segments with Geoboards

Enrichment: Solving the Straw-Squares Puzzles or Playing Sz’Kwa

Lesson: 1.5 Polygons

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7, SMP8

Focus on SMP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

GMP8.1: Use patterns and structures to create and explain rules and shortcuts.

Content Standards: 4.G.2

Materials/Prep: Journal p. 12, SRB p.97, Straws and twist-ties.

Instructional Objective: SWBAT identify properties of polygons and distinguish between convex and nonconvex polygons; and explore geometric definitions and classification.

Getting Started: Mental Math and Reflexes/Math message TM p.

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Define properties of polygons (SRB 97) and complete journal page 12 independently.

RSA – MJ 12 #1

2. Ongoing learning & practice(Partner or group work):

Math boxes - 1.5 p. 13

Study Link - 1.5

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness: Constructing Polygons Geoboard

Exploring side angle properties

Enrichment: Identifying Properties of Kites and Rhombuses

Do them together

Lesson: 1.6 Drawing Circles with a Compass

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7

Focus on SMP5: Use appropriate tools strategically.

GMP5.2: Use mathematical tools correctly and efficiently.

Content Standards: 4.G.1, 4.G.2

Materials/Prep: Math journal pp. 14-15, slate, compass, straightedge, cardboard, scissors.

Instructional Objective: SWBAT use a compass to draw circles.

Getting Started: Mental Math and Reflexes/Math message TM p.

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Demonstrate & practice drawing circles with a compass

2. Ongoing learning & practice (Partner or group work):

Play Polygon Pair-Up

Math boxes 1.6 RSA – MB #3

Study Link - 1.6

3. Differentiation Options:

Enrichment: Solving an Inscribed-Square Puzzle

Extra Practice: Creating Circle Designs

Lesson: 1.7 Circle Constructions

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7

Focus on SMP1: make sense of problems and persevere in solving them

GMP 1.6: Connect mathematical ideas and representations to one another

Content Standards: 4.G.1, 4.G.2

Materials/Prep: Math journal p. 17-19, MM25, slate, templates, compass, tape, scissors.

Instructional Objective: SWBAT define a circle; explore designs with circles.

Getting Started: Mental Math and Reflexes/Math message TM p.

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Practice constructing circles using MJP 17-18. RSA – MJ 17

Review concentric circles MJP 19

2. Ongoing learning & practice (Partner or group work):

Play Polygon pair-up

Math Boxes 1.7

Study Link - 1.7

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness: Drawing Tangent Circles

Enrichment: Using Diameter, Chords, and Radii

ELL: Building a Math Word Bank

Lesson: 1.8 Hexagon and Triangle Constructions

Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7

Focus on SMP6: Attend to precision.

GMP 6.2: Use the level of precision you need for a problem.

Content Standards: 4.G.1, 4.G.2

Materials/Prep: Math Journal, SRB, Study Link, Template, Compass, Crayons, straightedge

Instructional Objective: TSW construct figures with a compass and straightedge.

Getting Started: Mental Math and Reflexes/Math message TM p.

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math message follow up; Making Constructions with a Compass and a Straightedge; MJ p.21-22; Constructing an Inscribed Regular Hexagon; & MJ p. 23-24

2. Ongoing learning & practice (Partner or group work):

Defining Geometric Figures MJ p. 25 & Math Boxes 1.8 RSA – MB #1

Study Link - 1.8

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness: Identifying a Regular Hexagon

Enrichment: Creating 6-Point Designs

Extra Practice: Inscribing an Equilateral Triangle in a Circle

Lesson: Unit 1 Review

Materials/Prep: old study links, journal, notebook, study guide

Instructional Objective: SWBAT distinguish between lines, line segments, rays, parallel lines, intersecting lines, and perpendicular lines. SWBAT name lines, line segments, angles, and rays. They will be able to define what a polygon is and construct various polygons. SWBAT distinguish between convex polygons and concave polygons. They will construct concentric circles and congruent polygons.

Math message: What is a polygon? Draw and Label - Line AB, Line Segment CD, Ray EF, Angle DEF. Draw a concave polygon. Construct a Concentric circle. Draw 2 congruent polygons.

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Study guide

2. Ongoing learning & practice (Partner or group work):

Math boxes 1.9

Study Link - STUDY UNIT 1